Today we will go through how to complete the Karamja Easy Diary
There are no quest requirements, but you will need the following:
Skill requirements
- 15 Agility
- 40 Mining
Items required
- Pickaxe
- 90GP
- Small fishing net
- Lobster pot
- Rod and bait or harpoon depending on your fishing level.
We recommend you use weight reducing armor and 2 stamina potions. You will need a weapon to kill a jogre at level 53 and food. You will need food for combat 44 jungle spiders, tribesmen and harpie bugswarms. You will need an antidote and anti-poison potion in case a tribesman poisons you.
Teleports you will need are the cloak to Ardougne, a Brimhaven teleport (scroll of redirection) and another to leave Brimhaven. You can also use the Ring of Charos to charm certain NPCs and get passage, or you can use 30 coins.
The action takes place around the Kharazi Jungle and Mor Ul Rek. You can get to the large island of Karamja via charter ship or using the fairy ring code. Start at the eastern side of Musa Point.
Task 1
Travel to Port Sarim via the dock.
Task 2
Go back to Musa Point. Get on the boat and go west – pick 5 bananas in the banana plantation -find this north of the inn and east of the volcano. The Amulet of Glory will take you straight to the banana trees so that is worth collecting beforehand.
Task 3
North of the plantation are two fishing signs. Use the method of your choice to fish. Barbarian fishing counts.
Task 4
Drop the fish and go to TzHaar city. Climb down the volcano west of the plantation. Attempt the Fight Cave – even entering and leaving will count towards this task. Deposit your fishing gear in the bank.
Task 5
Teleport yourself to Brimhaven via the scroll or walk the long way if you don’t have one. Go northwest until you see the Western beach of Karamja. Swing across the northernmost rope swing you will see, to get onto Moss Giant Island. Swing back and travel north.
Task 6
Pass all the poisonous scorpions and look out for a mining sign. Drink an antidote poison if necessary. Mine the gold rocks until you have 1 gold ore. Drop the ore and teleport back to Brimhaven.
Task 7
Go south to the Brimhaven general store (Jiminua’s shop). To the west of the store pick up the red dot which is seaweed. Pick it up and drop it five times to collect the seaweed.
Task 8
Travel to the harpie bug swarms and the Pothole Dungeon just to the west of them. Climb down the rocks or search them and enter the cave. Kill a level 53 jogre. Jogres can deal a lot of hit damage to lower level players although they move slowly. If you need to, move south to the wall with the green dot and the jogres can’t attack you. You can curse them away. Pick up the jogre bones when you have killed it.
Task 9
Climb back out to the surface, return north and to the Brimhaven general store. It’s a good idea to stock up on essentials items here and it’s one place where you can buy charcoal and papyrus together. Go south, following the western shore and go to Cairn Isle. Cross the bridge -this will need 50 agility to get across to the island as you will need to keep your balance.
Task 10
Use the teleportation method to go to Ardougne via the port in Brimhaven. Congratulations on completing the easy diary tasks. You can now claim your rewards.
At the Brimhaven agility arena, talk to the character there and gain the Karamja Gloves 1. If you wear them, Brimhaven -Ardougne boat trips and Musa Point – Sarim boat trips will cost half as much as usual. You will get better deals when shopping in Karamja when the gloves are equipped – needing fewer currency units to buy goods and getting more back when you sell items.
You will also get an antique lamp which gives you 1000 skill points in any area of your choice.
Now you may attempt the medium, hard and elite diaries for this region.