Zygomites are mushroom-like monsters that can be defeated by spraying fungicide. Usually, these enemies are found in various locations and levels of the game.
Where to Find Mutated Zygomites
- At Level 86, you can find these giant monsters just around the Cosmic Altar in Zanaris.
- At Level 74, you’ll find Mutated Zygomites near the furnace.
- Ancient Zygomites are mostly seen around Fossil Island at level 74 as well.
Mutated Zygomites Melee Setup
Low Level Setup
- Rune boots
- Combat Bracelet
- Dragon defender
- Black d’hide
- Dragon hide
- Dragon Scim
- Ardy Cloak
- Black mask
Med Level
- Berserker ring (i)
- Dragon boots
- Barrows gloves
- Abyssal dagger
- Amulet of Fury
- Fire Cape
- Slayer Helm
High Level
- Berserker ring(i)
- Primordial boots
- Karil’s Armor
- Abyssal Bludgeon
- Amulet of Torture
- Fire cape
- Blessing
- Slayer helm
Requirements Zygomite Slayer Task/Inventory Setup
- 57 Slayer
- High magic defense
- Slayer ring
- Dramen staff
- Fairy Ring
- Combat boosting potion
- Food
- A black mask or slayer helmet
- Melee weapon
- Fungicide

You will need a dramen staff as your key to Zanaris and a slayer ring for the slayer master. A fairy ring is also required to teleport to a house and get to the location. You also need fungicide spray to kill the Zygomites. To do the task seamlessly, you might want to include a combat-boosting potion along with food in your inventory.
Before killing Zygomites, you need 57 Slayer. You should also note having a high defense or magic level to get the task done easily since Zygomites use magic-based attacks. Furthermore, they can either use a magic-based melee or magic-based range attack depending on the type of Zygomite you’re facing. So, it’s important to secure your defense by wearing suitable armor to avoid failing the task.
However, don’t worry because Zygomites are not that strong, with enough defense, you’ll be able to do the task quickly. Although, you still have to be vigilant when attacking as their max hit can range up to 7 to 10. It will depend on the version of Zygomites you’re facing and the type of attack they use.
Drops You can Get from Zygomite Slayer Task
Upon completing the slayer task, you can get keys, items, weapons, armors, and various kinds of seeds. Although the drops are not that huge, this Zygomite task can still be worthwhile. There are also chances of getting rare gems but the probability is quite low. Below are the loots to expect if you do the task.
Level 74
Konark Keys with rate change from 1 to 188
GP an average 616.53 per kill
While on Konar task: the average Zygomite kill is 2,049.9
Items: 1 steel axe; 1 steel 2h sword; 1 ash; 1 Mithril full helm; 15 earth rune; 2 nature rune; 4 strawberry seeds; 1 mushroom spore; 4 potato seeds; 1 clay; 1 supercompost; 1 mort myre fungus; 1 fungicide
Coins: 458 coins
Rare Items: 1 uncut emerald, ruby, diamond, and sapphire; 1 rune spear and 5 javelin; 1 dragon spear; 1 loop half of key; 1 tooth half of key; 1 nature talisman
Level 86
Konark Keys with rate change from 1 to 111
Items: 1 ash, 1 steel axe; 1 steel 2h sword; 1 ash; 1 Rune full helm; 15 earth rune; 2 nature rune; 1 grimy tarromin, grimy harralander, 4 strawberry seeds; 1 mushroom spore; 4 potato seeds; 1 clay; 1 up to 3 supercompost; 1 fungicide; 1 mort myre fungus
Coins: 824 coins
Rare Items:
1 uncut sapphire,1 uncut emerald, 1 uncut ruby, 1uncut diamond; 1 rune spear and 5 javelin; 1 dragon spear; shield left half; 1 nature talisman; 1 loop half of key; 1 tooth half of key
Zygomite Location
Once you get everything you need, use a fairy ring to teleport to Zanaris.

In the entry point, use the dramen staff to teleport. Upon teleporting, you can choose from the two locations to find the Zygomites, either near the cosmic altar or the furnace. Then, find the enemies around the area using your weapons and spray the fungicide to completely remove them.