There are two different versions of Dust Devils in the game. The first one is a weaker version, which is combat level 93, with 105 hit points, and they are easily found at the Smoke Dungeon, which is in a single-combat area.
The other version has a 110 combat level with 130 hit points, and they are at the Catacombs of Kourend in a multi-combat area. These monsters have a max hit of 8 and 10, respectively; they are not aggressive, and their primary weakness is magic.
You will need at least Slayer level 65 to damage Dust Devils, and if you decide to go to the Smoke Dungeon location, you will have to complete the Desert Treasure Quest in advance.
Regarding the monster’s attack and strength levels, the truth is that they are pretty strong, but if you have decent magic defense gear, you shouldn’t find much trouble killing them.
Inventory Setup
- Rune Pouch.
- Explorer’s Ring.
- Herb Sack.
- Imbued Heart.
- Bonecrusher.
- Holy Wrench.
- Dwarf Cannon.
- Gem Bag.
- Darts
- Couple of prayer potions

Melee Prayer Setup

· SLAYER HELMET. If possible, choose the imbued version. The Facemask is a good replacement.
· AMULET OF TORTURE. Amulet of Fury, Amulet of Strength, Bonecrusher, Dragonbone Necklace.
· BANDOS CHESTPLATE. Proselyte Hauberk, Monk’s Robe top, Initiate Hauberk, Fighter Torso.
· BANDOS TASSETS. The Proselyte Tassets are just as effective, followed by the Monk’s Rob,e the Initiate Cuisse, and the Obsidian Platelegs.
· PRIMORDIAL BOOTS. Dragon Boots, Spiked Manacles, Guardian Boots, Granite Boots, Climbing Boots.
· FEROCIOUS GLOVES. Barrows Gloves, Dragon Gloves, Rune Gloves, Regen Bracelet, Addy Gloves.
· AVERNIC DEFENDER. The Dragon Defender will also work just fine, followed by the Rune or Adamant Defender.
· G RAPIER. Abby Tentacle, Z Hasta, Staff of Light.
· INFERNAL CAPE. Fire Cape, Ardougne Cloak, Skill Cape, Mythical Cape, God Cloak.
· BERSERKER RING. Brimstone Ring, Ring of the Gods, Ring of Suffering.
· RADA’S BLESSING. Any God Blessing.

Melee Magic Defence Setup

· SLAYER HELMET. Preferably imbued. The Face Mask will also get the job done.
· AMULET OF FURY. Amulet of Torture, Amulet of Power, 3rd. Age Amulet, Amulet of Defense.
· ARMADYL CHESTPLATE. Karil’s Leathertop. 3rd Age Range Top, God or Black D’hide Body, Void Top, Red D’hide body.
· ARMADYL CHAINSKIRT. Karil’s Leatherskirt, 3rd. Age Range Legs, Void Robe, God D’hide Chaps.
· PRIMORDIAL BOOTS. Dragon Boots, Eternal Boots, Granite Boots, Boots of Brimstone, God D’hide Boots.
· BARROWS. Dragon, Ferocious, Rune, or Addy Gloves, 3rd Age Vamb, God Bracers, Black D’hide Vamb.
· DRAGONFIRE SHIELD. The Spectral Spirit makes for a suitable replacement, followed by the Dragonfire Ward, the Twisted Buckler, and the Odium Ward.
· G RAPIER. Abby Tentacle, Staff of Light, Staff of Dead, Zamorakian Hasta, Abby Dagger.
· INFERNAL CAPE. Fire Cape, Imbued God, God Cape, Skill Cape, Obsidian Cape, Mythical Cape, Cape of Legends.
· RING OF SUFFERING. Berserker Ring, Seers Ring, Ring of Suffering, Brimstone Ring.
· RADA’S BLESSING. Any God Blessing.
Ranged Chinning Setup

· SLAYER HELM. Facemask, Slayer Helmet.
· NECKLACE OF ANGUISH. Amulet of Fury, Bonecrusher, Dragonbone Necklace, Amulet of Glory.
· ARMADYL CHESTPLATE. God or Black D’hide, 3rd Age Range Top, Karil’s Leathertop.
· ARMADYL CHAINSKIRT. God D’hide, 3rd Age Range Legs, Karil’s Leatherskirt, Ranger Tights.
· PEGASIAN BOOTS. God D’hide Boots, Ranger Boots, Devout Boots, Holy Sandals, Boots of Brimstone.
· BARROWS GLOVES. God Bracers, 3rd Age Vambs, Ranger Gloves, Holy Wraps, Red D’hide Vambs.
· TWISTED BUCKLER. The Book of Law is an equally good option, followed by the Odium Ward.
· BLACK CHINCHOMPA. Black chins are very expensive, so you might want to go for Red Middle Ground Chinchompas.
· AVA’S ASSEMBLER. Range Cape, Ardougne Cloak, Skill Cape, God Cloak, or Ava’s Accumulator.
· ARCHER’S RING. The Ring of the Gods is a suitable replacement. Your next best options are the Ring of Suffering, the Brimstone Ring, and the Explorer’s Ring.
· RADA’S BLESSING. Any God Blessing.
Ranged Safe-spot Setup

· SLAYER HELM. Facemask, Slayer Helm.
· NECKLACE OF ANGUISH. Amulet of Fury, Glory, Power, or Accuracy, Unholy Symbol, Bonecrusher.
· ARMADYL CHESTPLATE. Either God or Black D’hide, Karil’s Leatherskirt, 3rd Ange Range Legs.
· PEGASIAN BOOTS. Ranger Boots, God D’hide Boots, Boots of Brimstone, Snakeskin Boots.
· BARROWS GLOVES. God Bracers, 3rd Age Vamb, Black Vamb, Ranger Gloves.
· TWISTER BUCKLER. Dragonfire Ward, Odium Ward, Book of Law.
· TOXIC BLOWPIPE. A set of Throwing Knives is still a good option. If that’s not doable, bring an Armadyl Crossbow or a Dragon Crossbow.
· AVA’S ASSEMBLER. Ava’s Accumulator, Range Cape, and finally Ava’s Attractor.
· ARCHER’S RING. Brimstone Ring, Ring of Suffering, Seers Ring.
Bursting/Barrage Magic Setup

Dust Devil Location
Catacombs of Kourend
One of the easiest ways to get to this location is by using a Kourend Portal or a Nexus Player inside a player’s house; remember that if you don’t have one, you can always use it someone else’s.

Another option is using a Kourend Castel Teleport in the standard Spell Book, but keep in mind that you must have read the Transportations and Incantations book first and having level 69 magic.

You can also use Xeric’s Talisman Teleport, but you must have completed the Architecture Alliance Quest beforehand.
Smoke Dungeon
There are three main ways of getting to the Smoke Dungeon. The first one requires you to use a Teleport Scroll to Nardah, which you can buy from the Grand Exchange. You will have to use Magic Carpet Transportation on the western side of the city that will take you to Pollnivneach.

Your next option is getting yourself to the Pollnivneach House Portal, which you can do by moving your house for 7,500 coins along with level 20 construction. You can also make yourself a Pollnivneach House Tablet by using a scroll of redirection that you get from Nightmare Zone on a teleport to House Tablet. This requires level 20 construction to make, and you will only have to exit your house portal and head northwest.

The last option you have is using the Magic Carpet to ride South of Shantay Pass to get yourself to Pollnivneach. This will cost you around 200 coins. Once you get there, simply run south past the mountain and then head Northwest.