OSRS is a massively popular game, and one main objective is accumulating wealth. While it may seem difficult for a free-to-play player to make significant money, it is entirely possible. This article will explore a free-to-play player’s steps to make 10 million GP in 24 hours.
Kickstarting with the Stronghold of Security
The first step is to kickstart the process by grabbing the free 10k from the Stronghold of Security. However, it is important to note that trading is limited to one time.

Making Money with Limited Resources
With an initial investment of 10k, the first method of making money is to turn chocolate bars into chocolate dust, which yields around 200k GP per hour and needs a knife and chocolate bars.

The next step is to buy and resell items to make a profit. After reaching a bank of 100k, the goal is to make yellow dyes in Draynor Village with two onions and 5 GP. The yellow dyes are then sold for around 100 GP profit per dye traded to the grand exchange.

Making Pastry Dough and Pie Dishes
The next method is to combine flour and water to make pastry dough, a quick and relaxing process that yields about 200k per hour. You make around 80 gp per pastry dough created, and it’s also much more AFK than trading for yellow dyes or creating chocolate bars.

Buying and combining pie shells into pie dishes can be viable for a better profit margin if you want more profit. Once the first 100k is earned, buying more pie dishes to make the pastry dough quickly can lead to more profit. You make around 85 GP/pie shell created.

Making Money with Magic
If you want to make money while training magic, you can enchant Sapphire amulets of Magic to level 25 can make a juicy profit of 230k. We will need magic 25 to do the next method, so we might as well make some profit while getting magic levels.

Getting some law runes and chronicle help while moving around, running over to a shop, buying some air runes, and selling them for a lot can make about 200k in two and a half hours.
Buying Items From Shops For Profit
Buying things such as staff from Zaffs shop can be very profitable depending on the grand exchange prices. At the time of writing, it was a 200 gp margin for each staff bought from the shop. To do this, simply buy out the stock and world hop.

Buying a stack of Staff of Air for 1560 each may not sell well, but selling them for expensive prices can lead to gaining money from Staff of Air and making around 5k profit in a couple of minutes.
Testing out Brown Aprons, White Apron, Blue Skirt, Red Cape, and selling Pink Skirt for around 100 each can lead to good profit. However, Red Cape and White Apron may not sell very well.

So you have to test it yourself and see which items currently sell at a higher price, as it constantly changes.
The Best Money Maker in F2P: Bandit Camp
The best method is to sell items at the Bandit Camp in Duty-Free Shop at a high alch price. Purchasing items from the Grand Exchange below high alch price and then selling them to the shop for high alch price can lead to hefty profits.
You will need level 25 magic to teleport to Varrock after your items have been sold for maximum efficiency.

However, there is a risk of losing progress since it’s in the wilderness, with only 10 hit points, and the buy limits for items range from 40-125 per 4 hours. Testing items like green d’hides and rune plate legs can also lead to potential profits. It is important always to have a backup plan and be prepared for potential player killers (PKers) when trying to make money in the wilderness. Sell one at a time then hop worlds.

Overall, the Bandit Camp can be a great place to make money in F2P, especially for players just starting and needing access to higher-level content. However, it is important to be cautious and not take on more risk than you can handle, as losing progress or valuable items to PKers can be frustrating and set you back in your goals.
Whether flipping items on the Grand Exchange, making chocolate dust or pastry dough or venturing into the wilderness, there are plenty of opportunities to make money and grow your account. Making money in F2P can be challenging, but earning a significant amount of GP relatively quickly is possible with some creativity and persistence. Remember to be careful and watch for potential risks; you will be well on your way to becoming a wealthy and successful OSRS player.
After testing the Bandit Camp, let’s try other money-making methods. One of the methods was to sell items for their alch price and hop worlds to sell each one.
This allowed for some decent profit; maybe there are more efficient methods?
Some items were found to be over the GE price, so it required playing around with margins and letting them sit overnight. You will need around 500k to try the next method.
Another method was to run to the Staff/cloth shop and make pastry dough into pie dishes for GP.
2nd Best Method F2P Method – Archery Shop
With a little GP(500k+) in our pocket, we bought bows and arrows from the GE and then sold them to the Brian’s archery shop in Rimmington for a profit. Starting with Willow and Maple Longbows and adamant arrows. This method is more efficient the higher cash stack you have since you can buy more items without traveling back to the grand exchange.
After a while, we noticed we could use RuneLite to our advantage to increase the profit/hour we get with a couple of plugins. Let’s explore how to make this method more efficient with RuneLite plugins.

Use RuneLite Plugins
Setting up the menu entry swapper in RuneLite to sell five items simultaneously allowed for maximizing profits. The World Hopper plugin was used to hop between worlds quickly, and a 100k was made when first starting due to our low cash stack.

The plan was to invest in more expensive items and the wilderness shop when cash increased. Around 5 hours in, we now have 700k in our cash stack. In 5 hours and 20 minutes, we now have 953k. After you get around one million, teleport back.
Going Back To Bandit Camp
Buying green d’hide bodies, some rune daggers, pickaxes, steel plate bodies, and so on amounting to 953k was the first step to making a profit in the wilderness. Two energy potions and swordfish were taken, and 946k was risked. We made roughly 200k in 15 minutes, roughly 600k per hour.

While waiting for your high alch items to buy from the grand exchange, return to the archery shop and sell supplies.
Profiting with Jewelry
Various items such as tees, swords, access, and green d’hide body were bought with Grand Exchange. The next method tried was with gold bars, necklaces, and rings to sell for a profit of 350K. Ruby and diamond rings were sold.

The total profit is now 2.2 million in 8 hours.

Running a Peak Saturday Night
The next step was to log out, chilling, and back in with buys to sell classic items for a decent profit. It was a test to see how much one inventory would sell for. Selling them three at a time should be quick, and they will be worth more than 1,400-500 gold. Hopping a maximum of 100 times as necessary if selling five at a time or 75 times if selling three at a time. No PKs were encountered, and no one in the combat bracket was seen, so anyone up to level 32 could attack in the wilderness. We made around 500k after selling all these items to the wilderness shop.

It was safe from PKRs, with the combat level being 14. It was possible to make insane money in two minutes by selling five items and profiting 7.5K per world hop.
It took about 10-15 minutes to hop worlds, and almost 500K profit was made in 10 minutes. The caveat was that it required spending 8 hours buying the items and playing with prices. Those aren’t real-time spent playing as we logged out and did other stuff while waiting. So it takes some planning.
Return to the archery store in Rimmington to sell archery items until you get 3 million gold.
With 9 hours of playtime, you should now have around 3.2 million GP. But now we take things to the next level by making 10 million GP in 15 hours.
Buying and Opening Feathers & Bait Packages
We tried various methods to increase their profits to achieve this goal. One method was to hop into a world, get 10 of each item, open them, and hop to the next world. Each item yielded a profit of 1 GP, so we were looking at around 300k per hour from the fish shop in port sarim. Not great; the wilderness shop and archery shop are both better. So let’s do that instead.

Selling Items to Reach 10 Mil GP
After trying other methods, we found it best to keep selling bows and arrows to the Archery Shop in Rimmington while waiting for the high alch items. We headed to the Wilderness to sell items for high alch value to the Bandit Shop as soon as they were bought. We rotated between these two methods until we reached the 10 million cash stack. It took 16 hours to get to 10 million GP by using these methods, but keep in mind some of those hours were spent on trial and error, so you could probably do it faster by just using these two methods(once your cash stack is sufficient enough to start, around 500k).

Making 10 million GP in 24 hours in a free-to-play account is challenging. It requires patience, careful planning, and the willingness to take risks. We tried various methods, from flipping items to maximizing profits to making doughs, and reached their goal.
To make 10 million GP in 24 hours in a free-to-play account, you must be creative and try different methods. You can use the free 10K from the Stronghold of Security as a kickstart, make chocolate dust or yellow dyes or use the Grand Exchange to profit from shops.
Remember that some methods come with risks, so be careful not to risk everything in one go. With the right mindset and luck, you can make it big in OSRS.