It is wise to have a solid base 80 stats for this task, but you don’t necessarily need them, and we will cover a 2/3 kings method to kill dagannoths if you are lower level.

There are 3 Dagannoth kings, being Supreme(ranger), Rex(melee) and Prime(mage). Despite that, since there are three different bosses, you need to have decent stats in any case.
Recommended armor
The goal you should keep in mind when gearing up is to avoid having many switches (I.E., One for each boss). In this regard, the fury is better over the zenyte because it gives you more inventory spaces.

You don’t need all-expensive items; you can bring:

- A blowpipe instead of a twisted bow.
- Slayer helm.
- Tentacle, although a regular whip, is all right.
- Dragon dagger.
- Range cape gives a nice prayer bonus. You can also bring an accumulator instead.
- God boots. A nice replacement is the pegasians.
- Ring of suffering. The ring of the gods also works.
- Crystal shield, or a spirit shield.
- Dragon defender or any defensive shield works just fine.
- Trident of the swamp. Any regular trident will do.

If you can afford it, you can bring blood runes on your runes pouch. Bring a stamina potion and get there easily, a holy wrench to get more prayer, an imbued heart will give you more magic, and a preserve prayer is recommended. Don’t forget to bring a couple of teleports, and a pet rock will help you get through the gates.

Also, you will need a rune thrownaxe to get in. The dagganoth kings drop these, so you will able to stock up on them.
Bank Tags
The use of this feature is really helpful when going to fight dagannoth kings. The way that it works is that in your bank, if you right-click an item and then click dit tags’, you can put it in a little key (DK’s), and once you do that, if you search that item, it will appear instantly. If you do this for every item you bring to dagannoth kings, they will show up, and you can gear up very quickly.
Dagannoth Kings Location
Dagganoth kings can be found deep inside the cave of waterbirth island.

Once you are all set to go, eat your food, your super combat pot, drink the ranging potion and turn to preserve on. Go to the bank and get a new set of those items.
How To Get There
There are a lot of ways to get to waterbirth island. The easiest one is putting your house in Rellekka or uses a redirection tab from the Nightmare >one to go there with a house tab.
You can also use an enchanted lyre, the teleport to waterbirth island spell on the lunar spellbooks.
Then run to the dungeon where the dagganoth kings are is really easy. Once you are in waterbirth, just run West. There’s no specific time to drink your stamina potion, so keep an eye on your stats.
Turn on prayer melee, head towards the gate, and drop your rock. Open the door, pick your rock again.

You can destroy the support door on the west throw it at the middle door, use the special attack.

Use the map below to navigate through the maze if it’s your first time. It’s easier than it looks once you have navigated through it a couple of times.

You can pray either melee or range as you navigate the cave.
You can either wait for the dagannoth kings to appear, although you could take a lot of damage from that, or you can pray range and then go in with piety and get ready to kill supreme right away. If you peek through the crack it will tell you if other players are fighting the Dagannoth bosses or not.

Fighting the Dagannoth Kings
One of the messiest parts of the trip is the limited amount of time that you have to kill one of the Supreme before the other sees you, if the others see you just go back up.

You will want to kill the Supreme as soon as you can; you can use your specs if you’ve got them and be ready to prayer flick mage and range in case Prime sees you(Prime can KO you otherwise).

When you are fighting two of them at once, it’s fairly easy to pray to flick them both simultaneously. Once the animations of one happen, switch to the other, and before you know it, supreme will be dead.
Once Supreme is dead you can focus on killing Rex.

Pray mage, and don’t kill Prime yet; you will want to kill Rex first. Try getting his attention and then run to a spot near the wall. Keep praying mage, and most of the time, rex will safe-spotted there. If he doesn’t, all you have to do is run to the corner to the left and then run back to your previous spot. It will look like the image above when Rex is safe-spotted.

Once he is dead, all that you have to do is kill prime. You’ll get a lot of food drops, so make sure to make room for them.
The order is going to be prime, supreme, rex, over, and over again. For prime, you should go northeast as much as possible because supreme is going to spawn back by the ladder with his range attack, and you don’t want him to see you.
* with the twisted bow or if you have a crossbow, this is easy to do because the range is far, whereas, with the blowpipe, it turns a little trickier.
Once prime is dead, you should kill supreme next, and because rex spawns in 23 seconds in the middle of the room, it’s recommended to stand on the ladder side of supreme because then rex will almost always never see you.
* the only time you might have an issue is supreme is in the center of the room, which doesn’t happen very often. If it does happen, you can use either tank or pray to flick them.
As you can see, fighting the dagannoth kings isn’t all that hard. As long as your stats are decent enough, you will get the kills whiting a reasonable amount of time. You might want to bring a couple of extra food, especially for the beginning, if you’re new to this.
Following this method, you should be able to get around 100 kills within 90 minutes on average.