Fishing is a fun way to gain skills and bank profitable food items. A sub-skill here is fly fishing for salmon and trout on the rivers. How can players get into fly fishing, where should they go, and is it worth it?
What Are The Requirements For Fly Fishing?
Fly fishing is a great accessible recreational activity as part of the wider fishing skills in Runescape. The requirements are minimal when you have the right gear and experience. You only need a fishing experience of 20 to unlock trout fly fishing, which is easily done through net fishing shrimp first. Salmon soon unlocks when you hit 30. It is a free to play option that can land between 300-800 per hour with hourly XP of 15-40k.

What Gear Do You Need For Fly Fishing?
You will need specific gear as fly fishing is a specialist fishing skill. Of course, you want to start with a good fly fishing rod. These are easy to purchase. There is a fancy pearl that looks great but doesn’t boost your earnings. Then you need plenty of feathers as lures. Regular feathers are easy to find, and you can get them from chickens, the grand exchange or shops. There are stripy feathers too, which you can use to lure the more profitable rainbow fish once you build your experience.

From there, it helps to have your basic angler gear on for a 2.5% bonus and your Skills Necklace Teleport for easy access to fishing sites. That’s about it for gear. It is easy to set yourself up and give this a try.
Where To Go Fly Fishing In Old School Runescape(OSRS)?
Two locations are great for fly fishing for salmon or trout. The most popular place to fly fish is Barbarian village and Shilo Village.
You do have to complete the Jungle Potion quest first to access Shilo Village, but once you do, it is a great fishing spot. The sites are easy to access, and it is better for banking your raw fish due to the location of the village bank.
The alternative is to head out to the Barbarian Village to the west and lure from the spots on the river there. This one is the better option if you want to combine skills.
Combining Fishing And Cooking For More XP.
Combining it with cooking is a popular strategy for those who like fly fishing. That means two skills in one session for more XP and a different bankable item for your inventory. There is a campfire area right next to the prime spots by Barbarian village. So, once you have caught all you want from the river, come here to cook it up.

You can enjoy an hourly rate of over 25k here. A great tip if you want to go for cooking and fishing is to equip the cooking gauntlets. These will help ensure you burn fewer fish. What you do with the cooked fish after gaining the XP is up to you.
Is Fly Fishing Worth It?
Yes. The return you get in terms of profit and XP is good for the effort. Depending on your preferences, you can easily take the banking route in Shilo or the cooking route. Just make sure you have enough feathers, and keep at it!