Nechryael Bursting Guide
This guide is focused on how you can burst Nechryaels. This is one of the best monsters that you can get to kill on a slayer task.
It also gives you a lot of magic XP, and this process is not costly, and if you pick up and high alch the rune/addy drops, you might even make some profit. The only problem is that you will be on the ancient spellbook, so we will discuss how to solve this later on in the guide.
Experience Rates
For the rewards, you get around 250,000 Magic XP per hour and 70,000 Slayer XP per hour. You get this is you have a magic level 94 for ice barrage.
To burst Nechryaels,
- Level 80 Slayer
- 70 magic or 94 magic
- Prayer level 43 or above
- You need 70 for magic for ice and blood burst.
- Recommended: 94 magic to enable you to use ice barrage, and it also speeds up your killing by 25%. Your prayer is essential as you pray melee.
You also need to prioritize your prayer bonus and your magic damage as you go about bursting Nechryaels. Nechryaels only have magic level 1, so they don’t have any magic defense.
For your weapon, you want it to be able to autocast ancients. You may use an ancient staff, a Kodai wand, or a master wand for this. It depends on what you can afford. The ancient staff will reduce your prayer bonus by five, but the Kodai wand is expensive.
For your robes, the ancestral robes can give you an excellent magic damage bonus. If you don’t have the ancestral robes, you may wear the armor that you have that gives you the most prayer boost.

If you burst off tasks, you may also use void.
Bring a occult necklace. This gives you a damage bonus of 10%. It costs 800,000.

You can get a 2% damage bonus from an imbued god cape. You should also bring it.
You can get a +5 prayer bonus from the book of Darkness. Bring this book instead or an arcane spirit shield.
Another thing that you should bring is a tormented bracelet or perhaps barrows gloves. The tormented bracelet will give you a damage bonus of 5%.
You might want to use devout boots for the boots as they give you a prayer bonus of +5. You may also use the mystic boots instead.
Also, bring a blessing for some additional prayer bonus.
Inventory Setup

When it comes to your inventory, you need runes required to cast blood and ice burst. You may also bring and ice barrage instead if you can use them.
- You also would want to bring a rune pouch as it can save you inventory space.
- To tag the Nechryaels as they are not aggressive, bring darts.
- You may also bring a holy wrench and a gem bag.
- You may also bring Xeric’s talisman and gloves to teleport back.
- Also bring a saradomin godsword for healing if you can. You don’t need the godsword, but it can give you prayer and restoration bonus.
- Also, bring at least ten prayer potions.
Bursting Nechryaels
Alt Account

If you have an alt account at level 3 that could run back and forth for you to the bank will be good to do this. The monsters are not aggressive.
With an account that has level 55 magic, you can cast high alchemy. It can stay there as you do your task alching drops. You may bring an explorer’s ring four instead if you don’t have an alt account. This can cast both low and high alchemy for 30 times each.
In the Catacombs of Kourend where you burst Nechryaels, there are two rooms. They are just beside one another. You need to find a free room, then flick protect melee on.
Bursting Nechryaels Method
Then you should tag the Nechryaels with your darts. Run back and forth until the Nechryaels are packed in a corner. Auto cast your best ice spell on the Nechryaels; then, you will get magic XP.

You will get damaged by the death spawn that the Nechryaels release. Your health will drain with this. Cast a blood burst spell if you are low on HP to have 20 up to 40 additional HP immediately.
Use a godsword too for you to save runes. You need to be careful for superior spawns because they are powerful. They also have high accuracy. It also spawns a chaotic spawn.

You may have a Nechryael in front of it to block the way so it could not approach you. If it does get near you, run a few rooms away, then go back and continue bursting Nechryaels. You can get great rewards from this, such as good loot and a lot of XP in just a short time.