Rune Dragons Guide
The requirements for Rune Dragons are relatively high, but they don’t take much effort to kill, and besides, they make pretty good money.
- You’ll need to complete the Dragon Slayer 2 quest, which is one of the hardest quests.
- Rune Dragons are level 380 combat, and having a 90+ melee stats is strongly advised.
- 70 Prayer and Piety will also come in handy to kill them.

Justiciar helmet. If you are on a task, you should be wearing a slayer helmet or at least a black mask to get the bonus accuracy and damage. The Justiciar is a great option, although the Neitiznot Faceguard is a close second. The Serpentine Helm and the Helm of Neitiznot are your next best options.
· Infernal Cape. This is the best option for your cape slot, it is the best melee cape in the game, but if you are short of money, you can opt for a fire cape or the Ardougne Cloak. This last one has a stab bonus, which works nicely against rune dragons.
· Amulet of Torture. It’s costly, but it has some of the most significant jumps in stats. Next, you have the Amulet of Fury, followed by the Amulet of Glory.
· Rada’s Blessing 4. For your ammo slot, this is the best option that you’ll have for a prayer bonus, but any other blessing will also do the trick.
· Dragon Hunter Lance. In terms of melee weapon, this is the best against any dragon. The Hunter Lance has high accuracy, which is reflected in its price. A cheaper option is the Ghrazi Rapier, followed by the Zamorakian Hasta and the Abyssal Dagger.
· Avernic Defender. This is the best melee shield in the game followed closely by the Dragon Defender. Both of these are offensive shields and won’t help you much with damage, but they will speed up your kills. The Dragonfire shield is also a good option for those who like multitasking.
· Justiciar chestguard. The best of the slot chest plate for melee is undoubtedly the Bandos chestplate, but the Justiciar has an excellent defensive bonus. The next best is the Dharok’s Platebody followed by the Fighter Torso.
· Justiciar legguards. Completing the Justiciar set will give you a pretty decent defensive bonus, and it’s also good for AFK. The Bandos Tassets and the Verac’s Skirt are your best next options.
· Ferocious Gloves. These gloves are best for melee, although they don’t have defensive stats. A good replacement is the Barrows Gloves, which require completing a recipe for disaster, followed by Dragon Gloves and Rune Gloves.
· Insulated Boots. These are a must in successfully fighting Rune Dragons since they drastically lower the amount of damage that you take from Lightning attack.
· Berserker Ring. The imbued version is strongly recommended. The next best option is the Treasonous Ring imbued since it has a pretty good stab bonus, followed by the Ring of Suffering, given that it has good defensive stats and a recoil effect.
Inventory Setup

- Dragon Warhammer. If you can’t afford it, a good replacement is the Bandos Godsword.
- Divine Super Combat Potion. It keeps your stats raised over a full 5 minutes.
- Extended Antifire Super Potion.
- Super Restore Potions.
- Digsite Pendant.
- Bank Teleports.
- Food such as anglerfish.
Rune Dragon Location
How To Get To The Lithkren Vault
Lithkren is the island in which the dragons live, and the boat to take you there can be found on the western side of Fossil Island. Once you are there, you have to head inside the west building and go downstairs.
The first room is where you’re going to appear after you use your digsite pendant.

Keep going down the path; it will lead you to a hall with two gates where the dragons are at. To unlock the teleport, keep going past the gates and use the digsite pendant on the machine that you will find at the end of the path.

How To Fight Rune Dragons
You want to setup quick prayers for protect from magic and piety

Rune Dragons have different attacks. First off, they have regular dragon fire, so you’ll need the super anti-fire potions.

They can use each attack style:
The range attack looks like a small arrow
The magic attack resembles a burst of magic

The melee attack is a bite.

As expected, they have a couple of special attacks as well. One of them is a different range attack that can hit through protect from range, and it will heal the dragon from a portion of the damage that it did. This attack is the reason why using melee is better than range.

The other special attack consists of firing lightning at your feet, which does a little damage over time. Merely running away from it won’t help you that much since they will follow you around, but with practice, it’s doable to dodge them.

Once you fill your inventory with loot, teleport back to heal up and then head on back.
Rune Dragon Loot
Rune Dragons will always drop a rune bar and dragon bones. You might want to ignore the dragon bones since they are a little cheap, but the rune bar is worth it.

Some more valuable drops are the rune plate bodies, rune plate legs, rune war hammers, long swords, and other dragon drops.

There is a 1 in 800 rate that they can drop dragon limbs, which is a great bonus just above 3 million. They also have a dragon metal lump at a 1 in 5,000 rate, and they can also drop the draconic visage at a 1 in 8,000 rate.

Profit Per Hour
The amount of dragons you kill per hour is going to depend on your gear and stats, but you can expect around 35-55/hr.
You’ll be looking at a profit of 1M-1.4M per hour if you have all the right set up and don’t AFK too much, but even if you’re wearing less offensive gear, you shouldn’t have any problems making near to a million per hour.