This wilderness demi-boss is relatively easy to kill. However, the chaos fanatic has one mechanic that could be troublesome if you’re lower-level, which added to the fact that it’s out there in the wilderness it’s rendered a little trickier. That being said, you don’t have to risk much to kiss the chaos fanatic successfully.

The chaos fanatic has a combat level of 202 with hit points of 225. It’s always aggressive, and its max hit is 31. He’s not poisonous, his weakness is ranged, and he attacks with a magic style attack.

He has an attack strength and range level of 1 and a magic level of 200.
This demi-boss has a pretty solid defense level of 220, so that should be your main focus. For this reason, it is recommended to have at least a level 75 range so you can use the toxic blowpipe and also to guarantee some decent hits and, therefore, damage.
Having a minimum prayer level of 37 for the protect for magic prayer is also needed. Keep in mind that you will be out in the wilderness, so you’re going to want to have level 43 prayer for the protect from melee prayer.
Recommended Armor
Since you will be in the wilderness is smart to keep your gear fairly cheap. You can use this setup as it is or use it as a guide.

- Archer’s helmet.
- Amulet of glory.
- Ava’s assembler. Ava’s accumulator.
- Toxic blowpipe.
- Black dragonhide top and legs.
- Barrows gloves.
- Snakeskin boots.
- Rada’s blessing. You get this as a reward from the kourend diaries, and you can reclaim it for free at any time in case you die and lose it.
If you want, by all means, you can bring more expensive items such as a fury amulet, necklace of anguish, pegasian boots, god d’hide boots, etc. Just remember that you’re in the wilderness, and you wouldn’t want to lose your items.
* if you can afford it, you’re welcome to use a rune crossbow. It will increase your accuracy and damage by 50% against wilderness NPCs.

As far as the inventory goes:
- One ranging potion
- One saradomin brew
- One super restore
- Three prayer potions
- Summer pies or Wild Pies(the boss de-equips your items that’s why we have summer pies)
Chaos Fanatic Location
This demi-boss can be found into the deepest of the wilderness, just west to the entrance of the king black dragon’s lair. There are a few ways to get yourself there.

The first one is by using the arceuus spell the cemetery teleport. It requires level 71 magic to use. If you don’t have that level of access to the arceuus spellbook, you can buy a teleport tablet at the grand exchange.
Another option that you have is buying a ghorrock teleport, which requires level 96 magic to cast. This will transport you to the ice plateau in the wilderness.
You can also take the wilderness obelisks until you get to the location, or if you have the hard diary completed, you will be able to choose your exact destination and get there very quickly.
The last method is using a burning amulet teleport to the lava maze and running northwest.
How To Slay the Chaos Fanatic
As you head towards the chaos fanatic, set you’re protected for magic on, your range pot, and the go-ahead to start the kill.
Move away from the green attack; it will go up and then crash down, which will give you plenty of time to avoid it.

The red spells will unequip your items, so definitely keep an eye out for that type of attack(make sure you have full inventory at all times to avoid this mechanic, with summer pies it shouldn’t be a problem).

This boss’s mechanics are minor, and it’s really not hard at all to kill him. Go at it with your best weapon; a blowpipe with adamant darts will easily get the job done.
* try not to stay out here for too long because there are normally pkers roaming around. You definitely won’t want to lose all of your loot to them.
The drops from the chaos fanatic aren’t that great, but you could get an odium ward or a malediction shard although they are not very common.
To leave the chaos fanatic, just run to the east, head down into the King Black Dragon’s lair, and teleport out using your glory amulet.