Assuming that you come prepared properly. Farming Vyrewatch sentinels is one of the few Slayer tasks that you should do. It is more of an AFK farming method for which you do not have to do much, and on top of your Slayer points, you also get a good amount of GP per hour. They are not extremely good money but compared to other Slayer tasks, they are worth doing, and you should not skip this task. It is nearly the same as the Gargoyle Slayer task but with better loot and the possibility of doing it almost completely AFK. You should just skip Gargoyles and do Vyrewatch instead.
– Level 43 prayer
– Sins of the Father Quest
– Task unlock from Slayer master for 80 points
– Standard divine superset
– Food to heal.
– Drakan’s medallion (reward for completing A Taste of Home quest)
Gear Setup:

- Full proselyte
- Dragon boots
- Berserker ring
- Barrows or ferocious gloves
- Dragon defender
- Amulet of Fury or Amulet of Torture
- Fire Cape
- Slayer helm
- Blisterwood staff(you get it during the Sins of the Father Quest)

– Super restore potions. These will prove useful if you forget to pray at the altar or just want to skip the altar altogether.
– Super combat potions. You will want to have a few of these for attack, strength, and defense bonus.
– Slayer ring. This one is a must as it will allow you to teleport away.
– Rune Pouch. You will be getting a good number of runes, and the rune pouch will help save some inventory space.
– Food to heal. Get whatever food you like. It will prove to be helpful if you want to save some super restore potions.
– Drakan’s medallion (reward for completing A Taste of Home quest). You will need this to get there.
– Vyrewatch outfit. Do not skip this if you want to use the bank located in Darkmeyer. If you do not need to use the bank, you can skip the outfit.
This is the only location where you will find Vyrewatch Sentinels. As mentioned, you need to have completed the Sins of the Father quest. To get there, you can teleport using the Drakan’s medallion, which will take you close to the entrance of the town in the southwest area. From there, you will need to walk north.

Because it is a popular task, you will see a few people AFK in the area. You can find Vyrewatch Sentinels almost anywhere in Darkmeyer, so you can kill them anywhere you find a decent spot. The closer you are to the prayer altar, the better.
- It is recommended that you have a 43 prayer level if you want to protect melee and stay there longer. Their Max attack is 17, so the level 43 prayer is an absolute must. The good news is that they are located next to a prayer altar. This means that there is no prayer cost for this task.
- Depending on the Blood Shard value, you can earn up to 1.5m GP per hour. You also get around 80K melee XP per hour.
- The standard Slayer XP per hour is around 20K. Depending on your level and gear, you can exceed that number but not by substantial margins.
- You can use a Vyre noble clothing outfit to access the bank and shops in Darkmeyer. This task can be completed without it, but it will be less efficient. The outfit also resets aggro from the monsters in Darkmeyer. Make sure you put on the outfit first before teleporting to Darkmeyer. Once there, just run to the bank and put on your regular gear.
- Keep an eye out for Blood Shards. They have a 1/1500 drop rate and are worth a few million GP.
- To maximize your GP per hour and your XP per hour, you should try to farm them in the spot between the prayer altar and the bank.
- You get infinite prayer points since you have the altar in the area. For this particular task, it helps to pray melee, piety, and rapid heal. They will help you better sustain AFK farm slayer points and GP.