The Skeletal Wyvern can be a difficult foe to fight, especially if you have no idea what you’re doing and what build to use to go up against a Skeletal Wyvern. This guide will give you the best tips and tricks for going against the Skeletal Wyvern, from where the Skeletal Wyvern is located to what build you need to beat it.
Skeletal Wyvern Information
- Combat level 140.
- Hitpoints: 210.
- Location is Asgarnian Ice Dungeon
- Attack style is ranged, melee, and uses icy breath.
- Max hit is 13 (for ranged and melee).
- Skeletal wyverns are aggressive.
- Weaknesses are Slash, Crush, and Dragonbane weapons
Slayer Info
It requires a level 72 Slayer level to be able to damage them. They give 210 Slayer XP and can only be assigned by four different Slayer Masters.
The combat stats are pretty high.
- 125 Attack
- 116 Strength
- 120 Defense
- 125 Magic
- 120 Ranged
Recommended Items Setup
Melee -> Ranged -> Magic

High healing food, prayer potions, dramen staff, house teleport. Rest are optional, but here are some more recommended items:
Rune Pouch
It holds 3 types of Runes up to 16,000 of each type.
Herb Stack
It stores 30 of any Unnoted Grimy Herb.
Bolt Pouch
Holds 4 types of bolts, 10,000 of each type.
It auto-buries Bone Drops.
You can use differing melee setups (builds) for this, but we will show you what we recommend. We recommend at least a 75 or higher level in combat stats.
High Level

1. Slayer Helmet
2. Fire Cape
3. Amulet of Torture
4. Blessing
5. Dragon Hunter Lance
6. Bandos Chestplate
7. Ancient Wyvern Shield
8. Bandos Tassets
9. Feracious Gloves
10. Primordial Boots
11. Berserker Ring (I)
Mid Level

1. Helmet of Neitiznot
2. Obsidian Cape
3..Amulet of Fury
4. Blessing
5. Abyssal Whip
6. Torag’s Platebody
7. Dragonfire Shield
8. Torag’s Platelegs
9, Combat Bracelet
10. Dragon Boots
11. Granite Ring (I)
Though this is recommended, you can swap things out to your preferences. The shields are highly recommended for protection against the Icy Breath attack.
If you want to do Ranged instead of the others, you can do that. Here is what we recommend for a ranged build. Keep in mind that we recommend a 61 level in Ranged or higher with these builds.
High Level

1. Slayer Helmet (I)
2. Ava’s Assembler
3. Necklace of Anguish
4. Amethyst Broad Bolts
5. Dragon Hunter Crossbow
6. Armadyl Chestplate
7. Dragonfire Ward
8. God Chaps
9. Barrow’s Gloves
10. Pegasian Boots
11. Archers Ring (I)
Mid Level

1. Void Ranger Helm
2. Ava’s Accumulator
3. Amulet of Fury
4. Broad Bolts
5. Dragon Crossbow
6. Void Knight Top
7. Mind Shield
8. Void Knight Robe
9. Void Knight Gloves
10. God D’Hide Boots
11. Archer’s Ring
Like previously mentioned, you can customize it if you wish, but we highly suggest using the Dragonfire Ward, Mind Shield, or Elemental Shield for protection against Icy Breath Attack.
If you prefer using Magic over Ranged or Melee, here is the setup needed to do so. We suggest at least being level 75 or higher with Magic stats.
High Level

1. Slayer Helmet (I)
2. Imbued God Cape
3. Occult Necklace
4. Blessing
5. Slayer’s Staff
6. Ancestral Robe Top
7. Ancient Wyvern Shield
8. Ancestral Robe Bottom
9. Tormented Bracelet
10. External Boots
11. Seers Ring (I)
Mid Level

1. Farseer Helm
2. God Cape
3. Amulet of Fury
4. Blessing
5. Smoke Battlestaff
6. Ahrim’s Robetop
7. Mind Shield
8. Ahrim’s Robeskirt
9. Barrow’s Gloves
10. Wizard Boots
11. Seers Ring
As mentioned before, you can customize it however you wish but we suggest using the Ancient Wyvern Shield, Mind Shield, or Elemental Shield.
Skeletal Wyvern Location(Asgarian Dungeon)
There are a few different ways to get to the Asgarian Dungeon.

- Use a Fairy Ring and use the code A-I-Q to get there. You’ll be just south of the dungeon.
- The second way is using a Rimmington House Portal and the running southeast, but you’ll have to relocate your house to Rimmington.
- The last way is to use an Amulet of Glory to teleport to Draynor Village, then run southwest to the dungeon.

The upper level is generally less crowded and provides some easy safe spots for ranged and magic.
Safe Spots
Here are some examples of safe spots(all tiles marked green are safe spots):