If you’re looking to get your gold’s worth by upgrading your magic gear in the most effective way possible, this guide may be for you. This guide will go over unlockable untradeables, slayer magic gear, and regular magic gear for bosses and off task. The guide will not touch on magic DPS because magic is fundamentally different from ranged or close-combat and isn’t as effective as the other two styles. It’s also a good idea to have a few million of gold handy to upgrade your gear.
Untradeable Unlocks
God Capes
- 60 magic.
- +10 attack bonus for DPS.

- Magic level 75.
- +15 magic attack bonus.
- 2% magic damage (the only cape to provide magic damage.)
Bear in mind, to get the imbued god cape; you must complete two mini-quests and defeat bosses.
Barrows Gloves
- +3 attack.
- +6 magic attack bonus.
Compared to the combat bracelet that only has a +3 attack, it’s best to get these gloves ASAP as they can hold you over until you get the Tormented Bracelet.
Magic Gear Progression Path For Slayer
While slayer bursting can help with your accuracy, tasks don’t matter. The exception is to unlock the Ice barrage at level 94 to get the 30% DPS increase along with divine magic potions or an imbued heart to increase damage time. The type of armor that is typically used is the Proselyte Armor for prayer bonus. Proselyte Armor is recommended if someone doesn’t have ancestral robes or money to spend on prayer potions. Other armor types such as Vestment Robes from clue scrolls can be useful as it does have 1% DPS, yet it has a decrease of 3 prayer bonuses. Upgrading magic equipment is a straightforward process with damage > prayer > accuracy is what you want to aim for.
Starting out
It’s good to start by unlocking the Slayer helmet if you want to burst. If you want to burst for off-tasks, it’s best to purchase the God Mitre (compared to Farseer Helm) because it provides +4 magical accuracy and + 5 prayer bonus which is great for bursting. You would want to bring along with Best Blessing, Major Arena Cape, Occult Necklace, Ancient Staff, Proselyte Armor, Barrows Gloves, Mystic Boots, and an imbued seers ring.
More important items to purchase are:

Occult Necklace
- 450K.
- 2 prayer bonus.
- 10% magic damage.
Book of Darkness
- 500k.
- +5 prayer bonus.
If you have an Unholy Book, this can be helpful as it has the same prayer bonus but -2 magic attack bonus.
Imbued Seers Ring
- 300K.
- +12 accuracy.
- You can imbue it using NMZ points.
Devout Boots
- 1.1 mill.
- +5 prayer bonus best in slot boots for prayer bonus in the game. This is good to grab early and helpful in the long run.
Tormented Bracelet
- 17 mil.
- +5 prayer bonus.
- +4 magic accuracy.
Master Wand
- 3.5 mil
- +5 magic damage
- 0 prayer bonus (vs. -1) You may want this wand to offset the -1 prayer bonus from the ancient staff.

The rest of the equipment that can help boost your magic gear is expensive, and sometimes they don’t work with regular magic gear in various situations. A good rule of thumb is to continue saving where you have a lot of spare funds in your bank before purchasing this equipment:
Nightmare Staff
- 43 mil.
- 15% magic damage.
- -4. Magic accuracy.
Kodai Wand
- Infinite Water Runes
- 15% chance to negate runes.
- 15% magic accuracy.
- 15% bonus magic damage
- 86 mil
Ring of the Gods
- 20 mil.
- +8 prayer bonus.
- Acts as a holy wrench for saving inventory space.

This ring is great for bursting. Also, You can sell it back uncharged to get 80% of your nmz points and then resell it after reaching 99 Slayer.
Ancestral Robes
- 143 mil for the top and legs. For the entire set, it’s 157 mil.
- 2% magic damage bonus for each piece.
- High magical accuracy.
If you’re bursting for an off-task, then it’s best to purchase the hat as it only costs 13 mil. You will lose the Proselyte prayer bonus; however, the DPS increase is worth it.

Magic Gear Progression Path for Bosses
The formula for bosses are: damage>accuracy>prayer bonus. Places that can help you where the bosses have a magic defense are Olm or Zulrah, where you can fight in raids. The items max hit have a threshold according to your magic level.

Book of Darkness
- 500k.
- +10 magical accuracy.
- +5 prayer bonus.
- 5% DPS upgrade over having no shield.
Seer’s Ring
- 300k
- +12 magic accuracy that adds another 5% overall.
Trident of the Swamp
- Inflict venom. 4.1 mil.
- +10 magic accuracy.
- +3 base max hit.
- 15% more DPS.

- 4.4 both pieces.
- +17 magic attack bonus.
- Increase defense.
It is best to skip purchasing hood as it slightly increases DPS and is not worth the repair cost.
Torment Bracelet
- 17 mil.
- +4 magic accuracy.
- 5% magic damage.

Eternal Boots
- 4 mil.
- +5 magic accuracy bonus over mystic boots.
- 0.35 DPS increase.

Sanguinetti Staff
- 125 mil.
- +1 max hit over swamp.
- Passively heals with 1 out of 6 chance to heal 50% of damage.
- Great for raids.
- High use cost.
Arcane Spirit Shield
- 150 mil.
- +10 magic accuracy.
- -2 prayer bonus.
- 20 attack bonus for melee and range defense.
- 157 mil total.
- 2% magic damage per piece.
- Higher accuracy.

The shown gear will benefit you greatly in the game by giving you high stats to increase your magic gear. And while it may seem expensive at first glance, remember it’s better to keep saving and build up your account before purchasing high-level gear. If you need to buy gear immediatly then only purchase the ones you need. Keep in mind, whether you’re going to use the items in a raid, bursting on a task or off-task.