Today we will learn some AFK lazy ways to reach 99 cooking without much effort. We will go through two routes, the first
AFK Cooking Route 1-99 – Faster
Cooking Gauntlet
The Family crest quest is highly recommended to be done before you start your journey to 99 cooking because you can get a cooking gauntlet as the reward from this quest. Cooking gauntlets will decrease the burned rate of fish such as monkfish, anglerfish, swordfish, and lobster.
Cooking locations
You need a game necklace to teleport to Burthorpe. Once reach here, we will run to the pub and reach the rogue’s den. Here you will have an everlasting fire that will never extinguish.

The bank that will be just beside you is called Emerald Benedict. So you can stay at one place and cook while also using the bank.
The Hosidious kitchen does reduce your burn rate to 5%, but you need 100% Hosidious favor to use it.

When you open your bank, go to the menu, click filler and choose all. You can swap the cooked fish in the inventory and use the full account.
Cooking quest
There are several quests that you can use to get XP. The total XP you can get is 44260. This is the list of quests and given XP
- Cook’s assistant – 300 XP
- Rag and bone man – 500 XP\
- Big chompy bird bunting – 1470 XP
- Gertrude’s cat – 1525 XP
- Heroes’ quest – 2825 XP
- Forgettable Tale of a drunken dwarf – 5000 XP
- Tai Bwo Wannai trio – 5000 XP
- Recipe for disaster (subquest) – 28000 XP
Level 1 to 15
At this level, you will cook raw shrimp. You will cook 81, but you need to purchase 120 just if you burn them. You will get 30 XP for each for a total of 2411 XP. You will get 35k XP per hour and spend about 5 to 10 minutes. The cost would be 4100 to 4300, and you will lose 2100

Level 15 to 25
At this level, you will cook raw trout. You will cook 78, but you need to purchase 110 – 120 if you burn them. You will get 70 XP for each for a total of 5431 XP. You will get 85k XP per hour and spend about 5 to 10 minutes. The cost would be 1900 to 2100, and you will lose 250

Level 25 to 35
At this level, you will cook raw salmon. You will cook 182, but you need to purchase 220 just before burning them. You will get 90 XP for each for a total of 14564 XP. You will get 110k XP per hour and spend about 7 to 12 minutes. The cost would be 7900 to 8100, and you will gain 400 to 500

Level 35 to 64
At this level, you will cook raw tuna. You will cook 3841, but you need to purchase 4200 if you burn them. You will get 100 XP for each for a total of 384069 XP. You will get 120k XP per hour and spend about 3.5 to 4 hours. The cost would be 210 to 225k, and you will gain 170 to 180k.

Level 64 to 81
At this level, you will cook raw lobsters. You will cook 14882 of them, and you will not burn any. You will get 120 XP for each for a total of 1785803 XP. You will get 140k to 160k XP per hour and spend about 11 to 13 hours. The cost would be 1.9 to 2 million, and you will lose 145 to 150k.
Level 81 to 90
At this level, you will cook raw swordfish. You will cook 22526 of them, and you will not burn any. You will get 140 XP for each for a total of 3153514 XP. You will get 170k to 190k XP per hour and spend about 16 to 19 hours. The cost would be 4.7 to 4.8 million, and you will gain 350 to 370k.
Level 90 to 94
At this level, you will cook raw monkfish. You will cook 17322 of them, and you will not burn any. You will get 150 XP for each for a total of 2598282 XP. You will get 180k to 200k XP per hour and spend about 13 to 14.5 hours. The cost would be 5.1 to 5.2 million, and you will gain 1.4 to 1.5 million.
Level 90 to 99
At this level, you will cook raw sharks. You will cook 24238 of them, and you will not burn any. You will get 210 XP for each for a total of 5089817 XP. You will get 270k to 290k XP per hour and spend about 17.5 to 19 hours. The cost would be 14.4 to 14.6 million, and you will gain 3.4 to 3.6 million.
AFK Cooking Route 1-99 – Profit
Cooking can give about 10 million in profit once you reach level 99. You can get 800k to 950k XP as you reach level 99, and you can finish it in 16 to 20 hours.
Gears and unlocks
The only gear you need is the cooking gauntlet, and you can obtain it once you finish the family crest quest. It is useful for AFK training. This gauntlet will decrease your burn rate but only works on lobster, shark, monkfish, swordfish, and anglerfish. It is recommended to buy a fire cape and get 100% Hosidious favor
Cooking locations
Hosidious range reduces burn rate by 5% and 10% if you have completed the elite Kourend diary. But the Elite requires 79 cooking, 90 slayers, and 85 woodcutting. Do not cook past 50 cooking without the Hosidious range. You can cook on fire or range, but the range has lower burn rates. The myth’s guild range has a slightly bigger hitbox; the rogue’s den fire is equal to Mor-Ul-Rek. You will need your cape to enter, and you will not lose it. Only show it to the guard once, and you can enter. The hosidious range is 6 tiles only from the bank, so you can use this if you have a chance of burning.
If you don’t have the cape, you can go to the cooking guild with the Varrock hard diary, two tiles from the bank. If you don’t have all those, you can go to rogue’s den, and it is zero tiles from the bank, but it has a burn rate because it is a fire, not range.
Level 1 – 15
Finish Cook’s assistant and Gertrude’s cat quest to get you to levels 4 and 12. With these quests, you only need to cook 28 shrimp. At this level, you need to cook 81 shrimp and buy about 200 shrimp to avoid burning all.
Level 15 to 25
At this level, you need to cook 78 trout and buy about 200 trout.
Level 25 to 35
At this level, you need to cook 182 salmon.
1-Tick Karambwan
At level 30, you can cook Karambwan, and for this, you need to complete the Tai Bwo Wannai trio quest. This is more profitable than angler fish. You can 1-tick cook here, and you will have a 51% success rate at level 30 and a 100% success rate at level 99. You will stop burning this at level 93 in Hosidious.

You will get 800 to 950k XP per hour at 93 and 400k per hour at level 30. At level 35, you can mix wines. This will cost you 7 GP/XP, and you will get 500k XP per hour, but this is not as good as Karambwan.
Level 35 to 50
At this level, you need to cook 790 tuna and buy about 1000 tunas.

Level 50 to 62
At this level, you need to cook 1938 lobster. You will stop burning at level 61 with a booking gauntlet and the hosidious range. But it’s safe to buy at least 2500 lobsters.
Level 62 to 87
You will stop burning monkfish at level 82 with cooking gauntlets and hosidious range. At this level, you need to cook 24257 monkfish and buy about 30000 to avoid burning all. It gives 97 GP per monkfish and about 0.65 GP/XP.
Level 87 to 92
At this level, you need to cook 12119 sharks. Buy around 13500 to be safe. It gives 128 GP per cooked shark and about 0.61 GP/XP. You will stop burning at level 89 with cooking gauntlets and the Hosidious range.
Level 92 to 99
At this level, you need to cook 28336 anglerfish. Buy around 29000 to be safe. At this level, if you want to try Karambwan, then you need 30731 to reach level 99 from level 93

Bake pie
- requires 65 magic
- Need pie cooking level
- Cooks in 3 ticks
- Casting bake pie needs only 1 astral rune
- You get 500k cooking XP/HR and 100k magic XP/HR
Alternative #3
You will need 80 cooking, a cooking gauntlet, and 100% Hosidious favor to get a 5% decreased burn rate. If you have done Korend elite diary, you will have 10%. We will cook sharks, and each cooked shark is worth 948, and a raw shark is worth 735. This is an easy AFK money method. Each cooked shark is 210 XP if not burnt. The total value of the cooked shark is 1237452, and you gain about 272k XP. Once done, go to the grand exchange and sell it.