Hosidius House Favour Guide
0-5% Favor
From 0% to 5%, at this point, you will be ploughing the fields.

When you plough the fields, you will use your hammer, and you will push the plough back and forth. This process is automated. You can also easily repair the plough when it breaks.
5-45% Favor
from 5% up to 100% or 45%, you will be using fertilizers.

For fertilizer, you can just buy 900 saltpetre and also 900 regular compost. Mix these two. You may also gather saltpetre manually if you wish to, If you gather saltpetre yourself, you only need 400 fertilizer. If you already have them together, go to the pergola and talk to clerk in which she will take your fertilizer to the bank deposit box.
Saltpetre Location
You can find Saltpetre north-east of the woodcutting guild in Hosidius.

45-100% Mess Hall
From 45% to 100%, you will do the mess hall.

In the south of the castle, you see a banquet where there are hungry soldiers. On top of your screen, you will see three different kinds of food. The bars represent the food that the hungry soldiers want. The more you feed them, the less they would want the food that you gave them. To overcome this, just hop. Each food gives the same amount of favor. What you can do is to stick to a specific food then hop as the soldiers lose interest.

In the kitchen, there are different items: a utensil cupboard, a sink, an oven: a food cupboard, and a meat table.

The serving tables can be found outside the doors.

For the meat pie, you need to have level 20 cooking.
Start by getting 14 bowls from the utensil cupboard and 14 flour from the food cupboard.

Fill the bowls with water from the sink and use the flour to make a pastry dough.

Deposit the bowls. Get 14 servery dishes from the utensil cupboard.

What you should do next is to make pie shells. Get 14 raw meat from the meat table and cook the 14 raw meat.

Add them to the pie shells and cook the pies.

Finally, click the table to serve them.

For the stew, you need to have 14 bowls from the utensil cupboard and 14 raw meat from the meat table. Cook the meat in the oven and fill the bowls with water in the sink. Add the meat to the bowls. This way, you will have meaty water. Then get 14 potatoes from the food cupboard and put them on the meat water. Cook the stew and serve it.
For the pineapple pizza, you need to have 65 cooking. You also need a knife as you prepare this dish. You need 13 bowls and a knife, and you have to fill up the bowls with water on the sink once again. Then you get 13 flour and add the flour to the bowls of water. You make pizza base with this and not pastry dough. You must deposit the bowls, get 13 tomatoes from the food cupboard and add them to the pizza. Also, get 13 cheese from the food cupboard and add them to the pizza as well. Cook the pizza and get 13 pineapples. Slice the pineapples into chunks then put them on the pizza.
Hosidius House Favor Rewards
15% Favor

When you are at a 15% house favor, you may steal from fruit stalls found in the town center.
35% Favor

When you are at 35%, you may plant your spirit tree.
50% Favor

When you have reached 50% of house favor, there is a farming patch that will be protected permanently from disease.
60% Favor

When you are at a 60% level of favor, you will have access to a farming guild.
65% Favor

When you are at 65% hosidius house favor, you will be able to plant grape seeds in the vinery.
75% Favor

At 75%, you will have access to the spot to train skills. It is the woodcutting guild that will give you an invisible boost of +7 for the woodcutting skill.
100% Favor

At this level, you will have the best range in OSRS. Your chance of burning food is decreased by 5%. Also, at this point, you may not play the tithe farm minigame. This is the place where you can actively train farm.
When you gain favor in one house in OSRS, it does not drain the favor that you gained from other houses. You can do favors in any house in OSRS, and you would not get any punishment.