In this guide, we will cover the basic aspects involved in getting to Steel Dragons, including the recommended setups for both Melee and Mage.
Steel Dragons
Let’s talk about Steel Dragons first. They are level 246 in the Brimhaven Dungeon and level 274 at the Catacombs of Kourend. Their max hits stand at 22 and 24 respectively for Melee, and they can hit up to 50 with their dragon fire breath.

Steel Dragons are weak to stab and magic attacks, and they are also fairly weak to certain dragonbane weapons, including the Dragon Hunter Lance and the Dragon Hunter Crossbow.
When it comes to deciding which combat style to use, it is advised to pick Melee first as long as you have some D+ attack and if you are also using the Dragon Hunter Lance or the Abyssal Whip.
If this is not your case, going with a magic setup is better because it does a lot more damage per second, although it is a little more expensive.
Melee Setup
This is the recommended setup for Melee, focusing on the strength to speed up your kills. There is some good replacement included in case you can get your hands on the first option.

· Slayer helm. A black mask will also do the job, but if you can’t get either of them, the Helm of Neitiznot is your best option, followed by the Serp Helm and Obsidian Helm.
· Amulet of Torture. You can opt for an Amulet of Fury or an Amulet of Strength.
· Bandos Chestplate. The Fighter Torso and the Obsidian Platebody are still good picks. The Mon’s Robes are your best next option.
· Bandos Tassets. The Obsidian Platelegs, Proselyte, Barrows, and Dragon Platelegs will also be helpful.
· Primordial Boots. The Primordial is your best option when it comes to boots, but either the Dragon Boots or the Guardian Boots will do the job just fine. Worst case scenario, you can bring Granite Boots.
· Ferocious Gloves. The Barrows, Dragon, and Rune Gloves make for good replacements.
· Avernic Defender. You can also bring a Dragonfire Shield or an Anti-dragon shield.
· Dragon Hunter Lance. Both the Grhrazi Rapier and Zamarokian Hasta are equally great options.
· Infernal Cape. The Fire Cape will be your next best option, followed by the Mythical Cape.
· Berserker Ring. The Berserker is the ideal choice for your ring slot. The best next option is a Brimstone Ring.
· Rada’s Blessing 4. Any God Blessing will work too.
Prayer Setup

Inventory Setup For Brimhaven Dungeon

- Super Attack and Strength Potions.
- About 6 Prayer Potions.
- A couple of Anti-Fire Potions.
- A few Super Extended Anti-Fire Potions.
- Stamina Potions.
- A few Nature and Fire runes.
- Home Teleports.
- A Brimhaven Teleport.
- 875 coins
- 5k trading sticks
- axe
You will need the following items to enter the dungeons: 875 coins, 5,000 trading sticks, a bronze Axe, a couple of food.
Melee Inventory Setup Catacombs of Kourend

- A couple of Super Attack and Strength Potions.
- 6 Prayer Potions.
- A couple of Extended Anti-Fires
- A dose of Stamina.
- Few Nature and Fire runes.
- Some Teleports to House.
- A couple of food.
Magic Setup

This is the recommended setup for Magic, followed by the best next options.
· Slayer Helm. Black Mask, Ancestral Hat, Ahrim’s Hood, or worst-case scenario, the Infinity Hat.
· Occult Necklace. Third Age Amulet, Amulet of Fury, Amulet of Glory, and finally the Amulet of Magic.
· Ancestral Robe Top. Ahrim’s Robetop, Infinity Top, Enchanted Top, or the Wizard Robe will also work if you can’t get any of those.
· Eternal Boots. The Infinity Boots, Wizard Boots, Boots of Darkness, and the Mystic Boots are some good options.
· Tormented Bracelet. Barrow Gloves, Infinity Gloves, Chaos Gauntlets, Combat Bracelet.
· Ancient Wyvern Spirit Shield. Anti-Dragon Shield.
· Toxic Trident. The staff of the Dead, Iban’s Staff, Slayer’s Staff, or any other elemental combo staff.
· Imbued God Cape. God Cape, Ardougne Cloak, the Ghostly Cloak, or the Fire Cape.
· Seer’s Ring. The Brimstone Ring is your next best option, followed by the Beacon Ring and the Lunar Ring.
· Rada’s Blessing 4. Any other God Blessing.
Magic Inventory – Brimhaven Dungeon

- * Death Runes and Fire Runes.
- * Some Nature Runes.
- * An imbued heart.
- * A couple of Extended Anti-Fire Potions.
- * A Prayer Potion.
- * A couple of doses of Stamina.
The next items are needed to enter the actual Brimhaven Dungeon: either 875 coins and a bronze axe, or 5,000 trading sticks. You will also need a Brimhaven Teleport, some House Teleports, and a couple of Monkfish just to heal if you get damaged.
Inventory Setup Catacombs of Kourend

* Iban Blast Spell.
* Death Runes and Fire Runes.
* Some Nature Runes.
* An imbued heart.
* A couple of Extended Anti-Fire Potions.
* A Prayer Potion.
* A couple of doses of Stamina Potion.
* Some Teleports to House.
* A couple of food.
Steel Dragon Location
Brimhaven Dungeon

The quickest way to the Steel Dragons is by using the one-time teleport scroll and running west to the dungeon. However, to use the dungeon, you will need 5,000 trading sticks to buy from around 50,000 coins.

The other option is using a Brimhaven Teleport tab and then head south. The next best option is by using the Fairy Ring code CKR and then running northwest.

Catacombs of Kourend
To get to this location, you will have to complete the Client of Kourend quest beforehand.

The first way to get to the Catacombs is by unlocking the Teleport to Kourend spell, which requires level 69 of Magic, or you can also use a Kourend Portal. Still, you first you will need to get the Transportation Incantations book from the Gran Library in Arceuus.

Both options will teleport you right next to the statue to enter the catacombs.
Another way to get there is by using the Redirection Scroll that you get from the Nightmare Zone; it requires level 25 construction.
One of the final ways to get to the Catacombs of Kourend is to go to Port Sarim and then talk to Veos on the most southeastern dock. He’ll take you to the Piscarilius House, and then all you will have to do is head west to reach the Great Kingdom of Kourend.