Herbiboar hunting is an enjoyable though energy-intensive way of training Hunter. Experience points gained while hunting herbiboars would scale off your Hunter level; it provides a wide variety of herbs you can use for making potions or sell for a profit. Plus, it also gives a chance to receive a cool pet.
- Level 80 Hunter (77 + Hunter Potion or 75 with spicy stew)
- Level 31 Herblore
- To go to Fossil Island, you should have completed the Bone Voyage quest, which requires at least 100 Museum kudos.
Bringing the following items is recommended but not necessary:

- Full Graceful Outfit – for energy restoration
- Stamina potions – for energy restoration
- Herb sack – to store harvested herbs (requires level 58 Herblore)
- Magic secateurs – to increase the quantity of harvested herbs
If you don’t have an herb sack of your own, you can go to the nearby tree patches where only teak and mahogany trees can be planted. Talk to the tool leprechaun there to have your herbs noted.
Getting There
Mushroom Forest is northwest of Museum Camp. It’s a short distance from there to the nearest herbiboar hunting spot at the camp’s western border.

There are five spots in Mushroom Forest to start tracking herbiboars from. The map above shows all the locations where you can start tracking Herbiboars.
If you have unlocked the magic mushtree in Mushroom Forest, you can teleport to it through the other magic mushtrees you have unlocked. You can teleport to the House on the Hill using the Digsite pendant if you’re not in Fossil Island, then use the magic mushtree to get to Mushroom Forest.
There is a rowboat at the northeast corner of Mushroom Forest. If you’ve used it, you can take the boat from Museum Camp to get there.
Tracking the Herbiboar
These are the only spots where level 80 Hunter would be required; once you’ve started tracking, you would not need the boosting effects from the potions or stew anymore. You can start by inspecting the rock and follow the footprints:

Be careful not to touch the Ancient Fungi; they can be lethal, especially to lower-level players. Then just check the objects around you and follow the trail. Once you have followed the trail enough times, you’ll find a Herbiboar, simply click harvest.

If you track herbiboars often enough, you should begin to pick up patterns of their tracks and even predict where a herbiboar is going. Sometimes the trail will take you all over the island. Go to the tool leprechaun often to have your herbs noted if you don’t have an herb sack.

You may want to turn on the RuneLite features to highlight the tracks and make tracking easier.
It is possible to harvest up to 100k coins worth of herbs in 15 minutes, without magic secateurs. Herbiboars drop almost every herb available; toadflax is the only herb that won’t drop at all.
The types of herbs you would receive depend on your Herbivore level. For example, herbs that you can receive at any level from 31 are Guam, irit, avantoe, kwuarm, and Cadantine. However, other herbs only drop at certain Herblore ranges. These are:
- Grimy marrentill (31 – 78)
- Grimy tarromin (31 – 78)
- Grimy harralander (31 – 78)
- Grimy ranarr weed (38 – 99)
- Grimy lantadyme (41 – 99)
- Grimy dwarf weed (62 – 99)
- Grimy snapdragon (75 – 99)
- Grimy Torstol (77 – 99)
Some players may want to start herbiboar hunting with Herblore levels above 78 to avoid receiving lower-level herbs. Still, the herbs you receive makes this method quite profitable.
Hunter’s experience received increases as your Hunter level goes up. Going at a rate of 60 herbiboars caught per hour, you would receive 120,000 – 125,000 experience points per hour at level 80 Hunter. By level 99 Hunter, you would receive 150,000 – 155,000 XP/hour.

There is a 1/6500 chance you can receive Herbi the pet from hunting herbiboars. You can receive him after you harvest the herbs from the herbiboar. You can pay 500k coins to Probita in East Ardougne to have him insured when you receive him. If you lose him, you can reclaim him for 1 million coins.
Final notes
Sometimes when following the trail of a herbiboar, it can take you in circles, and you lose the trail. Other than that, herbiboar hunting is an excellent method of training Hunter overall, especially for Ironman accounts.