Chompy hunting is required for a breadth of content. All Western diaries require some chompies to be hunted, which are necessary to unlock the elite void.

After completing the Elite Diaries, you can continue to hunt chompies for further ogre hats or the chance of receiving a chompy chick pet at a rate of 1 out of 500: the most common pet in the game. Nearly every account will need to hunt chompies at some point.
Gear Setup
This is the recommended gear setup. Bring the best range gear you can it does not matter a ton.

- Ogre bow or comp bow – you’re required to use either an ogre bow or an ogre comp bow. The composite bow fires faster and has the same bonuses but slightly less range.
- Brutal arrows – you also require brutal arrows. An alternative would be to use animate brutal as the cost is more reasonable, but brutal is the best option if you want this over with as quickly as possible.
- Zogre flesh-eaters – the combo and brutal require zogre flesh-eaters, so it’s recommended getting that finished before you start your hunt.
This setup is the best in the slot for the area beside the arrows, but your gear does not matter a ton. Bring the best range gear you have: archer’s helm and dehyde or fury and accumulator will all work perfectly fine here as well.
For inventory, it’s suggested you bring 20 ogre bellows, which you can acquire by using the drop trick at rants cave(North-east fairy code AKS), by searching this chest and then dropping your bellows until you have enough on the ground. If you aren’t using potions, fill your inventory with bellows until you have three free spaces.

You can also not bring prayer potions as they would take too many inventory spaces and shorten the trip too much. Then a basket of strawberries is for when your health drops too low.

Because you can’t use brews for divine potions, strawberry is the highest healing single space food besides sweets and brews that you can use. You can always bring regular potions or skip the potions entirely and bring more bellows.
Chompy Bird Location
The best place to hunt chompies is on the peninsula southwest of castle wars. You can hunt chompies anywhere around feldip hills, but this spot seems to have the most frog spawns. The fastest way to get there is with fairy ring code BKP, or you can use a ring of dueling to castle wars.
How To Hunt Chompies
The process is straightforward: fill your bellows with swamp gas. You can either afk this and let your character fill them slowly or spam these bellows onto the bubbles and quickly fill them.

You then inflate frogs. It’s good to keep three spaces open as three is the maximum amount of frogs you can carry at a given time. If you inflate any extra frogs, one will escape your inventory each time. You then place the frog’s downs there’s no rhyme or reason to this, and they can be placed anywhere, it doesn’t matter at all.

Each frog placed has a chance to spawn a chompy, which you can then shoot with your bow.

The easy western diaries increase your chance of a second chompy spawning by 25%, the mediums by 50%, and finally the elites guarantee a second bird spawn.

If you’re knocking out your diaries back to back, it’s best to get the bare minimum chompy requirements for each easy and medium diary, and then leaving to do those as you unlock the number of kills required. That’s because those being completed will dramatically speed up this process. If you are pet hunting, it is worth plucking the chompies and getting a second roll at the pet with each chomp be hunted and plucked: two rolls per bird.
Tips and Tricks
Finally, let’s go over some basic tips and tricks. Chompies will try to eat the frogs you have placed if they have not yet been attacked by you. Try to tag each chompy in a row, then focus on those closest to flying away. This prevents your bait from being depleted as quickly.
Try to do some actions in between shots fired, like placing or inflating frogs. Standing in between the chompies and your frogs is typically a good idea because if you approach them within one tile, they will screech and back off. This alone does not prevent them from eating your bait, but it does give you time to shoot them first.