Tears of Guthix is a fortnightly minigame situated in the Chasm of Tears and designed to protect the snake Juna. Every time it is played, it awards experience in the player’s lowest skill.
You can get to Tears of Guthix by using a Game’s Necklace or entering through the Lumbridge Swamp.
Before you can play this minigame, you have to complete the Tears of Guthix quest first.
The Tears of Guthix minigame is playable once per week, provided that you have gained 100k EXP or one quest point from the last time you played it.
How To Play Tears of Guthix
For you to understand the flow of the game, here’s how you do it:
- Tell Juna about the tale, and you will receive a bowl from her. (The bowl will give access to the area)

- Collect blue tears coming from the walls as much as you can, considering the time limit.

- Avoid collecting the green tears because it reduces your blue tears.
- The location of the collecting stream will change randomly after every nine seconds.
Notable Facts
The player’s deadline is defined by the number of quest points they have. That means that the more quest points you gain, the further your time duration will be. That being said, higher points equals the more potential tears you will collect. So, you can receive more ticks of time in the location for each of the obtained quest points.
When the timer runs out, you will have to exit the game and sip out from your accumulated tears. That will give experience to your most minor skill, the EXP depends on the number of tears you gather and your level in that skill.
So, make sure that you collect the most amount of tears that you can!