- The Troll Stronghold quest needs to be partially completed.
- 80+ Ranged and even 90+ is recommended for quicker kills, having a 70+ defense will also make it easier for you especially related to the gear that you will be able to wear.
- 70+ Agility is also required to get into the Saradomin area(cannot be boosted), and lastly, a 70+ prayer is also recommended.
As expected, you will want to bring your best range gear, in this way you will have longer trips and therefore more kills per hour. Here are the recommended items that you should wear, along with some lower-budget replacements.

Twisted bow or Armadyl Crossbow. This is a must to kill Sara. She has a high magic level, and the twisted bow/Armadyl is good against this. Make sure you use dragon arrows with it to get that max hit, but amethyst arrows will work just as fine. Your next best options are the Armadyl Crossbow and the Dragon Crossbow.
Justicar Faceguard. This will give you a little bit of extra power. And Armadyl Helm is also a good option, followed by Verac’s Helm.
Ava’s Assembler. You should be wearing Ava’s device, and the assembler is your best option; it gives a good range strength bonus, and it will pick up more arrows.
Necklace of Anguish. The best amulet in the game is the Necklace of Anguish, which also gives a range strength bonus. The Amulet of Fury has a lower range boost, but it remains a good option. Your last option would be the Amulet of Glory.
Chest and Legs
Armadyl. For chest and legs gear, this is excellent for defense bonuses. The next best options are the Blessed D’hide and Karil’s.
Twisted Buckler. For a one-handed weapon, you can bring a shield with you, and the twisted buckler is the best to do the job. And Odium Ward is a nice replacement if you are on a budget, followed by a Crystal Shield.
Barrows Gloves. This is the best ranging gloves that you are going to find in OSRS and require the recipe for disaster to be fully completed. Your best next option is going to be Blessed Vambs, followed by the Black D’hide Vambs.
Pegasian Boots. On top of being the best amongst ranging boots, they are not that much more expensive than the other options. You can use D’hide boots as well.
Archer’s Ring. The imbued version is, without doubt, the best ring in the game. The Brimstone Ring makes a fine option having a good defense bonus.
Inventory Setup

- Toxic Blowpipe.
- God Items –Saradomin and Zammy needed.
- 2-5 Bastion or Ranging potions.
- Brews and Restores.
- 2-5 Stamina potions.
- Purple sweets.
- Rune Pouch.
- Teleports.
How To Get To Armadyl(God Wars Dungeon Location)
Getting to the God Wars Dungeon isn’t all that hard. The most straightforward way would be to use a Games Necklace to teleport to Burthorpe and walk to the dungeon (climbing boots required), but it’s highly recommended to use Trollhiem Teleports instead.

To unlock the teleport, you must complete Edgard’s Ruse quest, and the teleport requires 61 magic. Walk either side of the mountain, head north to the boulder, and protect from range attacks when you walk past the trolls.
To get to the dungeon, you will need either 70 strength or 60 Agility, but you need 70 Agility to get into Sara’s lair anyway.
You can light the special fire in the cold area outside of the dungeons, so you don’t lose any stats or run energy. Once you are inside, you will find the Saradomin camp on the east side of the dungeon.
Once you are downstairs, all you need to do is go through the door to fight Saradomin, but to be allowed through the door, you must kill 40 minions that are following her first. You could use also use an Ecumenical Key.

Commander Zilyana Boss
She has two attacks, a magical one and a melee one. Both require Sara to be standing very close to you, so that’s why you have to run around the room to dodge her. She attacks very fast, and her max hit is a 20 with mage and a 27 with melee.
- The Minions. There are three types of minions in the room, and each has a different attack style. If you kill the boss and then the minions, then they won’t respawn until the boss does.
- Bree. He’s the ranging minion and has a max hit of 16. He is easy to spot since he’s a centaur.
- Growler. He’s a screaming lion and has a max hit of 16. He attacks with magic.
- Starlight. The melee minion with a max hit of 15. He’s the unicorn, and he’ll follow you around the room.
How To Fight Commander Zilyana
Set up your prayers to protect from magic as well as your best offensive range prayer.

When you first walk into the room, the first kill will be the most hectic as usual, but as soon as Commander Zilyana sees you, she’ll start chasing you.

You will have to run away from her for a few before you get the chance to attack. You can start by attacking the boss while still avoiding them. This is the whole process, protect from magic, and run away from the boss. When halfway, attack once and then run into the corner, attack again and repeat.

So you will basically be circling around the room while hugging the walls, attacking and running away.
Ensure that when you attack Sara from a corner spot(hug the walls), wait until she’s getting very close to you. Run away last second and as soon as you do so, eat a purple sweet, run about 75% of the wall, attack once, run to the corner, and attack again. Restart the process.
So basically you will attack Zilyana and run around the room. The stamina potions help to keep your energy up. If you have done this correctly the only damage you will take is from the ranged minions, since you are protecting from magic.
Once you have killed the boss proceeds to kill the minions. Start with the melee minion, the ranger, and then the major. You can use your blowpipe to heal a little faster when needed. You have a minute and a half to kill the minions before the next kill.