Cerberus Guide
Cerberus is a Hellhound Slayer boss that drops crystals, which are necessary to make the best boots in the current metagame. Some players are not fond of battling this boss because the other drops, outside the rare drops, are practically useless.

However, if you do land an item drop from the rare list, you are sure to make a considerable amount of money.
Recommended Stats

91 Slayer
To fight Cerberus, you must be at least level 91 Slayer or higher while being on a Hellhound or Cerberus boss task.
Recommended: 80 Agility
Cerberus lives deep in the Taverley Dungeon and it is a rather lengthy location in OSRS. Thus, you should have a high Agility level as well. Some players have battled Cerberus with level 70 Agility and found a bit challenging to keep up with him. From personal experience, I would suggest a level 80 Agility or more to be able to save time when doing bank trips and traveling within the dungeon. Additionally, with higher Agility, your kills will be better and faster.
Other players attempt a 65 or 75 level Agility and then purchase many Summer pies to jump their Agility level up to level 70 and 80, respectively. If you plan to do this approach, take into consideration that summer pies are one of the items dropped by Cerberus during the boss fight.
80+ Combat Stats
Cereberus is a relatively weak boss, which means that you do not need overwhelming Combat stats to slay it. Therefore, it is suggested to have an 80 level or more in your Attack, Strength, and Defense stats.
If you stick to these stats, the battle will be relatively easy and fast, which will increase your chances of fighting many times to acquire crystals. If you want to make more money, having higher stats will improve your profit.
Recommended: Spectral Spirit Shield
Many bosses, including Cerberus, have special attacks that can overwhelm players if they do not prepare in advance.
One of Cerberus’s special attacks can drain your Prayer points, which can make some of your attacks futile. For this reason, it is advised to equip a Spectral Spirit Shield to reduce by half the drain and allow you to attack it more efficiently. Although it is somewhat expensive to purchase a Spectral Shield, it is worth it and you can sell the shield back if you want.
Gear Setups

The use of gear against Cerberus is very straightforward. Cerberus is weak to Crush. You can rearrange your equipment around his weakness to inflict more damage and make your gear setups more efficient.

In your Weapon slot, the Scythe of Vitur is the best. Other options are an Abyssal Bludgeon for good damage output. If you are unable to obtain these items, you can replace them with a Zammy Hasta. It is not as good as the previous items, but the Hasta can get the job done.
In regards to your Cape slot, it will depend on whether you are prioritizing on Melee or Ranged attacks. If you are a beast with the Infernal Cape, then bring it instead of a Fire Cape. Another good option is the Skillcape.
For your Amulet slot, the Amulet of Torture is your best option, but equipping an Amulet of Fury is a great alternative. If you cannot obtain the previous amulets, then the Amulet of Glory is an acceptable replacement.
In your Ammo slot, it is wise to equip a Blessing if you need to use a lot of Prayer points for your attacks. However, remember that one of Cerberus’s attacks drains Prayer points. Therefore, you should probably invest more on a Spectral Shield than a Blessing because it would more resourceful during the whole fight.
In regards to your chest and leg protection, you can use a Bandos chest plate or a Fighter torso.
However, the best defensive options are using Torag’s or Dharok’s armor. If possible, try to use the full set to receive the special effects that come with a full set.
The Spectral Shield is your best choice when battling Cerberus to cut his Prayer drain by half. Additionally, you can use it with your Hasta to increase its power. But, if you cannot obtain this shield, you can resort to a Dragon Defender.
Now, the Primordial Boots are the best option in OSRS to fight Cerberus as they will allow you to attack quickly. The Dragon Boots are also a great alternative as well.
In the ring slot, the Berserker ring is the only reasonable choice and it is also best to imbue it. Imbuing your rings is worth it, you can get it from Nightmare Zone.
In the Gloves compartment, you can use Barrows gloves, but if you have the Ferocious gloves, these are the better choice. The Ferocious will improve both your Melee and Ranged attacks, so it won’t be necessary to switch gloves mid-fight if you decide to change your attacking strategy from Melee to Range, or vice-versa.
How To Fight Cerberus
Cerberus is a rather unique boss that uses the three main attack styles, but you should Protect from Magic most of the time. Therefore, your Melee and Ranged defenses are the top priority when battling this creature. As previously said, she is weak towards Crush attacks. She has a max hit of 23. Her magic attack looks like a transparent ball, her ranged attack, and she goes for a bite for her melee attack.
Watch out for her magic attack, since she can follow up very quickly with a ranged and melee attack, regardless of how far away you are from her. Switch your overheads at this time to not get KO’ed. She will use this immediately when you start the fight, so be prepared, after that it has a 40-second cooldown.
When you start the fight a fire wall will appear, if you attempt to cross it you will take 5 damage.