In OSRS, there are many ways you can make money, from skilling to collecting resources.
A slightly different approach that many players forget to attempt is fighting monsters, especially bosses, for profit. Through PvM gameplay, you can make considerable amounts of money, depending on what creature you decide to battle.
There are many monsters and bosses to choose from in OSRS; not all of them yield a lot of money. Here are the top 5 monsters to kill in OSRS:
A good Monster boss to start your moneymaking journey is Cerberus. If you are not familiar with Cerberus, he is a Hellhound boss located deep within the Taverley Dungeon.

In other to battle this monster, you should be at least level 91 Slayer or more to obtain easier kills and be on a Hellhound task. Level 91 Slayer is a pretty high requirement compared to other monsters, which causes many players to dismiss him as a possible moneymaking boss in OSRS.
Difficulty: Medium
About Cerberus’s difficulty level, most players place him on medium difficulty. However, if you are a player with zero experience in Cerberus’s lair and decide to fight him without preparation, he can whittle you down little by little and deplete your Prayer points with his special attacks.
His attacks can be easy to dodge with proper practice. Either way, many people players have bitter memories regarding Cerberus because making a couple of mistakes with him can result in quick character death.
On the other hand, you require fewer skills to fight Cerberus than other bosses that will be mentioned later on. Overall, the amount of money that you make with Cerberus can be inconsistent because his regular drop rates are underwhelming and do not provide a lot of profit.
Additionally, you will need to invest a considerable amount of money in Prayer potions, primarily if you have not obtained a Spectral Shield (this gear reduces by half the number of Prayer points depleted by Cerberus).
Profit Per Hour

The only way that you would make money is by collecting rare drops, particularly the Primordial Crystals. Currently, this item sells for about 31.2 million, and there is a 1 in 512 chance of dropping the item.
On average, 35 kills per hour is a decent pace for this boss, as long as you have adequate melee and ranged stats, coupled with good gear. If you do this, you should obtain a Primordial Crystal every 14 to 15 hours, which translates to over 2 million gold per hour in loot, just from that item.
If you include the other items dropped by Cerberus, it can increase to 2.5 to 3 million gold. However, depending on your luck and RNG rate, you can make more money by collecting an extra crystal within 14 hours.
Overall, Cerberus can be a proper boss to get familiar with moneymaking due to its difficulty level. However, most players prefer to engage with monsters that drop more rare items and do not depend on a single item to make money. Even though it is very RNG to collect a Primordial Crystal when fighting Cerberus, you make a lot of money.

Vet’ion is another boss to make some profit in OSRS. This creature is located south of the Lava Dragon Isle and north of the Bone Yard and it is quite easy to find it. He is probably the only Wilderness monster that you will be able to make any kind of money in OSRS.
Additionally, Vet’ion has lower requirements to battle than Cerberus, and once you learn how to lure him, it just becomes a game based on luck. Although it is not that necessary to manipulate where he stands when battling him, it does enable you to kill it faster.
On average, the number of kills and GP you can make in an hour is balanced with the risk of being in the Wilderness. This is because Vet’ion is a low difficulty boss, and you do not need to be paying it that much attention when battling, especially if you have high combat stats. You still need to be paying attention, though, as there is always the possibility of PKers showing up when fighting it.
Vet’ion has a pretty good drop table with mediocre gear and seeing a PK every once in a while can help you make around 1 to 1.5 million gold in an hour.

When you become familiar with the boss’s mechanics, you can bring an alt character that can help you battle the Skeletal Hellhounds, which will accelerate the fight and even hold more loot for an even bigger profit.
Additionally, you can attempt to avoid some Pkers sp you do not need to lose everything with your main character. Your profit rate can increase to over 2 million gold per hour without really taking that much effort from your part.
Generally, the biggest issue when battling Vet’ion is trying to escape from a PKer, depending on how good you are doing this.
Pet Drop
Overall, this boss is a crowd’s favorite in OSRS and the ability to have it as a pet increases its chances to battle it, apart from making money. Also, since it is quite rare to acquire it as a pet, Vet’ion becomes a quite prestigious option. It on a 1 in 2000 pet rate, which is lower than most bosses.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
For the most part, Vet’ion is a well-balanced boss who you can fight fairly easy, but also make considerable amounts of money in the process. Although the biggest concern when battling it is confronting PKers, you should be able to fend them off without that much difficulty if you have good stats and gear.
Barrows is a minigame that provides boss-like combat for good amounts of gold.

Difficulty: Easy
In this minigame, you have to kill six brothers, and all of them are rather easy to defeat.
You can engage with this minigame by traveling east of Burgh de Rott. Overall, Barrows is one of the few mid-level moneymakers that can be enjoyable and available to do in OSRS.
To participate efficiently in Barrows minigame, you just need magic levels and some Melee or Ranged stats to grind the brothers out and obtain loot.
For example, with a level 75 Magic, you can earn a decent amount of money. The loot system in this minigame is similar to battling a monster boss. You can receive some runes as item drops, gold, and rare items that can be sold for some millions of gold in the marketplace.
The main difference with the previous item drops is that there is a higher chance of acquiring rare loot. In this game, there is a 1 in 17 chance of obtaining a barrows item, which ultimately reduces the amount of time invested in grinding.

If you want to look at it the other way around, you can try to make more money spending the same amount of time as if you were battling a Monster boss.
With any boss you fight, there is no way of knowing how your RNG will be on each fight since all the item drops are based on luck. However, this is reduced when playing in this minigame.
Recommended: Hard Morytania Diaries
Additionally, if you complete the Hard Morytania Diaries, then you have access to more rooms in Barrows, which can help you increase your loot and moneymaking. It can provide a constant flow of cash fighting in Barrows. Although the Uniques are not that resourceful, their drop rate, coupled with the low requirements to play it, makes it a formidable way to make a considerable profit in OSRS.
Apart from this, the Barrows minigame can help you understand how the PvM gameplay works if you are a beginner or have no idea how to prepare yourself for a boss-like fight. You can make money while learning how to maneuver yourself around a boss fight.
Brutal Black Dragons
Many players consider the Brutal Black Dragons as the Ultimate AFK moneymakers in OSRS.

To unlock Brutal Black Dragons, you will need to be at least a 77 Slayer, which is relatively low compared to the benefits of battling these monsters. As said previously, these dragons have the AFK factor, making it easier to multitask while fighting them.
Some players like to work on their hardcore Ironman while playing their main account. Thus, you can defeat the Brutal Dragons’ battles while concentrating on completing other missions or tasks.
Since you can multitask with these, you will be making a little bit of money and investing your time more efficiently. Out of all the monsters available for AFK, the Black Brutal Dragons are the only available in the Catacombs of Kourend. Because of this, you can also collect other rarities, like ancient shards and dark totems.
Profit Per Hour
Also, most methods that do not require much of your attention will not generate a lot of gold in OSRS, but with the Brutal Dagons, you can earn up to a million gold per hour.

However, this depends on your stats and gear. If you battle these monsters with higher stats and better gear, you can earn more money. Remember that higher your stats are, the faster and easier your kills are going to be. In AFK, earning a million in an hour is relatively and hard to do in OSRS. You would want to use a ranged setup while fighting these monsters.
Demonic Gorillas

To fight the Demonic Gorillas, you will need to complete the Monkey Madness 2 quest. This quest is master-tier and can be difficult to complete, even if you are a seasoned veteran.
Additionally, you will need to learn and master multiple attack styles. However, the most popular ones are Melee and Ranged. Magic is usually not used because you cannot inflict a lot of damage to these monsters.
In regards to weapons, a Blowpipe and an Arclight can generate a lot of damage to these monsters, which translates to saving money and avoid purchasing expensive weapons and equipment. However, if you acquire high-tier gear like Boots and Zenyte jewelry, it will improve your chances of killing the Gorillas faster.
Not That AFK
Some players dislike fighting the Demonic Gorillas for money because they are quite click-intensive, and you must pay attention to all of their moves. You have to watch out for their Overhead Prayers and make switches on your weapons and gear mid-battle, depending on the situation.
Once you get the hang of changing your attack strategy from melee to ranged, or vice-versa, and rapidly equipping the necessary gear, the fight is not that difficult. Nevertheless, understanding the mechanics of the Demonic Gorillas’ fight only comes with practice, trial, and error.

This includes rune weapons, noted herbs, seeds, and prayer potions. However, the most profitable drop is the Zenyte shard, which has a 1 in 300 chance of being dropped by the Gorillas.