OSRS Wintertodt Guide
This guide is about Wintertodt, in which Wintertodt is a group skilling boss with the best fire XP rates in OSRS. It is also a nice place to start out for ironmen. Wintertodt gives a lot of supplies such as but not limited to seeds, ores, fish, herbs, and others.
Wintertodt is an activity that does not require high levels. You only need to have level 50 in firemaking. You also need an axe and food when you do Wintertodt. It does not matter what kind of axe you use.
If you have a lower overall HP level, you are going to take less damage. Wintertodt is easier to do if you do it when your account is just new, and you’re just starting with OSRS.
If you are at a higher level of hit points or HP, you need to eat more food from time to time to regain your HP.

You may also bring a tinderbox, a hammer, and a knife that you can also obtain in Wintertodt.
Warm Clothing/Gear
When it comes to your gear or warm clothing, There are some clothing or gear in OSRS that are warm. With up to four of these items, you decrease the damage taken from this boss. Some warm clothing you can wear is fire staff, lit bug lanterns, earmuffs, yak hide armor, hunter outfits or clue hunter gear.
How To Get Clue Hunter Gear
If you are at a lower level ironman, the clue hunter outfit is effortless to get.
You can get clue hunter gear by standing on the spots below and digging using a spade.

Pyromancer Gear
You can get pyromancer gear from Wintertodt. The pyromancer gear is also considered as warm gear. This gear can give you a firemaking bonus XP. You should wear this, therefore. But you cannot start with this item as you only get it from Wintertodt.
How To Get To Wintertodt(Wintertodt Location)
The easiest way to get to the Wintertodt camp is to use a games necklace. This necklace teleports you to the camp.
If you do not have it, you have to take the path on the north side of the Arceuus Library. You should not take the northwest path because there are wolves and ice creatures there that would attack you.

How To Play The Mini-game and Fight The Wintertodt Boss
309 is the official world for Wintertodt. You may solo here, but it’s not suggested. Just use 309, where there are a lot of other players who can help you out. As you enter, you will see six crates, and you can grab the supplies that you need from these crates.
There are unfinished potions in two of the crates. You may grab two of these. While you are in the entry spot, you would not take damage from Wintertodt. If you are low at health or already have enough points, you may stay in this area.
There are four braziers in the room. Choose the one that you want.

You can pick up herbs from the east or west sides of the arena, but you can only pick them up during the round. The Bruma herbs can be used to finish the unfinished potion that can heal the pyromancer.

Once the Mini Game Started
When the round starts, the braziers have to be lit. This gives 25 points, but you need a tinderbox to do this.

You should also continuously burn wood for you to be able to kill Wintertodt. You may chop Bruma roots near the braziers.

Do not stop chopping even when you take damage. When you have a full inventory, you may go ahead and run to the brazier and burn the logs. Burning them entirely will give you 10 points each log and also additional firemaking XP.
If you fletch the logs first, you will get fletching XP and also 25 points for each log. If you start taking damage from Wintertodt, you will be stopped, so you have to use your knife or logs once again, or you may start burning again by clicking the brazier.

If you see snowflakes and a snowstorm, make sure that you are not in a position under this because you will be dealt with a great amount of damage.

Exp Rates
For XP, you will get approximately 200,000 XP per hour if you are at level 50. At closer, to level 99 you will get around 300,000 XP.
Loot/Rewards From Wintertodt
For the points to get a reward crate, you need to have at least 500 points per round. You will also get two rewards here and a chance to have the third reward. You also get 100 times your level for firemaking XP. At 1,000 points, you will get three rewards and also a chance at a fourth reward.

Usually, the rewards that you will get are logs, raw fish, seeds, herbs, ores, and other supplies. There is also some unique loot that you can get. You have a 1 out of 150 chance to get a pyromancer piece, warm gloves, or a Bruma torch. You can get additional firemaking XP from pyromancer pieces, and they also serve as pieces of warm clothes. If you have the full set, you get 2.5% additional XP when it comes to firemaking. You can use the Bruma torch as a light source. It also works as a warm item. The warm gloves are only accessories.
From the crate, you can get some rare items, such as the phoenix pet, the tome of fire, and the dragon axe. You can get the phoenix fire with a 1 out of 3,000 chance, the tome of fire for 1 out of 1,000, and the dragon axe for 1 out of 10,000 chance.