Using compost, super compost, or ultracompost is important in Farming because it protects crops from disease and increases crop yield per harvest.
It is easier to buy supercompost or ultracompost at the Grand Exchange than making them, but Ironman accounts do not have that option.
This is a guide to help you make your supercompost and ultracompost.
What is Compost Used For?

There are three types of compost in the game: regular compost, supercompost, and ultracompost. The chances of a patch becoming diseased with regular compost are 1/4; with supercompost, it becomes 1/8, and with ultracompost is 1/10.

A herb patch treated with supercompost has a guaranteed minimum yield of 5 herbs; one with ultracompost would have at least six herbs guaranteed, plus 20% per patch based on your Farming level. At high Farming levels, you would have an average of 8.6 herbs per patch using ultracompost.
Making supercompost
Making supercompost is very simple.

Just put 15 pineapples into a compost bin, close the lid and wait 90 minutes before collecting. Pineapples are the most convenient items to use for supercompost, and the fastest way to get pineapples is through The Port Khazard and Brimhaven charter ships.

In Port Khazard (accessible through the Fishing Trawler teleport), buy from the Trader Crewmembers, deposit them in the deposit box nearby, and hop worlds until stocks run out. Pineapples cost only five GP, but there are only 15 pineapples per world. If you prefer the charter ship at Brimhaven, you can go to the nearest tool leprechaun to exchange them for notes.
Compost Bin Location

- North of Catherby
- South of Falador
- North of Ardougne
- East of Port Phasmatys
- Southwest of Hosidius
Use the pineapples on the compost bin, and make sure to close the lid. You can’t open the bins again until after 90 minutes. Once done, use 15 buckets in the bin. You can store up to 1000 buckets of supercompost with the tool leprechaun. Then go back to the bank, withdraw more pineapples, and repeat the process.
You can buy buckets at the gardening shops near the allotments, marked by the minimap’s plant pot icon. You can give up to 1000 buckets to the leprechaun instead of banking them when you need to collect compost.
Making ultracompost
To make ultracompost, you will need level 22 Mining and have completed the Bone Voyage quest. Digsite pendants with unlocked teleports are recommended.

Making ultracompost is the same as making supercompost, except that you add volcanic ash to it near the end of the process. The best way to mine volcanic ash is to mine it from the ash piles in Fossil Island. You can use the Digsite pendant to teleport you to the House on the Hill, then head to the Magic Mushtree inside to teleport to Verdant Valley, and run east to the ash piles near the Fossil Island Volcano.
You will need 25 volcanic ash for every compost bin filled with supercompost. You can also use two volcanic ash on every bucket of collected supercompost, but using the ash on the bins is more efficient. Store the ultracompost with the tool leprechaun or bank, withdraw 15 pineapples from the bank and repeat.
Which Compost Type To Use In OSRS?
Use ultracompost on herb patches because it increases the minimum yield and average yield, and keeps the plants from dying.
Use supercompost on flower patches, like limpwurts, because compost does not change yields.
For allotment crops, use which type of compost you prefer.
You don’t have to use any compost on bushes if you can pay the farmer to watch over them. Like with flowers, compost does not change the yield.
Use ultracompost or pay the farmer when growing wood trees or fruit trees to ensure they survive.
Using ultracompost on giant seaweed is probably better than paying to have them grow.
Alternative methods
You can use compost potion on compost to make supercompost, but pineapples are cheaper.
The Fertile Soil spell adds supercompost to any target farming patch. It requires 83 levels of Magic and completion of the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
The ash-covered tome can cast an ultracompost Fertile Soil spell with two volcanic ash in the inventory.