Ranged 1-99 Leveling Guide
Levels 1-10 Chickens

A good place to get you started is the chicken farms in Lumbridge. Pick up your throwing knives and follow through until you reach level 10.
Levels 10-25 Cows

I recommend moving over to the cows. They are a little stronger than chickens and might make you run low on energy, but they also have a lot of health to work with. Once you reach level 20, make sure to upgrade your leather top and bottom. If you want to, you can pick up the cowhides to get a little profit; it’s not much money, so you can just ignore them.
Levels 25-50 Sand Crabs
From 25 on, you can start working with the sand crabs at the southern beach in Zeah. It is a considerably easy task since they have poor defense and only around 60 health, making them much nicer for camping out.

At a 30 range, you should be focusing on doing Animal Magnetism, and passing on 31 range, you can switch from your throwing weapons and upgrade to crossbows. Don’t forget to switch on your dragon armor too once you reach level 40.
Levels 50-61 Ammonite Crabs

Move on to ammonite crabs as soon as you get to level 50. You will be able to find them on the northern beaches of Fossil Island. For this part, you will have to complete the Bone Voyage quest. These are the set of levels in which you will want to use your magic short bow. Remember that it has a special attack.
Ammonite crabs are the same as sand crabs except for the fact that they have 100 health, and therefore they make more AFK-oriented.
Levels 61-90 Cannon Dagganoths
When you reach level 61, you can use a rune crossbow. If you have 55 slayer, you can use broad bolts, which could be the combination to use to get to 99 range.

We recommend fighting Dagganoths in the lighthouse basement, although it does request the horror from the deep quest. Nevertheless, this is a very good combat area with many Dagannoths to kill so you will speed quicker.
Although the cannon is a more expensive way to train range, you should be able to get your money back faster if you speed up enough through the lower levels.
If you have decent defense levels and overhead prayers, you shouldn’t have any trouble playing through this part.
Levels 90-99 Maniacal Monkeys
Now will be the time to move on to maniacal monkeys with chinning. To get these, you will have to have completed the Monkey Madness 2 Quest.

Using black chinchompas is expensive, so it’s fine if you want to downgrade and use Reds; just bear in mind that they are going to slow your XP rate, and ultimately they won’t cost quite as much on the long run.
Chinchompers are unique weapons that can hit multiple targets in one shot and get you a lot of XP.
Maniacal Monkeys are pretty AFK, and the prayer potions doses that they drop will allow you to stay in the area. In general, Hunting Maniacal Monkeys is expensive, but it is going to get you to higher range levels very quickly.
Ranged Weapons in OSRS
The list of weapons to choose from when you are doing your range training in OSRS is vast, but there are some options better than others to use at each level.
Throwing knives. These are essential for the first levels since they are cheap and fairly fast. Darts are cheaper, but you will want to use the extra power that the knives have. If you want to save money, use the darts instead.
Steel Knives. You can start using this once you reach level 5.
Mithril Knives. Get your hand on these as soon as you hit 20 range.
Steel Crossbow. Use them from level 31 and on. This is the precise moment to switch from throwing weapons, the steel bolt is highly recommended, and it’s one of the best that you can use.
Mithril Crossbow. Upgrade your crossbow from previous levels once you’ve gotten to 36 range.
Adamant Crossbow. Particularly helpful at range 46, they are a little expensive, but it is way stronger than the mithril crossbow.
Magic Shortbow. At 50 range, you can ditch all crossbows and settle for a magic short bow. Its arrows are much cheaper than bolts, and besides, it has a special attack that allows you to hit twice in a single attack. If you are willing to spend some money, you can also upgrade to an imbued version of the item with has better accuracy, and the special attacks only take 50% off the attack bar.
Rune Crossbow. Switch back to crossbows at Range 61. Broad bolts are recommended.
Dragon Crossbow. Price-wise, this is going to be a significant jump from the previous weapons, but it is a way better weapon, and it is going to help you a lot in your training.
Dragon Hunter Crossbow. You can get one of these once you’re Ranged 65. It has a 30% boost in accuracy and damage when you are fighting a dragon.
Armadyl Crossbow. At 70 range, you can wield the armadyl crossbow, the boost it will give you in XP will be worth the price. You can sell it off after you are done with ranged training if you want.
Toxic Blowpipe. At 75 range, you only really need to use a crossbow for higher PvM stuff and not just general range training. The blowpipe is cheaper to buy than an Armadyl Crossbow, but it also needs to be charged with Zulrah’s scales, which will add up a little more over time.
Twisted Bow. This is one of the best weapons in the OSRS world, and that’s exactly why it is so expensive. As expected, it is not used on regular range training, but if you do, it can give you a good amount of XP.
Other weapons worth mentioning as you move through the game are the Dorgeshuun crossbow(great cheap option) and the Crystal bow. You might want to give them a try and see how they fit you.