This set of easy diary tasks require you to have completed the following quests first:
- Rune Mysteries
- Cook’s assistant

Required Skills
- 10 agility
- 15 firemaking
- 15 fishing
- 15 mining
- 5 runecrafting
- 7 slayer
- 15 woodcutting
Items required

- light source
- axe
- small fishing net
- rope
- tinderbox
- bucket of water
- pot of flour and
- a water talisman or tiara
Without these last two you will need to go through the abyss and will need food and armor to do that, so we recommend you get those items first.
It’s useful to have weight reduction armor and a stamina potion, as well as food and a lockpick if you have a low thieving level.
You will need 10GP if you haven’t already done the Prince Ali rescue quest.
You will need food or a spiny helmet if you haven’t unlocked the caves underground.
Choose a weapon that can kill a zombie of combat level 13 and you will also need extra food.
Lumbridge and Draynor Easy Tasks Guide
The action takes place in Dorgesh-Kaan, Zanaris and Al Kharid as well as Draynor and Lumbridge. Start at the Al Kharid bank.
Task 1
Catch some anchovies in Al-kharid.
Task 2
Travel north to the northern Al Kharid mine and mine iron ore. Beware of the level 14 scorpions – you may need some food if you’re a low level.
Task 3
Pay 10GP to go through the Al-kharid gate to Lumbridge. Walk to lumbridge, when you are there, pickpocket a man or women.
Task 4
Move into the courtyard at Lumbridge Castle. You will see Hans walking in circles. Talk to Hans and find out how old your account is and how long you have spent online.
Task 5
Make your way to the castle kitchen. Use the pot of flour and water to make dough – bake some bread and even an anchovy pizza if your cooking level is high enough, using the cooking range and the fish you caught earlier. You can then drop your pot and bucket.
Task 6
If you have unlocked the swamp caves earlier in the game during the Lost City quest, go into the basement then south to the Lumbridge swamps – kill one cave bug. You may have to do this task later if you haven’t completed Lost City yet. If the cave bug dies from poisoning it will not count towards your kill.
Task 7
Go back to the basement and walk outside towards the H.A.M hideout. On the way cut down an oak tree, then light the logs with your tinderbox.
Task 8
At the HAM hideout, pick the trapdoor lock. It may take a while if your thieving level is low.
Task 9
Travel northwest to the Draynor agility course – it’s south of the Vampire Slayer quest. Complete a lap of the rooftops.
Task 10
West of the Draynor prison, open the trapdoor you find there, climb down and kill a zombie.
Task 11
Resurface and go south to the wizard Sedridor in the basement at the Wizards’ Tower. Allow him to teleport you to the Rune essence mine.
Task 12
Mine one unit of essence and use the portal. Resurface and craft the water runes to finish of the tasks.
(to craft -go to Lumbridge swamp and between the two shacks use your water talisman on the runes or equip the water tiara).
At this point if you haven’t done the Lost City Quest, climb down to the dungeon and kill the cave bug now (see task 6)
Congratulations, the easy diary tasks are now complete! You get an experience lamp boost of 2500 points for any skill of your choice above level 30. You will get the Explorer’s Ring 1. This lets you cast 30 low alchemy spells per day without the need for runes. It lets you replenish your run by 50% twice a day. The ring doesn’t grant any Magic XP for casting spells, however.
You are now ready to try the medium, hard and elite Lumbridge and Draynot diary tasks.