Today we will be checking the fire-making skill and the lazy player guide to level 99. We will learn where to stand, what kind of experience per hour and what kind of drop you can expect.
This is one of the most simple skills in this game. Although this skill is not as useful as other skills, the quest “making friends with my arm” will allow you to light up some Braziers, which are pretty useful and can give you eternal light or eternal warmth.
There are two ways of firemaking to 99, and they are the traditional way and wintertodt. Wintertodt is a bit slower in XP but you can have a chance at that cool pet or the pyromancer outfit. Other than that you also can get some bank loot from the chest and it’s pretty AFK.
Firemaking XP reward
There are a total of 5 firemaking quest that gives you a total of 19075 total quest XP
- The giant dwarf – 1500 XP
- Heroes’ quest – 1575 XP
- Enlightened journey – 4000 XP
- Making friends with my arm – 5000 XP
- Enakhra’s lament – 7000 XP
Items required and best way to burn
All you need for fire-making is a tinder box. If you are on iron meme then you will need a woodcutting ax. You can burn a maximum of 1485 logs per hour if you never miss a click at all.
We will assume you can burn about 1200 to 1300 logs per hour for this guide. The easiest method to burn your log would be in Varrock.
You will fill up your inventory with 1 tinderbox, a stack of Varrock teleport tablets, and the rest with logs. You will teleport to Varrock city center and start your log burning. You will always start from east to west, as when you light the logs your character walks west. Once you finished burning you will reach Varrock west bank and you can run back in and collect all the needed items for your inventory and then teleport back to the city center.
Firemaking Level 1-99 Guide Semi-AFK

Level 1 to 15
At this level, you will be burning a normal log and you will need 61 of those, and each will give you 41 experiences for a total of 2440 experiences. You will earn about 48k to 52k experience points per hour to get to level 15. and it will cost you only 1100 GP.
Level 15 to 30
At this level, you will be burning an oak log and you will need 183 of those, and each will give you 60 experiences for a total of 10980 experiences. You will earn about 72k to 78k experience points per hour to get to level 30. and it will cost you only 5300 GP.
Level 30 to 35
At this level, you will be burning willow logs and you will need 101 of those, and each will give you 90 experiences for a total of 9090 experiences. You will earn about 108k to 117k experience points per hour to get to level 35. and it will cost you only 1600 GP.
Level 35 to 42
At this level, you will be burning teak logs and you will need 221 of those, and each will give you 105 experiences for a total of 23305 experiences. You will earn about 126k to 136k experience points per hour to get to level 42. and it will cost you only 42200 GP.
Level 42 to 45
At this level, you will be burning arctic pine logs and you will need 128 of those, and each will give you 125 experiences for a total of 16000 experiences. You will earn about 150k to 162k experience points per hour to get to level 45. and it will cost you only 70100 GP.
Level 45 to 50/60
At this level, you will be burning maple logs and you will need 1573 of those, and each will give you 135 experiences for a total of 212230 experiences. You will earn about 162k to 175k experience points per hour to get to level 60. and it will cost you only 11000 GP.
Level 50-99 Wintertodt
Wintertodt has official worlds which are 307,309,311 and 389. To get to the boss of Wintertodt you need to have level 50 firemaking. So just use the traditional method to get to 50 first.

Your warm clothing needs to take less damage and you need 4 of these. All 4 Braziers in wintertodt world will be lit so you will take less damage. Before the fight starts, light the brazier, allowing you to get some XP. Stand at one side to dodge damage and start chopping off the roots and once full add them to the lit Braziers.
The attack happens every 10 to 20 seconds and the damage you take is based on your fire-making level, hit point level and the number of warm items worn. Brazier will shatter when clusters of snow fall on them so try to avoid it at a specific time. For area attack snow falls in random 3×3 spaces, you can easily avoid them.
Wintertodt Gear Setup
You can use a pyromancer outfit for warm clothing, primordial boots, a dragon ax, and a skillcape. I have saradomin brew, hammer, tinder box, and construction cape in my inventory to reset my stats in my POH.

Wintertodt Rewards
Once the wintertodt is defeated, you will get your reward, but you need to have a minimum of 500 points. You will get a supply crate and 100 times XP of your fire-making level. These are the points you will get
- Lighting braziers – 25 points
- Adding Bruma root to braziers – 10 points
- Adding Bruma kindling to braziers – 25 points
- Repairing destroyed braziers – 25 points
- Healing pyromancers – 30 points
Lighting brazier will give a 6x firemaking level, feed Bruma root a 3x, feed Bruma kindling 3.8x, and fix broken brazier given 4x your construction level.
Alternative Route 60-99
Level 60 to 90 Yew Logs
You will earn about 243k to 263k experience points per hour to get to level 90. At this level, you will be burning yew logs and you will need 25050 of those, and each will give you 202.5 experiences for a total of 5072590 experiences. And it will cost you only 4.2 million GP.
Level 90 to 99 Redwood Logs
At this level, you will be burning redwood logs and you will need 21966 of those, and each will give you 350 experiences for a total of 7688099 experiences. You will earn about 420k to 455k experience points per hour to get to level 99. and it will cost you only 6.2 million GP.