You will need level 44 slayer to damage sulphur lizards, and four slayer masters can only assign them. They give a slayer xp rate of 50 per each kill.

These monsters have a combat level of 50 with a max hit of 5. They only have one location and one attack style –melee crush.

They have 50 hit points, they’re very aggressive, weak to stab, magic, and ranged attacks.
Recommended Armor
Melee setup

- Slayer helm. Black mask, neitiznot faceguard, serpentine helm, fighter hat.
- Amulet of torture. Amulet of fury, amulet of glory, amulet of power, holy symbol.
- Bandos chestplate. Fighter torso, dragon chain, granite body, rune chain, addy chain.
- Bandos tassets. Fremennik kilt, rock-shell legs, samurai greaves, addy platelegs.
- Primordial boots. Dragon boots, boots of brimstone, boots of stone.
- Ferocious gloves. Rune gloves, regen brace, addy gloves, granite gloves, combat brace.
- Avernic defender. Dragon defender, dragonfire shield, addy defender, a book of war.
- Ghrazi rapier. Abby tent, zamorakian hasta, granite hammer, brine saber, rune scimitar.
- Infernal cape. Fire cape, skill cape, obsidian cape, skulls, mythical cape, and cape of legends.
- Berserker ring. Brimstone ring, treasonous ring, warrior ring, tyrannical ring, a ring of suffering.
- Rada’s blessing 4. Any god blessing.
Range setup

- Slayer helm. Black mask, armadyl helmet, 3rd age range coif, karil’s coif, snakeskin coif.
- Necklace of anguish. Amulet of fury, amulet of glory, unholy symbol, beads of the dead, gnome amulet.
- Armadyl chestplate. Karil’s leathertop, god d’ hide, 3rd age range top, green d’ hide.
- Armadyl chainskirt. Karil’s leatherskirt, god d’ hide, black d’ hide ranger’s tights, green d’ hide chaps.
- Pegasian boots. Ranger boots, god d’ hide boots, boots of brimstone, granite boots.
- Barrows gloves. God bracers, blue d’ hide vamps, rune gloves, combat brace.
- Twisted buckler. Dragonfire ward, odium ward, a book of the law, green d’ hide shield.
- Toxic blowpipe. Throwing knives, darts, armadyl crossbow, maple short bow.
- Ava’s assembler. Ava’s accumulator, range cape, ava’s attractor, fire cape, obsidian cape.
- Archer’s ring. Brimstone ring, ring of suffering, tyrannical ring, granite ring, ring of dueling.
- Darts. Addy bolts, amethyst broad.
Magic setup

- Slayer helm. Black mask, 3rd age mage, splitbark.
- Occult necklace. 3rd age amulet, amulet of fury, gnome amulet, amulet of defense.
- Ancestral top. Ahrim’s robe top, splitbark body, lunar torso, skeletal top, samurai shirt.
- Ancestral bottom. Ahrim’s robe skirt, splitbark legs, lunar legs, skeletal bottoms, obsidian platelegs.
- Eternal boots. Infinity boots, wizard boots, boots of brimstone, granite boots.
- Tormented bracelet. Barrows gloves, dragon gloves, addy gloves, combat bracelet, black gloves.
- Elysian. Ancient wyvern, blessed spirit shield, malediction ward, spirit shield, broodoo shield.
- Toxic trident. Slayer’s staff, the staff of the dead, slayer staff, smoke battlestaff, elemental staff.
- Imbued god. God cape, infernal cape, fire cape, obsidian cape, mythical cape, god cloak.
- Ring of suffering. Brimstone ring, seers ring, berserker ring, tyrannical ring, dueling ring.
- Rada’s blessing. Any god blessing.
Inventory Setups



Sulphur Lizard Location
Sulphur lizard can only be found in the karuulm slayer dungeon, in mount karuulm.

How To Get There
The fastest way to get to the dungeon is by using rada’s blessing 3 or 4 to teleport yourself to mount karuulm. The next best option is through the fairy ring code c-I-r.

Additionally, you can also use a battlefront teleport or a skills necklace to take you to the farming guild.
How To Slay Sulphur Lizards
It is allowed to use a cannon inside the dungeon, and although you can also use the edges of the room to safe-spot them, there is not much point in it since you won’t be taking any damage if you’re using the armor setup listed above.
Once you are inside the dungeon, pass the floor barrier on the eastern side and climb up the middle-level steps. From there, head directly south and into the sulphur lizards’ room.

If you have decided to attack them with a cannon, set it down, preferably in the room’s middle. Your next step should be drinking your stat-boosting potions. Go ahead and turn on your quick prayers; make sure that your auto-retaliate is on.
If you are using the range, don’t forget to set the attack style on rapid. If you are using magic, don’t forget to activate your spell.