- The first thing that you will need to do is completing the Bone Voyage Quest to unlock Fossil Island.
- You will also need to have at least level 5 hunter and level 5 construction to make a birdhouse.
- 49 Magic For Enhancing Digsite Pendant
The higher levels you have of a hunter and crafting, the better.
Also, you will have to make several digsite pendants.
How To Make a Digsite Pendant
You will need 49 magic to enchant digsite pendants.
The first step is getting yourself to the Varrock Museum, located northeast of the center of Varrock. If you have done the Dig Site quest before, you won’t have any problems getting there.

Once you are there, take the tools from the wall and wield the leather gloves and leather boots.

Search the piles of uncleaned finds on the center of the room to get the dig site specimen rocks. Go ahead and place them on the specimen table, one by one, until you find the clean necklace (it looks like a ruby).

There’s a 1 in 151 chances of getting it, so you’ll have to keep going back to the pile several times.
Once you find the clean necklace, use it on one of the archeologists cleaning the table. After that, you will have learned how to make a digsite pendant.
It is recommended to make many of these pendants because you will be using them a lot to teleport around Fossil Island.

You can buy ruby necklaces from the Grand Exchange and use a level 3 enchant spell (level 49 magic) to make digsite pendants.
How To Unlock Fossil Island Teleport and Mushroom Teleport
Apart from the teleports, you will also have to unlock Mushroom Trees. They are similar to Spirit Trees, and you will need them to travel around Fossil Island.
Gear yourself up with a teleport to house, digsite pendant, and a stamina potion. Click on your digsite pendant and choose the rub option that will teleport you nearby a boat, run east towards it until you reach the Barge Guard to travel quickly.

After that, you will be located right in the middle of Fossil Island. From there, run up north past the agility shortcut until you rich the building on the smaller island. When you get to the building, climb the stairs, run to the center, and then use your digsite pendant on the machine on the south side of the building.

That will unlock the Fossil Island teleport.

Once you’re finished, head north of the building to the Mushroom Tree. To unlock it, click on it, then rub the pendant to get back to the digsite. There is another Mushroom Tree south of the island, Verdant Valley, and another on the northwestern side, the Mushroom Meadow. Follow the same process to unlock them.

To get ready for your birdhouse runs, you will have to buy quite a few hop seeds. These are the ones that are recommended, you can simply buy the seeds from the grand exchange or steal from the farmer if you are an ironman.

To build a birdhouse, the exact kind of house you can build will depend entirely on your hunter and crafting levels. Of course, the best one that you can build, the higher XP you will get.

Next, you will need to get the logs for the house that you have chosen. You can buy them from the Grand Exchange or make them in your player’s own house. A hammer and a chisel are required as well.

To build the birdhouse, extract the items that you will need from your bank. Use the logs on the clockwork, and that will get the job done.

Birdhouse Runs
Bring 4 of the houses that you have built with you, as well as your seeds. Don’t forget your digsite pendant and teleport to the house.

Rub the digsite pendant and use the Fossil Island option. Run up north and use the mushroom tree to Verdant Valley. Once you are there, set your birdhouses on the brown spots on the ground, use your seeds on them, and then go ahead and run to the next one.

There are two spots in Verdant Valley.

To get to the others, use the mushroom tree to go to Mushroom Meadow and follow the same process.

After an hour has passed, you can start collecting the loot by simply right-clicking on the birdhouses and emptying them.