Hellhounds combat levels vary depending on their location, but they range from 122 to 136. They have a max hit of 13 and are highly aggressive.

These monsters only attack using melee, so you will need a decent melee armor set up to kill them easier and quicker. If you are on a low level, safe-spotting them with either range or magic is recommended.
Recommended Items
- Holy wrench. It will help you a great deal of money when restoring prayer points. You can get it for free after you complete the Rum Deal quest.
- Dwarf cannon. You can buy one after completing the Dwarf Cannon quest from the Grand Exchange.
- Bonecrusher. This item can bury bones automatically, and it will come in handy in such places as the Catacombs of Kourend, where you can heal prayer points for every bone that you bury. You can get it as a reward from the Morytania Diary.
Recommended Melee Setup

SLAYER HELM. Black mask, serpentine helmet, helm of Neitiznot, Berserker helm.
AMULET OF TORTURE. Amulet of fury, amulet of glory, amulet of strength.
BANDOS CHESTPLATE. Fighter torso, obsidian platebody.
BANDOS TASSETS. Obsidianplatelegs, fremennik kilt, rune platelegs.
PRIMORDIAL BOOTS. Dragon boots, guardian boots, granite boots, mithril boots, climbing boots.
FEROCIOUS GLOVES. Barrows gloves, dragon gloves, rune gloves, granite gloves, regen bracelet, combat bracelet.
AVERNIC DEFENDER. Dragon defender, rune defender, Dragonfire shield, dragon kite.
GHRAZI RAPIER. Mythical cape, skill cape, obsidian cape, legends cape, ardougne cloak.
INFERNAL CAPE. Fire cape, mythical cape, skill cape, obsidian cape, legends cape, god cloak.
BERSERKER RING. Brimstone ring, a ring of suffering, warrior ring, treasonous ring.
RADA’S BLESSING 4. Any god blessing.
Inventory Setup

Magic Setup

SLAYER HELM. Black mask, ancestral helm, farseer helm, Ahrim’s hood, infinity hat.
OCCULT NECKLACE. 3rd age amulet, amulet of fury, amulet of glory, amulet of magic.
ANCESTRAL ROBE TOP. Ahrim’s robe top, infinity top, mystic top, enchanted top, wizard robe.
ANCESTRAL ROBE BOTTOM. Ahrim’s robeskirt, infinity bottom, mystic legs, xerican legs.
ETERNAL BOOTS. Infinity boots, wizard boots, boots of darkness, mystic boots, splitbark boots.
TORMENTED BRACELET. Barrows gloves, dragon gloves, addy gloves, combat bracelet.
ARCANE. Mage’s book, ancient wyvern, malediction ward, unholy book, tome of fire.
TOXIC TRIDENT. Trident of the seas, the staff of the dead, slayer’s staff, Iban’s staff.
IMBUED GOD CAPE. God cape, ardougne cloak, ghostly cloak, fire cape.
SEERS RING. Brimstone ring, beacon ring, lunar ring.
RADA’S BLESSING 4. Any god blessing.
Range Setup

SLAYER HELM. Black mask, armadyl helmet, robin hood hat, blessed coif, archer helm.
NECKLACE OF ANGUISH. Amulet of fury, amulet of glory, amulet of power, amulet of accuracy.
ARMADYL CHESTPLATE. Blessed d’ hide, black d’ hide, red d’ hide, studded body.
ARMADYL CHAINSKIRT. Blessed d’ hide, black d’ hide, red d’ hide, studded chaps.
PEGASIAN BOOTS. Ranger boots, d’ hide boots, snakeskin boots.
BARROWS GLOVES. Blessed bracers, ranger gloves, black vambs, combat brace.
TWISTED BUCKLER. Odium ward, a book of the law, unholy book, black d’ hide shield.
TOXIC BLOWPIPE. Armadyl crossbow, rune crossbow, magic short bow, maple short bow.
AVA’S ASSEMBLER. Ava’s accumulator, range cape, ava’s attractor.
ARCHER’S RING. Brimstone ring, a ring of the gods, a ring of the suffering, explorer’s ring.
AMETHYST BROAD. Addy bolts, bone bolts, rune broad, addy broad.
Welfare Setup(Wilderness)

Location: Slayer Stronghold Cave

The fact that you can use your dwarf multi-cannon here make this one of the most popular locations to kill hellhounds. The two fastest ways to get yourself there is by using a slayer ring with a slayer cave teleport, or using a gnome glider (if you have completed the Grand Tree quest), which you can get to through a dueling ring teleport to the duel arena, and then head west.
Another option is using a Spirit Tree to get yourself to the Tree Gnome Stronghold (tree gnome village quest required). One of the closest spirit trees you can use is situated on the Grand Exchange’s northeastern side.
Finally, you can also use a necklace of passage to the Jorral’s outpost, which will take you southwest of the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
How To Slay Hellhounds
There are four different rooms inside the dungeon where you can kill hellhounds, all of them on the southern side.

Once you step inside the dungeon, run south –the room on the most eastern side is recommended because there are more hellhounds. Once you are there, drop down your multi-cannon and click on it, so it starts firing, turning on your quick prayers, and drinking your stab boosting potions. Don’t forget to make sure that your auto-retaliate is on and watch your health and prayer points.
If you decide to use range or magic to safe-spot the hellhounds, follow the same procedure as before and then run to the east, towards the corridor and start attacking them one by one. The same technique will work in any room as there are many other passageways in which you can safe-spot them.
Location: Taverly Dungeon

This location also has some pretty good safe-spots, and you will be able to use it to your multi-cannon. The easiest way to get there is using a Taverley Teleport, which you can get by using a teleport to house tab with a redirection scroll, for which you will need level 10 construction. This will take you just north of the entrance of the dungeon.
Your next best option is teleporting to Falador and then use the agility shortcut on the west side. You will need level 5 Agility to use it.

Now onto navigating the dungeon, if you have 88 agility, you can use the agility shortcut right at the entrance and then take the path north to take you to the hellhounds room. With 70 agility, or 65 with a summer pie boost, you can use the pipe shortcut to enter the blue dragon’s room, and then follow the u-shape path to get to the hellhounds.
If using the agility shortcuts is not doable for you, you will need to use a dusty key to get through the lesser demons’ gate.
To kill hellhounds in this location, follow the same process as with the Stronghold Slayer Cave.
Location: Witchaven Dungeon

The easiest way to get to this spot is by using an Ardougne teleport (Plague City quest required). To do this, you have two options, a) through an Ardougne teleport tablet which you can buy in the Grand Exchange, or b) using the teleport on the normal spellbook at level 51 magic with two lava runes and two water runes in your inventory.
Another option that you have is using the Fairy Ring code BLR, which will take you nearby the Legends Guild. From there, just run south towards the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, you will find the hellhounds on the most eastern side. If you haven’t been there before, you will need to complete the puzzle inside the dungeon to unlock the hellhounds room door. To solve the puzzle, you must complete the seven steps very carefully; if you log out of it before completing them, you will have to start from the beginning.

There is only one safe-spot in Taverley dungeon. Drop your cannon close to the stalagmites, make sure that it is firing, and then get yourself between the wall and the stalagmites. Activate your quick prayers, drink your stab boosting potions, and attack the hellhounds one by one.

Location: Catacombs of Kourend
This location does have a few places to safe-spot hellhounds using range or magic, but you won’t be allowed to use your dwarf cannon at all.
The fastest way to get to the catacombs is by using the main entrance. To do this, you will need the Kourend teleport spell at level 69 Magic and after you have read the transportation and incantations book.

Your next best option is using a Xeric’s talisman and then teleporting to Xeric’s heart, which will bring you to the Kingdom of Great Kourend. You will have to complete the Architectural Alliance mini-game to use the talisman.
You can also use a Kourend portal inside a player’s own house.
Finally, use a Xeric’s talisman and teleport to the inferno, and then run east towards the hole. However, there are aggressive dragons at the bottom, so you must have some dragon-fire protection.
The hellhounds room is located just northwest of the main entrance. To get there, run west towards the skeleton room and then turn north until you hit the hellhounds room.
Since you can’t use a cannon here, go ahead and activate your quicker prayers before you enter the room. Drink your stab, boosting potions, and turn on auto-retaliate as well. If you are going with melee, you can stand in the center of the room. The hellhounds will likely become unaggressive towards you after a couple of minutes. To get them to attack you again, run out of the room and head back inside.
If you are using range or magic, a decent safe-spot is right on the corridor. Try to bring the hellhounds near the wall, where they will get stuck, so you can start attacking them.