Slayer point farming is also referred to as slayer point boosting. While there are many methods to farm slayer points, the most efficient way is to use Turael for the first streak of 9 tasks and then switch to Konar or Duradel for the 10th task. This method is one of the fastest ways to collect points and allows you to unlock slayer rings or superiors and other great rewards.
– High combat level to use a superior slayer master when doing the 10 task streak.
– Having a house built with many teleports.
– Teleport items
– Ranged gear
– Inventory items that will speed up your farming rate: Stamina Potions, Light Source, Slayer Ring, Ring of Dueling, Scrolls of Resurrection, Rune Pouch(with NPC contact runes), Ice Coolers, Cannonballs, Dwarf Cannon, Xeric’s Talisman, Ectophial, Digsite Necklace, Chronicle, Skullsceptre, chins, Glory or desert amulet 4, Quest cape or ardy teleports, rope, light source, gnome seed pod, house tp to your house located in taverly

West of Paterdomus – Bats
You will need to travel using the dig site teleport. Scout around to find a good placement for the cannon. You can also run around to kill bats that are outside the range of your cannon.

South of Legends Guild – Bears
The fastest way to get here is to use the Quest Cape to teleport. Look for an area where there are a few fences placed on both sides of the road. Place the cannon right in between the two. Like the bats, run around and kill the bears that your cannon cannot reach.

Slayer Tower – Banshees
Banshees can be found on the ground floor of the slayer tower towards the eastern side. You can get here with a Slayer ring and use a stamina potion the moment you get in.
Dorgeshun Dungeon – Cave Bugs
You will need to head to the Dorgeshun dungeon at Fairy Ring code AJQ. Remember to bring a light source to avoid unnecessary deaths. Focus on the small cave bugs as the larger ones have over 100 HP.

Dorgeshuun Dungeon – Cave Slime
You need to go to the same area as for the Cave Bugs for this task, Fairy Ring code AJQ. Get a light source and your regular gear. Again, you will get poison damage, but that is not something to worry about.
Fremennik Slayer Dungeon – Cave Crawlers
To get here, you can use the Slayer ring or the Fairy ring. You should not worry about the poison damage as it is negligible.

Penguin Isle – Birds
Here you can use a Bulwark spec and use your melee gear. Use the fairy ring code AJS. You will not need your cannon here, and if you kill everything too fast, you can just swap worlds.

Lumbridge Cow Pen – Cows
You can use your Nexus to teleport to Lumbridge. Or just a Lumbridge home teleport. Run to the northern side and place a cannon in the area where the cows spawn.
Slayer Tower – Crawling Hands
You can use the Slayer ring to get here. These are only found in the Slayer tower. Just kite them around and kill as many as needed to complete the task.
Desert North of Nardah – Desert Lizards
You can use the Fairy Ring DLQ to teleport here. You will need to stack ice coolers and place your cannon. Desert heat should not be a problem as you should be done with the task very quickly.

Desert North of Nardah – Dogs
You can use the Fairy Ring DLQ to teleport here. Use ice coolers and your cannon. You will need to kill jackals which can be found south of the lizards.

Catacombs of Kourends – Ghosts
The Xeric’s Talisman will help get here the fastest. Travel to the northeast side from the entrance. You will not need your cannon as the ghosts are easy to kill.
Ice Mountain – Icefiends
The easiest way to get here is with the Monastery Teleport then you will need to run north. Place the cannon on the mountain’s snowy peak and assist when possible.

Taverly Dwarven Bar – Dwarves
To get here, you need to use the Taverly House Portal. All you have to do is place the cannon in the middle of the room between the tables and assist the cannon by fighting the dwarves.

Kalphite Only Slayer Cave – Kalphites
If you have a Desert Amulet 4, it will teleport you directly to the cave. Find a zone that is heavily populated with Kalphites and place your cannon.
Stronghold of Security – Minotaurs
Use a Skull Scepter to teleport here. Move to the south and place your cannon.
Varrock Sewers – Rats
Use the Varrock teleport to get here. Go towards the northeast to find a small entrance in the sewers. Once in, place your cannon.
North Al Kharid Mine – Scorpions
The Duel Ring can be used to teleport to the Duel Arena. Once there, run north until you find the scorpions and drop a cannon.
Digsite Dungeon – Skeletons
Using the Digsite Pendant, teleport here and just drop your cannon. You should be done with this task in just a few seconds.

Sourhog Hole – Sourhogs
The fastest way to get here is the using the Chronicle, Amulet of Glory, or Draynor Manor Teleport. Drop the cannon in a heavily populated area and complete the task.

HAM Hideout – Spiders
Use the Lambridge Teleport. Run west to find the spiders and use a cannon to help you complete the task quickly.
White Wolf Mountain – Wolves
You can take a glider to get here. Just climb on the mountain and start killing wolves until you complete the task.
Morytania Farm – Zombies
You can use an Ectophial to get here, then run west. Use your cannon and kill everything until you complete the task.

1. For this slayer point farming method, the main problem is that Turael can cancel a slayer task for no cost, and in turn, he will give you one task of his own. When this happens, you lose your task streak. It also requires you to complete 4 tasks before earning points again. Pre-level 99, this can be a setback. After level 99, this mechanic is a great opportunity when you are trying to get a specific task, such as shamans or bosses. Until you reach level 99, it is more efficient to skip using points.
2. Gear is not that important. The cannon will do most of the damage. Remember to equip your best gear as it will improve the cannon accuracy.
3. Make sure you have an expeditious bracelet. It has a 25% chance to make a monster kill count as two kills for the Slayer task. This means that 4 kills can be counted as 5.