Killing Infernal Mages for the Slayer task is not particularly lucrative or enjoyable. It is one of the few Slayer tasks that you can skip if you have a lot of points. If you do not have a lot of points and need to do as many tasks as possible, you could farm Infernal Mages, but only if you have a decent setup or gear as they deal a lot of damage.
The only positive aspect to farming Infernal Mages is that they award reasonable XP at early levels, but even that tiny perk fades away once you get to higher levels. To start this task, the only requirement is to have 45 Slayer.
Gear Setup
Melee Low Level

Melee Medium/High


Inventory Setup
I bring super strength, attack and defense potions(or excaliber), pineapple pizza, and the slayer ring.

Slayer Tower
Infernal Mages can be found only in the Slayer Tower. For most of the other Slayer tasks, you will notice multiple locations to find the monsters you have to kill with Infernal Mages that is not the case.

To get to the Slayer Tower, you have several options:
- The fastest way is to use the Slayer ring, which will teleport you right to the tower entrance.
- If you want to save some time, you can use Fenkenstrain’s Castle Teleport. It will take you to Fenkenstrain’s Castle, and from there, it is a short walk to the tower.
- Salve Graveyard teleport which requires level 40 magic
- Kharyll teleport
- Alternatively, you can use the Fairy Ring CKS to teleport you just south of the tower.
- The most time-consuming one is just walking from Varrock or the dig site through Paterdomus.
Once you find your way to the tower, you will first enter the ground floor. Just run to the other side at the opposite end from the entrance where you will find some stairs. The stairs will take you to the 2nd floor. Once on the 2nd floor, move towards the northeast, and in the first room, you will see the Infernal Mages. Keep in mind that Infernal Mages are only found on the 2nd floor of the tower.

- Infernal Mages are weak to ranged and melee-based attacks. Their attack style is mage-based. For max hit, Infernal Mages have 8.
- You get around 500 GP per kill on average, which should cover your costs with food and super potions.
- The quickest way to get to the Slayer Tower is to have the Slayer Ring. You can unlock the ring with the Slayer rewards, and you will need 75 crafting to make it. It may not be worth doing the Infernal Mage task if you do not have the ring yet because, with the ring, you travel much faster to the Slayer Tower.
- It is not possible to a safe spot with range on the 2nd floor of the Infernal Tower as they have a mage-based attack.
- Make sure you get your super potion set and food. Pineapple pizza is recommended since it does not cost much GP, and it restores 22 HP.