Spirit Tree Farming
This guide is about how to plant Spirit trees in Old School Runescape.
Using a spirit seed, you can have your spirit tree when you have reached level 83 in Farming. Spirit seeds cannot be traded, so you have to obtain them using the methods outlined below:
How To Get Spirit Seeds
You can get them from Zulrah, Hespori, Abyssal sire, bird nests, tortured gorilla, lizardman shaman, Vorkath and others.

When you have already gathered the spirit seeds, you need some other resources. Aside from the spirit seeds, you also need level 83 farming to grow one tree, a filled plant pot, a gardening trowel, and also a watering can.
Where To Plant Spirit Trees

Etcetria can be found in the east of Miscellania. You can get here through the charter ship or use the ring of wealth or a fairy ring. If you use the fairy ring, you must have completed the Fremenik Trials quest already, and you should use the CIP code. Once there, rake the weeds and pay your resources to the gnome. The gnome will protect your tree from diseases.

Just use a glory to get here and run west. You may also use the agility shortcut.

You can see a spirit tree patch in the north of Saltpetre. You can get there using the xeric’s amulet and teleport to the glade. You may also use your skilling necklace. Then you have to run for a little bit, and you will get there.
To plant the spirit tree, you need to have at least 35% of Hosidius favour. You can plough the fields if you have 0% Hosidius favour then you make fertilizer. The fertilizer is made out of regular compost and saltpetre.
Port Sarim

Port Sarim can be found in the northeast of Brimhaven. You can go there by using a charter ship. There are other ways to run there anyway; it’s all up to you. If you use the charter ship, it will cost you 240 GP. There is a fruit tree patch here.
Farming Guild

This location is in the north. The patch is useful if you always do Farming. You may go there in a variety of ways, such as using the fairy ring code CIR or the battlefront teleport tablet. Then you rake the patch then pay the gnome.
Planting The Trees
Items Required For Planting Spirit Trees
For your spirit tree to survive, you need to pay the following: 5 monkey nuts, one monkey bar, and 1 ground suqah tooth.
How To Get a Ground Tooth
A ground suqah tooth is made using a mortar and pestle on a suqah tooth. The suqah monsters can be found in the lunar isle.
You use the tooth for the waking sleep potion in the lunar diplomacy quest. You should also have already finished this quest to access the island and get the item.
When you are in the lunar isle, you need to go east then south, and soon you will reach the suqah NPCs. These NPCs are weak to range, so if you have a blowpipe, that would be very useful to kill them.
You can easily kill them, and you could get drops within five kills since they are really common. When you already have the tooth, use the mortar and pestle on the tooth so you have ground suqah tooth.
How To Get Monkey Nuts and a Monkey Bar
If you are a regular player, you may go the grand exchange and purchase the monkey bar and monkey nuts there.
If you are an ironman, you need to buy these items in the store in Ape Atoll. You also need to complete the monkey madness quest to do this. You use the fairy ring and then use the agility shortcuts to get there.
Then you go north. You may use the regular spellbook and the ape atoll teleport. You may also use the arceuus book teleport. There are different ways to get to this location.
Once you are there, go southeast. You will pass some monkeys. In the north of the Scimitar shop, there is a food stall. You buy the monkey bars and monkey nuts there.
Planting a Spirit Tree
When you plant a spirit tree, it takes approximately 58 hours and 40 minutes for it to grow. When you grow a spirit tree, you get 19,501 farming XP. You may also plant the spirit tree by planting the spirit sapling. Your very own superior garden requires construction of 75. If you do this, you also need 83 farming. You may plant two spirit trees at once, one in your own house and another in Gielinor. When you are level 99 farming, you can have three spirit trees.
When you already have all your resources, you need to plant your spirit seed on the fill plant pot. You also need to have a gardening trowel to do this. Water your plant with the watering can, and your plant will grow. You may leave it in the bank or on your inventory, and this will take about 5 minutes.
To plant, use your sapling on the patch. Then you should pay the gnome.
Own Garden
You can boost using a tree. You need an empty garden and the sapling. If you want to boost it with the fairy ring, you need 95 construction and also the mushroom and the fairy ring enchantment.