Welcome to this free-to-play obor beginner guide. This guide is meant for people that have never killed obor before and want to make sure they kill him on their first try. And this could be important because if you are an arc or iron man, one mistake could be the end, so you don’t want to die.
Let’s first talk about obor himself. His combat level is a 106 monster with 120 hp that attacks with max hit ranged 26, and max hit melee 22.
Obor Location

You can access his lair after obtaining a giant key, which is dropped by regular hill giants, and one giant key equals one Obor kill, so keep in mind that you can’t kill obor whenever you want, you have to get a key first.

Recommended Stats
Here are the stats recommended to fight obor:
- 59 magic. It is important to do as much damage as possible so that a fire blast will be your best friend. You could try with lower-level spells, but it’s not recommended, especially if it’s your first time. You want to kill him as quickly as possible.
- 40 prayer. Protect missiles are super useful against obor because he will not be able to deal damage from a distance. It is also possible to do it without 40 prayer, but the risk might not be worth it.
- 45 hp. This is because obor has max hit melee 22, which means that you can survive at least twice his max hits, making it safer.
Gear Setup

If you prefer to use melee, this simple setup should be enough for you to kill Obor.
Now it’s time to look into our gear setup. And as we said, we’re going to kill him with magic, so let’s see the best magic gear.

- Wizard hat
- Regular cape
- Staff of fire
- Zamorak robe bottoms
- Leather gloves
- Amulet of magic
- Wizard robe top
- Anti-dragon shield – this would be optional, as it doesn’t give you a magic bonus, it will give you some defence, but you don’t need it. One main reason to use it would be that it doesn’t give any negative magic attack bonus and other shields sometimes do.
- Leather boots
Inventory Setup
Now about the inventory setup.


- Giant key + brass key – of course, you’re going to be needing a giant key to get access to the lair in the first place, so get yourself one.
- Energy potion(bring two limpwurt roots + 5 coins to the apothecary) – bring an energy potion because you will be running a lot. It’s not difficult to do but still bring it because it may save your life.
- Runes (fire blast, teleport runes)
- Food (swordfish + anchovy pizza, or lower food if you don’t have better) – make sure you have good food to survive.
How To Kill Obor
Let’s now get to the core of the article and talk about how to kill obor.
Once you enter the lair, your giant key will crumble to dust, which means that if you leave the area, you will need a new key to kill obor. When you enter the room, make sure you are close to food run energy. And set your quick prayers to protect missiles.
If you are using melee just protect from melee attacks and kill obor.

Also, make sure you turn on your prayer before climbing down the rocks because obor will attack you immediately after you climb down.

To kill obor with magic, the strategy you need to use is to keep running back and forth from the west to the east wall, and every time you run through a wall, you’ll be able to use two fire blasts to attack him.
But now and then obor will deal some damage, so that is when you eat. Always prioritize eating over attacking. It is okay if the fight takes a little longer, stays calm, and keeps going.
It is also essential that when you run, you spam-click until you start running because sometimes obor smacks you against the wall, and you’ll be stunned for a second.
In summary, this whole strategy is pretty simple: you have to keep repeating the same process repeatedly, and it shouldn’t be a problem to kill obor on your first try.
Obor has some nice drops, but in this article, we’ll only be highlighting a few. For example, the hill giant club and the rune kiteshield. Now, if you’re not an iron man, you want to go for the hill giant club to make yourself some money because it’s worth 470k, not too bad.

If you are an iron man, though, the rune kiteshield will be your best drop. Why is this? Because it’s the best in slot shield and free-to-play, and it’s the only way to obtain it.

Also, not to forget is that obor always drops a beginner clue scroll unless you already have one. If it’s your first time trying to kill obor, it’s generally recommended to kill him with magic. Later on, this is not the best way to kill him, but it’s very easy to learn, and it will increase your chance of survival.