You may want to have more than -30 magic attack bonus and more than nine prayer bonus for the requirements.
You need to have completed the Priest in Peril quest and the Restless Ghost quest and Nature’s Spirit quest for the quests that you have to do before you do barrows.
It is also helpful if you have already completed the
- Underground Pass
- Horror from Deep
- Lost City quest.
Minimum Low-Level Setup

When it comes to your minimum low-level setup, you may want to have level 43 prayer, level 60 attack, level 60 strength, level 40 defense, level 50 magic, 0 for range, and 60 HP.
Your gear here would cost 500,000. You also don’t need to use much prayer potions with this setup. You may use any book you have or the book of balance for the book if you have it. You may also use a brooder shield. For food and potions, bring 5 to 6 prayer potions, a super attack potion, a super strength potion, a restore potion, and a stamina potion. Use mystic boots too and a special attack weapon.
Recommended Low-Level Stats/Gear

Here, you should have level 43 prayer, level 60 attack, level 60 strength, level 60 defense, level 50 magic, level 50 range, and 70 HP. This setup costs 1,000,000. Here you will need to use rune arrows. You also may want to use the Neitiznot helm and dragon boots.
Medium Level Setup

You may want to have level 43 prayer, level 70 attack, level 70 strength, level 70 defense, 50 magic, level 60 range, and 70 HP for the medium level. Here, the cost will be 5,000,000 or even more. Use a Torag’s platebody instead of a Dharok’s platebody. Use Dharok’s top. Use a defender with the dragon dagger if you have it. Use melee over magic at a medium level too.
High-Level Setup

For the high level, you may want to bring teleports and ice spells. You may also want to do Zul’rah if you have high stats. The recommended levels are level 70 for prayer, level 75 for an attack, level 70 strength, level 70 defense, level 75 magic, level 75 range, and 85 HP.
Barrows Location

To get there, you may want to use the Barrows Teleport, the Canifis Teleport, the Fairy ring codes BIP or BKR, the Morty Hard Legs, or Shades of Mort’ton.
Strategy: Barrows Brothers Order
When it comes to the kill order, it is recommended that you start with Dharok, then you move on to Verak, then Karil, then Ahrim, and then Guthan and Torag.

This is based on the highest priority to pray against and then to the lowest. You will want to use your prayer on those that are harder to pray against instead of the lowest. If you are at a low level and you make the strongest ones the last opponents, you might die in the end when you are already up against them.

For the locations, you start with the Northeast, then Northwest, then the center in South, then the middle to Ahrim, then Southeast to Guthan, and finally Southwest for Torag.
Dharok can be found in the Northeast who uses melee and whose attack is increased by missing HP. Dharok’s max hit is 64 at 1 HP, and there is special bonus damage for health lost. You need to pray melee against Dharok all the time, and he is weak to magic.
Verac can be found Northwest and is weak to magic, with a max hit of 15 with prayer on. The special for Verak is that he can hit through armor as well as prayer. You should also pray melee.
With Karil, you can find him in the South, and you should pray range. His max hit is 20, and he can lower your agility level. He is weak to magic as well as melee. You may want to use an Iban staff against him.
Ahrim can be found in the center, and he is weak to range with a max hit of 20. He can also lower your attack, defense, as well as your strength. Use a restore dose after fighting him.
They are almost the same where you have to pray melee, and they are both weak to magic. With Guthan in the southeast, he has a max hit of 24, and Torag in the southwest has a max hit of 23. Guthan can also steal your health. Both are easier to kill than others. They also hit inaccurately. You can kill them easily.
Barrows Method
To do the Barrows mini-game, you just have to dig with a spade on top of the mound and enter the tomb. Your prayer will drain once you enter every 20 seconds.

You have to kill each brother, then use the staircase to leave. You may want to kill each brother for less than 20 seconds as not to drain your prayer. Prepare your prayers and gear before you enter. Kill the brothers first before you enter the crypts.
When you enter the crypts you need to find your way to the center, where your reward chest is located:

The path is random, remember you can always teleport out if needed. There will also be puzzles, here is the solution for them.

Tips and Tricks
Right-click and hold to use the duel ring so that you would not be interrupted by dangers. DO not equip negative magic attack items when you use prayer. Be careful when you open doors as brothers may spawn at the same time. You may also safe spot melee brothers when you are at a lower level.
Safespotting Barrows
You should run and trap them on the other side. Disable your run then, and attack the brothers. Do not use this against Dharok. Hold the control key then run away.