This guide is about 20 AFK skilling methods in Old School RuneScape or OSRS. These methods are all viable.
You may only set up one trap at a time, but you get 1,000 Hunter XP per catch of these maniacal monkeys. This is like when you have an almost full redwood birdhouse when doing birdhouse runs.
Motherlode Mine Upper Level
You can access this if you have at least 72 Mining. You also have to pay 100 nuggets to Prospector Percy.

On the lower level, when you get pay dirt, you have a one out of three chance of depleting.
On the second level, you have a timer like fishing except that the times are shorter. When you mine a vein, you have a 15 to the 30-second timer before the rock depletes, which give you greater XP per hour than the lower level.
You also have over 60 available veins in this area, which makes it more AFK. The water circuit in this place is also close to the second level. Banking and also getting rid of pay dirt is faster.
Manical Monkeys
This method is AFK, just like birdhouse runs. You unlock Maniacal Monkeys at 60 Hunter, after completing Monkey Madness 2.

To start hunting maniacal monkeys, you must first mount a gorilla, and then you set up traps. You then lure maniacal monkeys with bananas. There are a lot of bones in the area, so that you may use the bones to bananas spell.
Pure Essence/Rune Essence

This is for mining AFK at low levels, you only need to have completed the rune mysteries quest. This spot does not move and you can mine a full inventory of essence in 50 seconds.
Creating Tars
You may create tars to increase herblore exp.
- For Guam at level 19, you need 21K GP/XP, and you get 60,000 XP per hour.
- For Marrentil at level 31, you need 4.91 GP/XP, and you will get 80,000 XP per hour.
- For Tarromin, at level 39, you need 7,4 GP/XP, and you get 105,000 XP per hour.
- For Harralander at level 44, you need 10,9 GP/XP, and you get 140,000 XP per hour.
1 Bar Items at Anvils

This is for AFK smithing XP. When you smith normal at an anvil that has bars, you will need four ticks per bar. If you AFK a full inventory of dark tips, you will need a minute and 5 seconds. Dart tips are profitable. You may also make cannonballs in which for each steel bar used, you need ten-game ticks. This will take 6 seconds per bar.
High-Level Trees

You may also do woodcutting in which you have a one out of eight rates of a tree falling. Therefore, if you chop high-level trees instead, you get more XP before the tree falls. If you want to have the best AFK XP, chop redwoods. If you are at lower levels, you might want to cut maple trees or yew trees instead. Maple trees are also available on free to play.
Sulliuscep Mushrooms

You may also want to woodcut sulliuscep mushrooms, which give you a good amount of XP. However, with sulliuscep mushrooms, you get a one in 16 chance of these mushrooms falls. To cut them, you need to move to the next mushroom to continue AF cutting. You also need a rake in the sulliuscep mushroom area and also food and antidotes due to nearby monsters. You get around 100k exp/hour here.
Wintertodt Shortcut

This is for agility, and you only need to spam click here. There is an agility shortcut in Wintertodt. It requires 60 agility and gives you 18 XP for each jump. You can get 25,000 to 30,000 XP per hour. Here you only need food and clothing. If you have 99 firemaking, this would be great for you.
Crafting Golden Jewelry

You may also create gold jewelry for crafting XP. You also earn profit with this. For 27 gold bars, it would only take 48.6 seconds. For free to play players, you may get around 40,00 to 45,000 XP per hour. You may also make gold amulets as well as gold necklaces while making gold bracelets are for members only.
Creating Bonemeal
You may also crush bones into bonemeal to get prayer XP. If you are an ironman trying to save money, you may just AFK bonemeal for around a minute and 20 seconds.
Monkfish Fishing

When you do fishing, if you fish for monkfish, you get ten times more XP than when you fish sharks. The catch rate for monkfish is also faster. You also need to do the swansong quest before you fish monkfish. You can get 30,000 to 38.000 fishing XP per hour doing this.
Cooking Raw Food

If you have 28 raw food in your inventory, you need around 1 minute and 7 seconds to cook all of these 28 raw foods. This method is great for mobile players.
Thieving Ardounge Knights

You may AFK thieving here. You may feed a total of 28 coin pouches, then you open all of these coin pouches. You can get 28 point pouches in about half a minute.
AFK Slayer

You get AFK slayer XP from this. You may use a cannon when slaying and also prayer to AFK monsters.
Fletching Logs
You get fletching XP from this method in which it takes 54.6 seconds to fletch one inventory of logs into unstrung bows.
Gilded Altar

You may AFK prayer here in which with 26 bones in 46,8 seconds, you will do a full inventory.
Soul and Blood Runecrafting

You also may get runecrafting XP with this. The runecrafting is not AFK, but the mining that is part of the process is.
You may also do glassblowing for AFK crafting XP. For a full inventory of 27 molten glass, you only need 48.6 seconds.
Creating Stamina Potions
With making stamina potions, you get herblore XP. With a full inventory, it takes around 32.4 seconds. And you also get around 230,009 XP per hour.
Gold Bars
You may also smith Gold bars for smithing XP with goldsmith gauntlets that you get from the family crest quest.