There are no quest or stats requirements to do the ‘x marks the spot’ quest so that anyone can do it, and it is very simple to do as well.

The only item you’ll need is a spade. I also recommend getting a teleport from Lumbridge to Draynor such as the Amulet of Glory.

You’ll start in a new part of Lumbridge located next to the castle. Talk to Veos and select option one both times; unless you haven’t seen Zia yet, then it is two, then option one. You’ll get a scroll while talking to him.
Head south towards Bob’s shop, and you’ll see another building below it; head north of the building and a little bit further, you’ll see a plant. Go to the plant and dig it with your spade to get the second clue scroll.

Go through Lumbridge castle’s kitchen, then head out on the stairs behind the kitchen and stand on the southwest tile below the crate. Use your spade there and dig up a mysterious orb.

Next, teleport to Draynor village (if you can teleport). Go towards the two trees and then north. You’ll see a plant standing north of it, then move four tiles north. Dig with your spade, and you’ll get the third clue scroll.

Then, head west to the Draynor market. You’ll find a pigpen north of the market, open it, and it enter it, only going two tiles north. Dig with your spade again; you’ll receive an ancient casket.

Go to North of Port Sarim Docks to Veos.

Talk to Veos to complete your quest.
He will reward you with one quest point, an antique lamp, and 200 coins. The antique lamp gives you 300 EXP to any skill of your choice.