Farming Hops In OSRS
Today we will learn a way to profit from low-level profit farming. There are several types of farming, like herb farming, which is much more popular than other farming, and hop farming, which is less popular but pretty profitable depending on what hop you are planting. Let’s learn about hop farming today.
What You Need
When doing hop farming, the seed takes about 40 to 80 minutes to grow, but actually, it takes little time and effort to set up.
- 4 Yanille seeds per patch which total up to 16 Yanille seeds for 4 hop patches
- 4 ultra compost to increase the yield to get more profit
- Protection for your crops(tomato baskets)
If you are at a higher level or using magic secateurs, then protection is not as neccesary.

You will also need a seed dibber to plant the seed, a rake to remove weeds, a spade, and a few teleports to move around. House teleport tablet is important because you will be going into Entrana later on, and once there, you cannot use your weapon, armor, or skill capes.

All Hop Patches Locations in OSRS
The first hop patch location is south of champions guild

The second location is just north of seers village

The third hop location is in Yanille.

The fourth and final hop patch location is in western Entrana. You cant bring combat equipment to Entrana.

Yanillian Hop
There 4 types of hop patches, but Yanillian hop is the most expensive right now, and the seeds are very cheap. Yanillian hops require 16 farming and take about 60 minutes to grow. You can use one basket of tomatoes on each crop to protect them, by talking to the farmer walking around the farm patches.

Start planting the seeds once you are ready, and don’t forget to use the ultra compost. The planting stage and running around took only 3 minutes. Now we just wait for the hops to grow. You can get up to 65 hops from one patch with ultra compost. Talk to the Tool Leprechaun to exchange your hops for banknotes, this way you don’t have to run to the bank for each location you harvest.

I used 16 Yanillian seeds, 4 ultra compost, and 2 house teleport tablets amounting to 3646 GP. Add that with 4 baskets of tomatoes that I used for protection will add up to 5102 GP. So in total, I profited about 94,000 with an effort of only 6 minutes. Except for wild blood, all other hops are profitable, but Yanillian hops are traded the most because they protect the mahogany tree.