Deadman mode reborn returns in this new season of OSRS. Swapping is now confirmed to be allowed this season, unlike the previous season. This means you can make money in the game and swap it out for in the regular version of the game.
So how exactly can you make money in DMM? The new update includes an increased drop rate on some of the game’s most valuable items that could make a significant profit once sold. These drops include Ancient Warrior Weapons, items such as vesta’s long sword now have an increased drop rate.
Shayzien Area
This area over at zeah has been recently reworked. Just southwest of the map near an altar, there is a crypt there containing some undead monsters that only have 54 hp worth farming on for ancient items.

These undead monsters have a relatively low hp but high damage output, so players should still be cautious. Be sure to watch out for the mage at the start of the crypt because he has high magic defense Although you would need a candle to be able to enter the crypt.

Just southwest of wintertodt, players will find some ice giants and four ice wolves; these ice wolves are 132 in combat and only 70hp.

The ice giants have 70hp as well but are only 53 in combat. These ice wolves only have 5 seconds of respawn time compared to the other monsters in the game that may take longer respawn time, making these guys great money-making enemies.
Scarab Mage
This NPC can only be encountered when you finish the contact! Quests is a rare enemy with 50 hp and 93 combat that would make them a great target when it comes to farming for items worth selling. There are two areas where you can locate and fight a scarab mage. Iside the maze during the contact! Quests, you will need a candle because the place needs a light source. You also have a bank here.

The center of the maze has 2 scarab mages that spawn next to each other, which is the best location to fight these NPCs or go underground and fight some scarab mages there.

However, you will also encounter other monsters if you decide to take the farming underground. To add, the scarab mage has a pretty good drop table; you can make around 4.5k per kill, so farming in this area is profitable. They have 30 second respawn time.
It has been confirmed that NPCs located in the wilderness section of the game have a higher chance of dropping ancient items that would be good for selling. With this in mind, weak enemies located here are worth noting because of the increase in drop rate, such as Ankous.
Scorpia’s Lair
A good location to farm these PVP items is at Scorpio’s lair. The NPC you want to look for here are scorpias’ offspring. These guys have 15 in combat and only 2 hp; players can kill these things crazy fast, which makes them worth farming on.

These weak monsters are located in the wilderness, which increases the chance of them dropping the rare PVP items that would be good for money-making. They drop lots of ensouled heads which is great for training prayer in DMM.
Abyssal Area
The NPC you would want to look for is the abyssal leeches in this area. These monsters can drop some talismans that can be valuable for runecrafting.

These monsters have 10 hp and 41 combat, and gathering lots of these talismans could be profitable in the grand exchange.
Family Crest Quest
The NPC that appears on this quest has pretty high combat of 170 and only 60 hp, making him worth farming. Chronozon can be killed really fast and is just located at edgeville dungeon.

Vyrewatch Sentinels
These NPCs can drop blood shards that are 4 times more likely to drop when played DMM than the regular version of the game. Blood shards are pretty rare in the regular game, making these items very profitable.

A Night At The Theatre
Players who remember this quest have probably encountered an empty cave with spiders sticking out. If you visit this location after completing the quest, the area is swamped with easy spiders with a good drop table of runes and other stackable items that would be good for farming.

However, these monsters have venom so it should be noted that players should bring some anti-venom with them.

Food, potions, herblore supplies, and other useful drop items increased for this new season. Gathering these items during your farming and re-selling them can be extremely profitable in the long run.