10 Best Goals For New Old School Runescape Members
This would be your guide on what would be your top 10 best goals as new members in Old School Runescape or OSRS. If you used to play the free to play version of OSRS and now you are a member, this is a list of the things that you might want to keep in mind and do. These are the best things to do on a new member OSRS account. These goals start from beginner to mid-game.
Overhead Prayers

Overhead prayers give you protection from range, mage, and also from the melee. To unlock these, you neck to level up your prayer skill.
These are prayers that protect you from attacks. They protect you for 100% damage from NPC monsters and less than 100% against other players. These overhead prayers are significant upgrades for your account.
They are handy when you go grinding or killing monsters. You need 37 to 43 prayer levels for all of the three overhead prayers mentioned. To unlock mage, you need 37. And you need 300,000 up to 600,00 in cash. With these overhead prayers, you can easily do quests.
Ava’s Accumulator

The Ava’s Accumulator is a quest item. You can unlock it by accomplishing the animal magnetism quest. You can do this quest early on in the game. For the animal magnetism quest, you need to have level 18 slayer, level 19 crafting, level 30 range, level 31 prayer, and level 35 woodcutting.
The Ava’s accumulator accumulates your arrows and the items that you use when you do range.
When you shoot something, you can just get the arrows back instead of picking up the arrows. There are times when you do not get to pick up the arrows again, and you lose them, but that does not happen with the Ava’s Accumulator.
Ardy Cape 1
For the Ardy cape 1, to attain this, you need to complete the Ardougne Easy Diaries, and you will receive this cape by finishing that.
In the process of obtaining this cape, you also get to unlock other things, as well as the requirements for this cape include level 15 fishing, level 5 thieving, biohazard, plague city, and rune mysteries. You must have already unlocked teleports to Ardougne to get this.
You can use this cape as an additional teleport to the Monastery.

Extra Coins
You may want to get at least 5,000,000 coins. If you pay for your membership with bonds, at least try to achieve 10,000,000 on the side. You need a lot of spare coins if you are going to be flipping in the grand exchange. This is beneficial in the early game because you don’t earn a lot early on.
Level 50 Slayer
This is not a requirement, but this is a good addition to your account. To get this, you need to have a decent bank as well as marginal combat stats.

You should do slayer as you play the game even if it may be a little tiring because it gets you to understand the different kinds of monsters in OSRS. It also helps you access more monsters and gets you more money. Therefore you should do slayer early on.
Recipe For Disaster Quest – Barrows Gloves
In the recipe for disaster quest, you get the barrows gloves. The barrows gloves are useful as you can use them in a lot of tasks. They are also the best melee gloves in the game.
The quest recipe for disaster has ten parts. You also need to have 175 quest points to complete this quest. In this quest with the requirements, the requirements also help you level up your account and stay on track in the game, so it is good to do this quest early on.
Level 61 Woodcutting

Woodcutting is a skill that is perfect for beginners. It is also effortless to do. There are not many requirements, and it is also very AFK. It will also allow you to make money, and it is also not very click intensive. At level 61 of woodcutting, you can also get a dragon axe. With woodcutting, you can easily earn some AFK money.
Kourend Favor

Kourend is an old continent. You need to go through quests to get accustomed to Kourend, and you get Kourend favor from doing these quests. With the Kourend favor, you unlock different aspects of the Kourend continent, which becomes very important later on. It is also good to earn as much favor from different houses in the game early on.
Dragon Scimitar and Dragon Defender
If you are into combat in OSRS, you should get these items early on in the game. You can get the Dragon Scimitar through the monkey madness quest. You are required to have 60 attacks for the dragon scimitar.
And for the dragon defender you need a total of 130 in attacks, and strength to get into the warriors guild to obtain the dragon defender, and 60 defense for the dragon defender also. The dragon scimitar and the defender are great melee weapons for training.
High Alch
You should have a 55 magic level to unlock the plethora of teleports in OSRS and the high alch spell. This makes it a lot easier for traveling in the world of OSRS. It is very efficient as it would allow your mage to do a lot more things in the game.