1. Agility Pyramid
The first method is something that every player might already know. The agility pyramid is a great early game money maker. This requires at least 30 agility, but it is more recommended to be 50 or higher. That’s because you may fail at level 30 and have to use foods.

You can buy chalk ice from Nardah (heals 6up and acts as water against desert heat), that way, even if you have less, you can get around 200k gp/h.

Overall, the agility pyramid depends on your agility level and efficiency as a player.
2. Plate Bodies / Legs in Wildy
In the Platebodies method, you will collect steel plate bodies and plate legs in the wilderness. It’s excellent for normal group ironmen as it has no requirements.
In this method, it’s recommended to bring some food or have decent combat stats. You can get about 100k gp/h in collecting plate bodies and selling them to the bandit camp shop.
3. Cutting Gems
Cutting Gems is a crafting training method wherein you buy uncut gems from the gem trader north of al kharid. You will sell them back upon cutting them, which might seem tedious, but it’s feasible. It also gives you some nice starting crafting exp.

By cutting Gems, you can get about 90k gp/h and 24k crafting xp/h. However, there are instances where you need to compete with other players buying gems. This method also works in free play, which makes it convenient.
4. Gem Rocks
The Gem Rocks method is another niche way to make money in your ironman account. You can also get a crafting exp from this. You can also craft the gems to jewelry that can be sold in different shops.

However, you can also sell the gem rocks as it is in cuts that are lower in price.
5. HAM Store Rooms
HAM store room method includes stealing. Hence, it requires at least level 20 of thieving and most minor partial completion of “Death to the Dorgeshuun.” If you hold a low thieving level, you can still do it, but you’ll require to bring more food.

In this method, you can pickpocket the guards for keys. The key has a corresponding room to open that contains a chest. If you have level 50 thieving, you can wear the rouge set to double the number of keys you get.

You can get random jewelry without the need for crafting. You can also bring about 50k gp/h, so it’s a good method for low levels.
6. Thieving
The thieving method, in general, is a great way to make money on a lower level of accounts. It’s easy to do since the thieving isn’t hard to train. Getting 99 in thieving as one of your first skills gives you a great cash pile on an ironman.

7. Ecumenical Keys
You can also alch Ecumenical Keys found in the wilderness god wars dungeon.

It is a dangerous method and requires mid-level requirements, but it gives you around 180k gp/h.
8. Eclectic Implings
Eclectic Implings is a decent way to make money for Ironman accounts as it provides medium clues for alchs. You can get about 150 implings per hour in this method.
Aside from that, the implings also have some alchs and other things you can sell in the shop.
9. Twisted Banshees
This method requires level 15 of slayer to kill, but it has a feasible drop. Even better are the twisted Banshees in the Catacombs of Kourend. They are at a higher level, but you can easily safe spot them.
Just be sure that the earmuffs or a slayer helmet are worn. Depending on your range level, you can get 100k gp/hr.