Grotesque Guardians Guide
The Grotesque Guardians are a Gargoyle boss, and it is the lowest-level Slayer boss in the game. As it occurs with many bosses in OSRS, most Guardians have many strengths and weaknesses. However, the Guardian Gargoyle is a solid mid-level boss fight for you to engage in.
Because of this, it is crucial to know the minimum stats that your character can possess to combat this creature and the best gear setups that will help you defeat it faster.

To fight any Gargoyle in OSRS, you must be level 75 Slayer or more. However, you could use a pie to boost your Slayer when battling regular gargoyles.
Gargoyle Task
You must be on a Gargoyle Task to access the Gargoyle Boss. This means that boosts cannot be used, which will require to be the specific 75 level Slayer or higher to do it.
Additionally, you must also unlock the area where the Gargoyle boss is located.
Brittle Key
To do this, you must acquire the Brittle Key and unlock the are one time. Usually, these keys are obtained as an item drop from regular gargoyles, from a 1 in 150 rates. However, these drops only happen if you are on a Gargoyle Task. This causes many players to avoid fighting guardians right away, but you only need one key to unlock the area. Afterward, you have unlimited access to the Roof, and you can visit it for as many times as you want.
This boss requires both Range and Melee during the fight, so it is recommended to have a level 80 or more in Ranged and Melee. Being at these levels, you will be incredibly strong and kill them easily.
It is possible to slay them with lower stats, but with an added difficulty. Remember that you can also kill the gargoyles for grinding, and the higher your stats are, the faster and easier the kills will be.
Recommended: Level 75 Crafting
Other suggestions when fighting the Gargoyle boss is being at level 75 or more in Crafting so that you can unlock and equip Slayer Rings. These items make it that much easier to reach the Guardians.


In regards to weapons, your best Melee weapon is the Scythe of Vitur. But, it is a costly weapon, and most players do not have access to it. Therefore, if you can acquire it, you can use the Abyssal Tentacle, a good option.
Other alternatives that are not as powerful as the previous weapons can serve their purpose are an Abyssal Whip or a Dragon Scimitar. If you are an Ironman and have not yet reached level 85 in Slayer, then the Dragon Scimitar will do the trick.
Ranged Weapon
Now, it is a different story when talking about ranged weapons. When using Ranged weapons, your best option is the Blowpipe, without a doubt. But, a great alternative is the Rune Crossbow if you do not have access to a Blowpipe.
As said previously, you have to be on a Gargoyle Task to battle the Gargoyle Boss. Therefore, you should wear the Slayer Helm for ultimate damage and better stats.
If, for some reason, you cannot unlock the Slayer Helm, you can use a Black Mask. Whether you use the Slayer Helm or the Black Helm, it is highly recommended to imbue your headgear of choice at the Nightmare Zone. Doing this will give you a boost on both Melee and Range. If you do not do this, the headgear will only improve your Melee level.
In the Melee Cape slot, you can equip the Infernal Cape as it is the best choice in OSRS. The Fire Cape will be the second-best option.
Some players prefer to use Ava’s Assembler because it will improve your Ranged stats, and it is undoubtedly the best option for Ranged Attacks. If you have not unlocked Ava’s Assembler, then you can resort to using Ava’s Accumulator. Although it is not as resourceful as the previous items, it can help you in certain situations, overall.
When attacking about amulets, the options will depend on what type of attack you want to favor in the battle, melee, or ranged. If you prioritize Melee attacks, the best choices are the Amulet of Torture or the Amulet of Fury. On the other hand, the Necklace of Anguish is the best option if you want to improve your Ranged Attacks. If you cannot acquire the necklace, then the Amulet of Fury is an acceptable alternative.
In your ammo slot, it will also depend on the weapon you are using. You should bring a Blessing if you plan on attacking with a Blowpipe so you can have some extra Prayer bonus. However, if you are using a Rune Crossbow, it is better to equip Diamond Bolts. Additionally, you can enchant them to increase your Ranged attack. Other players prefer Ruby bolts, but the extra space is not really worth it when fighting the Gargoyle Boss.
Other options include wearing the Bandos Chestplate and Tassets or merely having them in your inventory if you feel the need to change gear mid-battle to increase your Defense or feel that the monsters are reducing your Health too much. If you cannot afford these items, you can acquire some Blessed D’hide or Karil’s gear, which can also save you some inventory space. Other alternatives to have in your inventory are the Armadyl Chestplate and Chainskirt, as they are less pricey than the Bandos gear.
In your Shield slot, the Inverted Defender would be the best. If it is not possible, the Dragon Defender can serve as a formidable second choice.
You do not need to use a shield if you are using a Blowipipe, but it is good to use a Twisted Blucker when equipping the Rune Crossbow.
Grotesque Guardian Gargoyle Location
Grotesque Guardian Gargoyles can be found inside the Slayer Tower. The easiest way to get here is via the slayer ring or fairy code CKS.