OSRS has a lot of different items that you can buy. Some of those items are great and worth their price. Others, on the other hand, aren’t. In this quick overview, we’ll go over both the Dragonbone and the Bonecrusher Necklace and determine if either option is worth your time, gold, or energy.
The Dragonbone Necklace
The Dragonbone Necklace restores prayer points whenever you bury a bone. These points vary based on the type of bone that is buried. Regular bones only restore 1 point, “big bones” restore 2 points of prayer when buried, and Baby dragons (along with wyrm) bones will restore 3 points of prayer when buried.
Larger creatures, like Dragons, Wyverns, Hydra, Drakes, and Dagannoths will restore 4 points of prayer when their bones are buried, and Superior Dragon Bones will restore 5 points of prayer when they are buried.
The Bonecrusher Necklace
The Bonecrusher Necklace works similar to the Dragonbone necklace. The one exception is that the Bonecrusher Necklace will automatically “bury” the bones when first interacting rather than requiring the additional step of actually burying them.
The Bonecrusher Necklace is made from combining a Dragonbone necklace and the Bonecrusher item with a Hydra tail.
You’ll need a level 70 or higher Prayer to equip the necklace. You’ll also have an Attack bonus of +10, a Defense bonus of +2, and a Strength bonus of +2. You’ll also feel the effects immediately upon wearing the necklace.

Finally, the Bonecrusher Necklace activates immediately whenever you collect a bone, automatically replenishing your prayer if you need it.
Ultimately, while both are great, you’ll ideally want to go for the Bonecrusher option if you have the choice.
Best Places To Use These Dragonbone and Bonecrusher Necklaces
There are a ton of ideal spots for either of these necklaces, and while you don’t want to go everywhere wearing them, there are a lot of places where having them in your inventory can be a huge space saver and money saver – especially for prayer potions.
Maniacal Monkeys
This is a super-effective place to use either of these necklaces at. You’re going to be camping prayer the whole time anyway, so wearing either of these necklaces and burying some bones throughout the process is quick as well as easy.
Wear an Anguish necklace, wait until your Prayer has lowered, then put on either necklace and grab some bones. Then, after it’s gone back up, switch back to Anguish and repeat the cycle. Or just wear the necklace the whole time.
Slayer Task
An obvious place is pretty much any of the slayer tasks throughout the game. You’ll want to make sure you have one of these necklaces on when dealing with Drakes, Fire Giants, Dagannoths, Ankou, or Turoths since many of them will net you higher points when dealing with their bones.
Alchemical Hydra
Another stellar place is when dealing with the Alchemist Hydras. These creatures’ bones are great and will restore a good prayer with every kill.
Nightmare Zone
You can also see a lot of use for either of these necklaces in the Nightmare Zone. If you plan to camp Prayer the whole time and don’t want to carry a ton of potions, using the Dragonbone necklace or the Bonecrusher necklace greatly reduces any add-ons you may need.
Supplemental Items
In addition to either necklace, consider also using a cannon. Whether or not you’re doing a slayer task, a cannon is a great way to kill enemies quickly. In the case of wearing one of these necklaces, you can let the cannon do virtually all the work, the necklace collects any of the bones, bury them, and keep your Prayer up. What’s more, you’re able to do almost all of this without so much as bringing a single Prayer potion while going through this process!
So, Are They Worth It?
In a word, Yes! Both of these items are a great value for their price tag, their a useful item in general. If you plan to do many slayer tasks and don’t want to carry a bunch of Prayer potions, this item legitimately pays for itself after only a couple of hours of farming.
In virtually any scenario where you’re dealing with bones and planning to use Prayer, the Dragonbone and the Bonecrusher Necklace are arguably essential items to bring along on your journey.