Necklaces in OSRS are a type of equipment item in the neckwear slot. They are the second item type you can make with a gem with the Crafting Skill. To enchant a necklace, you will need runes to cast the enchant spell which is appropriate for that specific necklace. Necklaces can be created once you have obtained a necklace mould and a gold bar. Gems can be used through the crafting skill but are not necessary in all cases.
Dodgy Necklace
-Opal Necklace
-Enchanted by a Level 1 Enchant Spell
The Dodgy raises the chances by 25% that you will not be stunned or damaged while pickpocketing NPCs. Beginning with 10 charges, it goes down by one each time it successfully protects the wearer from damage. After 10 uses, the necklace crumbles and turns to dust. Any damage taken when blackjacking can only be received by failing a knockout. The charges that are stored here on this necklace are unique to the player and not the item itself. This means players will lose the necklace after 10 uses regardless of the particular one they have equipped.
Games Necklace
-Sapphire Necklace
-Enchanted by using a Level 1 Enchant Spell
A Games Necklace has 8 charges that can teleport a player to Burthorpe, Barbarian Outpost, Corporeal Beast, Tears of Guthix, and the Wintertodt Camp. After all 8 charges are used, the necklace is destroyed. A good thing to keep in mind is when a Game necklace has only one charge remaining, it’s not recommended to use the last charge, but instead save it and cast High-Level Alchemy on it, as the necklace’s alchemy value is not irrespective of its charge.
Passage Necklace
-Jade Necklace
-Enchanted with a Level 2 Enchant spell
-Requires a Magic Level of 27
The Necklace of Package, while equipped, will allow the player to teleport to one of three possible locations. Using the necklace will use one charge. After all five have been used, the necklace disintegrates into dust. Equipping this necklace yields no stat bonus. It is either worn for cosmetic purposes or to save inventory space.
Binding Necklace
-Players with 27 Magic can create one by casting a Level 2 Enchant on an Emerald Necklace.
-Can also be obtained as a drop by the monsters in The Abyss
The Binding Necklace gives the wearer a 100% success rate in making combination runes through the Runecraft skill. It has 16 uses (one use = one click on an altar) and will be destroyed once all are used. A right-click “Check” option shows the number of charges left. Charges are also stored per player, not per necklace. So, if you sell or cast High-Level Alchemy on a necklace with only one charge, the next necklace you equip will only have one charge.
Faith Necklace
-Topaz Necklace
-Enchanted by Level 3 Enchant Spell
When worn, the necklace will restore the wearer’s prayer points by 10% if their hitpoints drop below %20. However, if a player is reduced to zero hitpoints from above 20%, the necklace will have no effect, and the player will die as usual. Once the effect takes place, the necklaces will be turned to dusk.
Digsite Necklace
-Ruby Necklace
-Enchanted by the Level 3 Enchant Spell
-Requires completion of The Digsite Quest to make or use.
Upon completing Dragon Slayer ||, a teleport to Lithkren can be unlocked by using a Digsite pendant. When enchanted, the pendant can be used to teleport North of The Digsite, West of the Digsite Barg. The number of charges is suffixed to the item’s name. Once the “Bone Voyage” quest is completed, a pendant with any amount of charges can be used on the strange southern machine at the House on the Hill, north of the Museum Camp in Fossil Island. This gives the user an extra teleport option to the House on The Hill when using any Digsite pendant. Each teleport option can be unbound using a pendant on the machine again.
Phoenix Necklace
-Diamond Necklace
-Enchanted with a Level 4 Enchant Spell
-Requires 57 Magic, 10 Earth Runes, 1 Cosmic Rune
-Grants 67 Magic Experience
Pheonix necklaces automatically restore the wearer’s hitpoints by 30% of the maximum if they drop below 20%. They only have one use before they are destroyed. Apart from restoring health, it also clears any pending attacks on the player from the attack buffer. In the Duel Arena, the Phoenix necklace is considered food, meaning that it will do nothing if the “No food” option is selected during a duel.
Skills Necklace
-Dragonstone Necklace
-Enchanted with a Level 5 Enchantment Spell,
A worn skills necklace can give a slightly better chance of finding a casket while fishing with a big net. It can be recharged by using it on the totem pole in the Legends Guild or the Foundation of Uhud in the Myth’s Guild.], with either giving it 4 charges.
Berserker Necklace
-Onyx Necklace
-Enchanted by a Level 6 Enchant Spell.
When worn, it increases the amount of damage a wearer wields an obsidian melee weapon by 20% but also lowers the wearer’s melee accuracy and defenses against all styles of combat.

Anguish Necklace
-Zenyte Necklace
-Enchanted by a Level 7 Enchant Spell
-Requires 75 Hitpoints to equip
The Anguis Necklace offers the best-in-slot Ranged attack and Ranged Strength bonus to the wearer. Players can also attach an anguish ornament kit obtained from master clue scrolls to create a necklace of Anguish(or). This is only cosmetic and does not affect the stat bonuses.

Bonecrusher Necklace
-Created by combining the Bonecrusher and dragon bone necklace with a Hydra Tail.
-Requires Level 70 in Prayer to equip and shares the same +12 prayer bonus as the Dragonbone necklace.
-Must be charged with Ecto-tokens (25 charges per token)

Dragonbone Necklace

-Not to be confused with a dragon necklace
-Dropped exclusively by Vorkath
-Requires Level 70 in Prayer
-Highest Prayer bonus of any piece of equipment available in Old School Runescape
Will restore prayer points as bones are buried (even if buried via Bonecrusher)
Occult Necklace

-Magical Amulet
-Requires 70 Magic to Wear
-Dropped by Smoke Devil and Boss Variant
-Increases magic damage by 10%
It’s commonly considered the best neck slot item for magic combat in damage output.