Crafting Requirements
Skill Requirements:
- First, the player will need 27 Runecrafting (minimum), but level 59 – 75 of Runecrafting is strongly advised to make more runes per trip.
- Recommended Lvl 66 Agility to use the shortcut.
- Recommended Level 67 Magic
- Recommended Level 75 Crafting or level 80 Construction
Items Requirements:
You will only need some possible items in this section because most are optional. However, you need weight-reducing clothing, a cosmic talisman or tiara, and some essence pouches.

Regarding the optional yet strongly recommended items, you can find the slayer ring, quest point cape, the necklace of passage, and even the amulet of glory. Rune pouches (This is by far the most important of the optional items as it will make it possible for the player to carry even more runes).
Quest Requirements:
The player must complete the Lost City quest and, at the very least, start Fairytale II – Cure a Queen to have complete access to fairy rings, unless you use Edgeville bank instead.
Optional Requirements:
Even though it is possible to start crafting cosmic runes with the previous requirements, it would be wise to have an NPC contact spell, 300 slayer reward points, and level 80 of Construction to unlock the fairy ring and the Lunar Altar.
Crafting Process:
Depending on the method of travel the player selects to get to the Cosmic Altar, it could take about a minute or two minutes (including everything needed to bank and fill essence pouches required for the process).
All that is required is to withdraw the full inventory of pure essence from the bank and then fill the pouches with all the remaining essence. Remember to repair the pouches with the NPC Contact spell (Used to contact the Dark mage) and use the slayer and fairy rings to make as many trips as possible.

Finally, it is important to consider that you can obtain double cosmic runes at some point (Level 59 of Runecrfating). There are some of them near Edgeville and the Cosmic Altar; remember that the whole point of this procedure is making as many Cosmic runes as possible while using the game’s mechanics and skills as effective as possible. At level 75, the giant pouch will be unlocked, allowing more crafting at a faster pace, and with level 66 of Agility, a shortcut will be unlocked.

Simply teleport back to Edgeville and repeat the process.