OSRS Mage Arena 2 Guide (Imbued God Capes)


As expected, you will have to complete the mage arena one mini-quest beforehand. Level 75 magic is also required, as well as unlocking all three god spells. To do this, you will need to have cast Claws of Guthix, Flames of Zamorak, and Saradomin Strike, every 100 times inside the arena. If you are not sure if you have unlocked these spells, trying casting them outside the arena, if you’re not able to do so, it means you have yet to unlock them.

Recommended Gear

During part 1, you won’t be needing any of the gear. However, each monster you will have to fight in part 2 has a negative 60 magic defense and a positive 80 magic attack; this means that your focus must be on defense.

Using black d’hide is strongly recommended since it is fairly cheap, allowing you to bring three higher value items that will increase DPS and add magic defense.

An occult tormented bracelet and ancestral hat are also advised. You can still swap to some other cheaper options if you can’t afford them, such as a mystic hat, glory, or combat bracelet.

For the ring slot, recoil is the best option since it will allow you to do some extra damage to the monsters.

Having all three god capes and all three stabs should be a must since you will be fighting the zamorak boss. You will need the zamorak staff to begin with, and if you are wearing a god cape, it should be zamorak as well.


Part I

  • Knife. You are going to need it to get in and out of the mage bank.
  • Stamina potion.
  • Enchanted symbol.
  • Food (wine, seed pod.)

Part II

  • Stamina potion.
  • 2-3 restore potions.
  • Enchanted symbol.
  • An extra recoil.
  • Knife.
  • Emergency teleport.
  • Around 100 casts of whatever spell you’re using.
  • Food (sharks, if possible).

How To Locate the Monsters

To start the mini-quest, speak to Kolodion in the mage bank and ask about additional challenges. You will get the enchanted symbol which you’ll use to locate three monsters.

Every time you use the symbol, you will be taking some damage from 10 to 15 points. This is why you will need a lot of food in your inventory.

The monsters’ locations change about every 30 minutes, so start by locating one monster only. Once you’ve done that, leave and gear up to fight them in particular. Return to kill it, take what it drops back to kolodion, and repeat the process.

* To locate the monsters, you need to click the symbol, select the monster you want to find, and it will tell you if you’re hot or cold, getting colder, hotter, etc. Once the game says that the symbol is shaking and burns to the touch, the monster will spawn.

How To Kill the Monsters

To get ready to fight a monster, teleport to either a house portal or clan wars to reset your stats. Grab your gear and inventory out of the bank; make sure to bring the right god cape and not more spells than you need.

* if you have a friend that has a high enough magic level to cast vengeance other, they can cast vengeance on you, which will help you to kill these monsters quicker.

All monsters have unique mechanics, but they do share some of them, such as ice barrage.


First off, put on your protect from magic and your highest DPS boosting prayer. Then go ahead and cast the flames of zamorak spell on the monster.

You need to stand far away from him because he can launch a ball of energy which, if you’re too close, you will be taking a lot of damage. It would help if you also fended odd from ice barrage by running away.


Once again, put on protect from magic and your DPS boosting skills. You can stand as close as you want to this monster. He will launch a sort of ball to you, which you will need to kill it, or else every 5 seconds, it’s going to heal him for five damage. Other than that, you need to attack him until he dies.


The special attack that the saradomin monster has is launching a little shockwave through the floor. If you get hit by it, he will drag you into melee range and destroy you. Keep an eye on the spiders to avoid getting poisoned as well.