Old School Runescape Scorpia Guide
The Wilderness Demi-Boss Scorpia is a little weaker than regular bosses, and it is straightforward to kill. She has a combat level of 225, and she has a hitpoint level of 200.

Her max hit is 16, and she is one hundred percent aggressive. Her main weakness is magic, and her attack style is melee.
If you want to go into a little more detail, Scorpia has an attack level of 250, her strength level is 150, and she has a defense level of 180. As for magic and range, she has a level of 1 for both.
Her defensive stats stand at +246 to stab, 284 to slash, and 284 to crush, only 44 magic and +248 to the range.
As you can see from the stats above, the most recommended attack style to use when fighting the Scorpia Boss is magic.
The recommended stats to fight Scorpia are pretty low. To begin with, you should have at least level 82 magic, and the Ancient Spell Book unlocked. The reason for this is that you will need the Ice Blitz spell for a 15-second freeze.
You are also going to want to have a prayer level of at least 40 this to be able to protect yourself from missiles prayer. You won’t have to worry about range attacks, but there are many scorpions inside the pit, and in Scorpia’s lair that use range attack, this will be very helpful.
Armor Setup
This is the recommended gear set up to make the most out of strength and defense bonuses. If you can’t get all of these items, you can use it as a guide to set up your armor.

- Farseer Helm.
- Saradomin God Cape.
- Cult Necklace.
- Rada’s Blessing.
- Trident of the Seas.
- Book of Darkness.
- Monk Robe.
- Barrows Gloves.
- Mystic Boots.
- Ring of Wealth.
Inventory Setup

-6 Prayer potions. If you have a higher prayer level, these potions will last you quite a while. If you have a lower prayer level, make sure to bring a few more depending on how long you plan to stay out in the wilderness.
-Two antidote++. Scorpia is very poisonous, and each of these doses will protect you for 12 minutes.
-14 Sharks.
-Stamina potion. You will be running a lot, and you wouldn’t want to run out of run.
-200 blood runes.
-400 death runes.
-600 water runes.
-A looting bag. You need to keep all your supplies out.
-A wilderness sword. You will get this as a reward for completing the Wilderness Diaries, and you will need it to cut through the webs. If you can’t get the sword, you can always bring a regular knife.
Scorpia Location
Scorpia is located very deep into the wilderness, practically at the maximum level that you can get to. Despite that, it is easy to find her.

The most efficient way to get to her is by using the Edgeville teleport lever. You can find in the southern section of the town, just south of the bank where you enter the Edgeville dungeon. You could pull that lever, and it will take you directly to the wilderness, around The Deserted Keep surrounded by lava.
Once you are there, run to the north, cut the webs, turn to your east, run past the hellhounds, past the magic axe, and into the Scorpion Pit. You will see three different dungeon entrances, all of which will take you into Scorpia’s lair.
How To Kill Scorpia
Before you enter the chamber, make sure to drink a dose of your antidote++, so you don’t get poisoned and turn on your protect from range.
Once you are inside Scorpia’s lair, open your Spell Book and find your Ice Blitz. You will want to cast this spell as soon as you land eyes on Scorpia. This will freeze her in place right after, and then you’ll just have to mage with your trident.

What you have to watch out for here is her health. Once Scorpia drops under 100 HP, which is half of her total HP, she’s going to spawn two Scorpia’s Guardians.

What they do is that they heal her if they are within a certain distance of her. These Guardians are small, but they are slightly purple-colored, so you will be able to tell them apart; in fact, you will see them shooting purple spells at Scorpia.
The best technique here to fend them off is ice-blitzing them as well and then lure Scorpia away from them. In this way, they won’t be able to heal her, and you will now be able to continue with your attack. After about 15 seconds, the guardians will simply disappear.
Go back to mage Scorpia until she’s finished off. That’s pretty much it.

As you can see, killing her is not that difficult. After you’re done with the kill, you will have around 10 seconds to get your HP back up if needed and your prayer points. After that, you will be able to start another Scorpia kill.
Since her respawn time is quick, if you get to it, you will accumulate a lot of kills per hour. The pet drop is scarce, but like mentioned before, you will get a lot of tries in a short amount of time.