Suppose you are new to Old School RuneScape. Or, If you’re an avid OSRS player and have found yourself starting again from scratch due to losing your previous account, it can take a lot of work to get back to where you were.
However, fear not; this article will provide a comprehensive strategy to help you build a new main account from scratch.
At a glance, the ultimate goal will be to achieve a max cape, collect pets, and earn enough gp to PvM. With the tips and tricks provided, you can progress toward your goal efficiently and effectively, allowing you to enjoy the game to its fullest.
Acquire Quest Cape
Your first goal is to acquire a Quest Cape. Also, it’s best to have an optimal quest guide plugin that will be used to get the most useful unlocks from quests. This unlocks most of the content in the game and by the time you finish the quest cape, you’ll have a solid base.

Herblore will be utilized to get some starting cash for useful items. Rushing fairy tale 1 for magic secateurs and starting to farm ranarrs or toadflax will be the easiest way to get some starting cash for basic gear.
Obtain Fire Cape, Graceful, Dragon Defender and Barrows
Rushing fire cape, graceful, dragon defender, and other useful untradeables will be a top priority. Simultaneously, you’ll be slowly working up skills to complete all quests.

With a Quest Cape in hand and Song of the Elves completed, this unlocks the only PVM with no gear requirement – The Gauntlet.
The Gauntlet can make 6.5m gp/hr with 7.5 completions an hour, which will be the best money maker until obtaining gear for Nex.

Max Magic and Ranged
That many completions/hr would not be possible until maxing magic and ranged along with unlocking augury and rigor. Hence, all the money made would be poured into those skills and prayers until completed. The goal at this point is to make enough money to buy gear to AFK melee in NMZ and get all combat stats maxed.
Grind Nex
As soon as the necessary gear is obtained, melee AFK at NMZ until maxed attack and strength. With that completed, move on to Nex.

Nex is the best money maker in the game, trading in bandos for karil’s and an ACB. With maxed combat, it is a solid setup to grind Nex to your heart’s content.

Slowly improve the Nex setup with GP earned over time and acquire an inferno cape. The goal is to get the max cape and pets and PvM. Hence, stick with Nex until all the gear is obtained for higher-level raids.
Max Cape
Buyable skills
After making 3b from a 200m bank at Nex, buy all the buyable 99s using the most efficient opportunity cost methods.
Agility through sepulcher and runecrafting through either mud runes or blood runes after guardians of the rift will supply you with tons of gp. Also, you’ll have a high pet chance for both methods.
Ardounge Knights or steal artifacts till 99. This is recommended before mining as the desert amulet requires 91 thieving, which is handy for volcanic mine.
Get Prospector outfit and do Volcanic mining till 99 or Motherlode mine if you want AFK. AFK shooting stars to get the celestial signet to craft a celestial ring for extra EXP.

Do your Birdhouse runs and drift net fishing to 80 hunter. After that, move on to herbiboar or black chinchompas.
Two tick teaks until you can cut suliusceps, then move onto suliusceps and finally redwood trees from 90-99.
Get lumberjack outfit ASAP.
If you are looking for the most AFK, go with Karambwan, its about 4 minute AFK time with a high chance of getting a pet. Otherwise, do barbarian fishing to get strength and agility experience. Alternatively, if you get the pet early, do dark crabs till 99.
Do point boosting first, and finish slayer unlocks, helmet, and task extensions. Do a mix of most efficient EXP and bossing to 99 slayer.
Do Wintertodt to 99. If you get the pet between 90-99 you can burn redwood since it’s a lot faster EXP.
Once you have max combat stats and gear, it’s time to start bossing. Begin with the easiest bosses, such as Giant Mole and KBD. Work your way up to harder bosses like Vorkath and Zulrah.

Remember to use the best gear and inventory setups for each boss to maximize your profits. Once you have enough experience and gear, you can attempt the most challenging bosses and/or raid content. Good examples are Theatre of Blood and the Inferno.
In addition to obtaining a max cape, acquiring pets can be a fun and rewarding challenge. Each boss has its unique pet that can be obtained by chance when killing it.
Some pets are extremely rare. An example would be the Jad pet from the Inferno. The Olmlet from the Chambers of Xeric is another good example. Keep grinding bosses to get your hands on these coveted pets.
In closing, starting a new main account from scratch and maxing it can be overwhelming. However, with dedication and the right strategy, it’s possible.
By following the steps outlined in this article, such as acquiring a Quest Cape, obtaining useful untradeables, maxing magic and ranged, and grinding Nex, you can progress towards obtaining a max cape and enjoying higher-level raids.
Remember that this process will require significant effort and time investment. However, the result will be well worth it. With perseverance and hard work, you can achieve max level efficiently with the guide above.