Herblore Route 1
Quest and Requirement
- Druidic ritual – 775 XP (no requirement)
- Requirement drive – 1000 XP (requires 12 quest points)
- The dig site – 2000 XP (requires 10 herblore, 10 agility, 25 thieving)
- Shade’s of Mort’ton – 2000 XP (requires 15 herblore, 20 craftings, 5 firemaking)
- Zogre flesh-eaters – 2000 XP (requires 8 herblore, 4 smithing, 30 ranged, 30 fletchings)

Once you finish all of these quests, you will get 8025 herblore experience to put you up at level 25.
Amulet of chemistry
This comprises a ball of wool, a silver amulet, and cut jade. Once enchanted, it will hold five charges, and there is a five percent chance you will create a four-dose potion instead of a three-dose potion. After the charges are used, they will crumble to dust, and a new one will be needed.
Fastest method
First, you need to buy unfinished potions to start.
- Levels 3 to 12 – you can make attack potions, and this will give you 60k XP per hour
- Level 12 to 26 – You can make strength potions, and this will give you 125k XP per hour.
- Level 26 to 38 – You can make energy potions, giving you 168k XP per hour.
- Level 38 to 45 – You can make prayer potions, and this will give you 218k XP per hour (use an amulet of chemistry)
- Level 45 to 55 – You can make super attack potions, and this will give you 250k XP per hour.
- Level 55 to 66 – You can make super strength potions, and this will give you 312k XP per hour (use an amulet of chemistry)
- Level 66 to 81 – You can make super defense potions, and this will give you 375k XP per hour (use an amulet of chemistry)
- Level 81 to 99 – You can make saradomin brews, and this will give you 450k XP per hour (use an amulet of chemistry)
This method will take up to 30 to 35 hours to reach 99 and will cost about 150 to 160 million GP.
Cheapest Method Route 2
Make prayer potions from level 38 to 99. You will get 218k XP per hour, and the cost per XP is 5.9 GP. You will lose about 15 to 20 million GP and take about 65 to 70 hours to reach level 99.
AFK method
- Level 77 to 84 – Make stamina potions and get 280k XP per hour
- Level 84 to 98 – Make extended anti-fire and get 300k XP per hour
- Level 98 to 99 – Make superintended anti-fire and get 440k XP per hour
you will need
- 14469 super energy potion
- 80494 anti-fire potions
- 7681 super anti-fire potions
- 57976 amylase crystals
- 352700 lava dragon shards
Total time spent is 35 to 40 hours, and the total cost is about 130 to 135 million.
Torstol cleaning
Level 75 to 99, you can do torstol cleaning and need 788268 of them. You will get 45k to 150k XP per hour. Total time is 80 hours+, and total profit is 50 to 60 million.
Herblore Route 3
There are a total of 12 quest that gives a reward for herblore. This 12 quest will give you a total of 58850 XP
Level 1 to 3
You need to complete the druidic ritual quest. Once done, you will be rewarded with 4 quest points, 250 herblore XP, and access to herblore skill.
Level 3 to 10
You need to complete the recruitment drive quest. Once done, you will be rewarded with 1 quest point. 1000 herblore, agility and prayer XP, Gace of saradomin and Tempel knight’s initiate helm
Level 10 to 19
You need to complete the dig site quest. Once done, you will be rewarded with 2 quest points, 15300 mining XP, 2000 herblore XP, and 2 gold bars.
(You will need to have an amulet of chemistry and unfinished potions)
Level 19 to 26 (method 1)
Make strength potions. You need tarromin potion and limpwurt root. You need 96 of them, and you will get 50 XP per item for a total of 4767. Experience per hour is 105 to 110k. The cost is 94 to 97k, and you will lose 75k with 15 GP lost per XP
Level 19 to 26 (method 2)
Make serum 207. You need tarromin potion and ashes. You need 96 of them, and you will get 50 XP per item for a total of 4767. Experience per hour is 105 to 110k. The cost is 28 to 29k, and you will lose 27 to 28k with 6 GP lost per XP
Level 26 to 38
Make energy potions. You need a harralander potion and chocolate dust. You need 322 of them, and you will get 67.5 XP per item with a total of 21668 XP. Experience per hour is 141 to 148k. The cost is 255 to 260k, and you will lose 165 to 170k with 7 GP lost per XP
Level 38 to 45
Make prayer potions. You need a ranarr potion and snape grass. You need 356 of them, and you will get 87.5 XP per item with a total of 31104 XP. Experience per hour is 183 to 192k. The cost is 2.9 to 3 million, and you will lose 210 to 230k with 6 GP lost per XP
Level 38 to 63
Make prayer potions. You need a ranarr potion and snape grass. You need 3866 of them, and you will get 87.5 XP per item with a total of 338191 XP. Experience per hour is 183 to 192k. The cost is 32.1 to 32.3 million, and you will lose 2.3 to 2.5 million with 6 GP lost per XP
Level 45 to 63
Make super attack pots. You need an irit potion and the eye of a newt. You need 3071 of them, and you will get 100 XP per item for 307087. Experience per hour is 210k to 220k. The cost is 3.1 to 3.3 million, and you will lose 2.7 to 2.8 million with a 9 GP lost per XP
Level 63 to 80
Make super restore. You need a snapdragon potion and a red spider’s egg. You need 11351 of them, and you will get 142.5 XP per item for 1617469. Experience per hour is 299k to 313k. The cost is 117 to 118million, and you will lose 10.7 to 10.9 million with an 8 GP lost per XP
Level 80 to 84
Make bastion potions. You need CAD, blood potion, and wine of zamorak. You need 6228 of them, and you will get 155 XP per hour with a total XP of 965305. Experience per hour is 325k to 341k. The cost is 32 to 33 million, and you will lose 10.8 to 11 million GP with 8.5 GP per XP.
Level 84 to 94
Make extended anti-fire. You need an anti-fire potion and lava scale shard. You need 45394 of them, and you will get 110 XP per hour with a total XP of 4993421. Experience per hour is 231 to 242k. The cost is 72.5 to 73.5 million, and you will lose 52.5 to 53.5million GP with 10.5 GP per XP.
Level 94 to 99
You make anti-venom. You need anti-venom and torstol. You need 40319 and will get 125 XP per hour for 5039817 XP. You get 262 to 275k XP per hour. The cost is 469 to 471 million, and you lose 25 to 26 million GP with 4.5 GP per XP
Level 92 to 99 (alternate method)

You make super anti-fire. You need anti-fire potions and crushed sup, drag, and bones. You need 50133 and get 130 XP per item for a total of 6517178 XP. Experience per hour is 273 to 286k. The total cost is 655 to 658 million, and you lose 19.5 to 19.8 GP3 GP per XP
Level 98 to 99 (alternate method)
You make extended super anti-fire. You need extended super anti-fire potions and lava scale shards. You need 7681 of them, and you get 160 XP from each with a total of 1228825 XP. Experience per hour is 336 to 352k per hour. The total cost is 108 to 109 million, and you lose 5.7 to 5.8 million with 9 GP per XP
Herblore Route 4
You need to finish the druidic ritual quest to get to level 3. Other recommended quests are shades of Morton and song of the elves.
Balanced route
Level 3 to 15
- Make attack potion
- Takes 3 minutes
- Cost 10k GP
Level 15 to 26
- Make serum 207
- Takes 3 minutes
- Cost 35k GP
Level 26 to 38
- Make energy potions
- Takes 10 minutes
- Cost 150k GP
Level 38 to 63
- Make prayer potion
- Takes 1 hour 30 minutes
- Cost 1.8 million GP
Level 63 to 90
- Make super restore potions
- Takes 15 hours
- Cost 40 million
Level 90 to
- Make super combat potions
- Takes 26 hours
- Cost 30 million
This route will cost you 72 million GP and the time spent is 43 hours.
Cheapest route
Level 38 to 90
- Make prayer potions
- Takes 25 hours
- Cost 30 million GP
Level 90 to 94
- Make super combat potions
- Takes 9 hours
- Cost 10 million GP
Level 94 to 99
- Make anti-venom+
- Takes 34 hours
- Cost 9 million GP
This route will cost you 49 million and the time spent is 68 hours.
Fastest route
Level 63 to 66
- Make a super restore potion
- Takes 30 minutes
- Cost 1 million GP
Level 66 to 69
- Make a super defense potion
- Takes 30 minutes
- Cost 1.5 million GP
Level 69 to 72
- Make anti-fire potion
- Takes 40 minutes
- Cost 2.2 million GP
Level 72 to 76
- Make arranging potions
- Takes 1 hour 10 minutes
- Cost 4.5 million GP
Level 76 to 81
- Make magic potions
- Takes 2 hours
- Cost 10 million
Level 81 to 99
- Make saradomin brews
- Takes 25 hours
- Cost 150 million GP
This route will cost you 171 million and the time spent is 31 hours.