If you are mid-level, it is recommended that you use range. The recommendation is to have at least level 80 Attack and 85 strength base before fighting Callisto.

Melee remains the better option when fighting the Callisto boss.
The GP per hour that you will get from fighting Callisto stands around 1-2 million per hour.
Melee Setup

- Ring of wealth I.
- Viggora’s chainmace or Verac’s flail.
- Proselyte armor
- Amulet of Torture/Fury/Glory
- Barrows gloves.
- Dragon boots. D’hide boots are a good cheaper replacement.
- Ardounge Cloak
- Arrows

- Potions
- Bow
- Teleport
- Gear to getaway
Range Setup

- Ring of wealth I.
- Book of law.
- Barrows gloves.
- Snakeskin boots.
- Rune crossbow.
- Ava’s accumulator.
- Diamond d bolts.

- Potions
- Teleport
- Looting bag
- Seedpod
Callisto Location
The Callisto boss can be found in the northeastern part of the wilderness, near lava island.

The easiest way to get there is by using an Annakarl teleport, which you can use after completing the desert treasure quest. Moreover, if you have the wilderness elite done, you can teleport there via wilderness sword.
You can also use a revenant cave teleport and then run east.
How To Kill Callisto
Once you are there, you will need to lure Callisto.

Put your bow on long-range(unless you’re a pure), shoot Callisto, turn the magic prayer on, run around near the lava for a few seconds, and head next to the dead tree shown in the picture above.
Callisto will come by running through the two tree slumps. When he does, move to the east. Sometimes he will attack you right away; sometimes, he won’t. If he does attack you and hurls the type of attack that sends you flying backward, the spot to the west of the rocks is useful because it will send you flying into the rocks and avoid getting thrown out of his range.
Stay at this spot until Calisto passes by the two marked tiles to the north, then go to the east tile, finally run north. You can now kill Callisto without being attacked as he is lured.

Once he starts attacking you, you will be good to go. Go ahead and attack him; there isn’t much else to it. It is recommended to pray to protect item and mage at all times. If you are praying mage, the TB is only 2 and a half minutes.
How To Fend Off PKers
It doesn’t take that long to lure Callisto and the running probably takes 30% of the time you’re out there. The hardest part is probably getting away from pkers, but if you have a dinh’s bulwark using it, it will be beneficial. You can also lure the pkers towards Callisto, and sometimes he will attack them. If that’s the case, you are in singles; he is combat; you can log out.
If a pker seems like he knows he’s doing, put on on your tank gear, pray mage, and throw on augury. Augury works great to get away from pkers because they are going to try to freeze you to stop you. Anytime you get frozen, they’re going to start to either range you or melee you, for the most part, so focus two and keep augury on.
As you start to run south, all you have to do is get down to level 30, and if you have a teleport block, you should have enough food most of the time to be able to tank it, unless you got full tb in which case it might be hard to spend five minutes out there in the wilderness.
If you can teleport, go ahead. If you can’t, keep running. If you run across Venenatis, do the same time as with callisto; in any scenario is best to fight them instead of pkers. As a last resort to save you from Callisto as you wait, run further ahead to find green dragons. If you want to be safe out here, you can bring an anti-fire potion and box them.