Cooking is the skill that is the easiest to reach level 99 in Old School Runescape or OSRS. Doing so is also really AFK, and you can profit well from cooking.
Where To Cook
These are the spots where you can cook. You cook food in Old School Runescape on a fire or a cooking range. For some food, you burn a little less on a cooking range than if you use fire.
Rogue’s Den

You may light your fire, but there is a permanent fire in the Rogue’s Den about as close to a bank as you can get.

Rogue’s Den is located under the bar in Burthorpe. It is very commonplace to cook, but this depends on your cooking level as you may burn more food here compared to the Hosidius Range.
Hosidius Range
Here, you need a 100% Hosidious favour. But you have a 5% increased chance of not burning food in which you may cook higher level fish without burning them at lower cooking levels. You can use the xeric talisman to teleport to the Glade which is close by.

Cooking Gauntlets
The cooking gauntlets are rewards from the family crest quest, which is a pretty easy quest to do and with low requirements. The cooking gauntlets also decrease the chance that you burn fish. Here is a list when you stop burning food, as you can see with cooking guantlets you stop burning earlier.

You would want to use cooking gauntlets when trying to level up and reach 99 as they give you a boost, and they make cooking a lot easier, unlike when you do cooking without them.
Quests That Give Cooking Experience
These are the quests that you can do to give you cooking XP. There are not many options for quests to help you level up in cooking, though. The quests worth doing are
- Cook’s Assistant,
- Gertrude’s Cat that can get you to level 12 cooking
- Various Recipe for Disaster Subquests
Cooking Leveling Guide
When you use this leveling guide, you should use the cooking gauntlet and the Hosidius Range if possible. If you are not using both, you will get slower XP rates from cooking as you will burn more fish.
Level 1-20 Sardines
At level 1 until level 20, you will cook sardines in which since you start at level 1, you will be burning a lot of these sardines. You have to cook only 112 sardines for you to be able to reach level 20, and you also will get around 30,000 to 55,000 XP per hour as you cook sardines.
Level 20-30 Trout
You will be cooking Trout from levels 20 until 30. You will earn 70,000 to 95,000 XP as you cook Trout, and you only need to cook 128 Trout to reach level 30, and you will still be burning a lot of Trout as you are still at a low level.
Level 30-50 Salmon

For Salmon, you will have to cook this fish from levels 30 until 50. You also have to cook around 978 salmons for which you will then reach level 50. You will earn around 100,000 to 125,000 XP per hour cooking salmon. Cooking Salmon is a lot longer as you cook 978 salmon, but it will only take around an hour.
Level 50-61 Tuna
You will start to cook tuna at level 50, and you have to do this until you reach level 61. You will also stop burning tuna at level 59 at a kitchen with a cooking gauntlet. You also need to cook 2,010 tuna to reach level 61, and you will earn around 115,000 to 135,000 XP per hour.
Level 61-76 Lobsters

You cook lobsters from level 61 until level 76. You earn 150,000 to 165,000 XP per hour. You also should not be burning any lobsters if you are using the cooking gauntlet and the Hosidius Range. You need to cook 8,618 lobsters to reach level 76. At this point, you need to cook a lot more fish to reach higher levels, but cooking is fast, so that would not be a that big problem.
Level 76-82 Swordfish
At level 76 to 82, you will cook swordfish in which you need to cook 7,748 of them to reach level 82. You will get 180,000 to 190,000 XP per hour by doing so.
Level 82-89 Monkfish

You cook monkfish at level 82 to 89, where you need a lot of them. You need to cook 16,142 monkfish to move on from level 89, and you get 200,000 to 205,000 XP per hour. You also earn a lot of profit when cooking monkfish.
Level 89-93 Sharks
You need to cook 11,207 sharks to reach level 93, and you do this from level 89 to 93. You will gain around 275,000 to 285,000 XP when doing so. You may stick to sharks until you reach level 99 as you get to earn a lot of cash when doing so, but this is not the faster route to level 99.
Level 93-99 Anglerfish
You need to cook 25,387 Anglerfish to reach level 99 from level 93. You will also earn 290-315k XP per hour when you take this route, and you still make some profit out of it. Also, the profit is less than what you make if you cook sharks, but this is the faster route to 99.
Alternative Methods
You may make jugs of wine instead. This is AFK, but it also costs you money instead of earning. You need level 68 cooking to start making wines, and you will earn 500,000 XP per hour. However, there is a 12-second delay for the wine to ferment before you gain XP.
For Karambwans, you need 30 cooking to make them, but it is suggested that you start making Karambwans at level 90 onwards. You also need to do the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Quest to do this, and you earn 1,000,000 XP per hour as estimated, but this cooking is click intensive, which might be straining.
Dark Crabs
You make dark crabs, and they give you a profit at around 300-350k GP per hour. You need to be at 97 cooking to do them, and you stop burning them at level 99 cooking, and you will earn around 280-295k XP per hour cooking dark crabs in OSRS.